Sure enough, it's better to tell him the story of Mu Jiufeng. Muxi continued: "she didn't have the support of your people when she arrived at that position. She completely built up the Shenmiao nationality belonging to your Mu family on a higher position with her own strength, and even pushed the Shenmiao nationality to one of the nine tribes in that position."

The dusk evening talks to stop here, she tightly stares at mu Xiaoran's eyes and says: "do you know where you and her difference is?" Mu Xiaoran shook his head in a daze. He was frightened by the sight of this examination. Dushi said slowly, "be strong. You and her difference in strong, you can strength, talent can, family can. But you never get rid of these, you just want to die, and you think about her? What did she stand on? She doesn't live for faith, she just lives for life. Do you understand? "

Twilight has never comforted a person as patiently as this, because Twilight feels guilty for him. After all, Mu Jiufeng's inheritance has been taken away by her. Mu Xiaoran pondered for a while, then turned to smile at dusk, he said: "yes! There's no reason to live, just to live. "

When he realized this, he was relieved to believe in the leader. Why is he willing to draw a dungeon? He said to Dushi, "I'm very happy to make you a friend! I believe that one day I can go to the highest level to set up my own career

Twilight nodded and said, "I'm sure you'll have that day." What reassures Mu Xi is that mu Xiaoran never mentions Mu Jiufeng again, and she doesn't have to take out those inheritance treasures. However, she promises that when she has finished studying, she will return all these to Mu's family, but not now.

After a meal, mu Xiaoran sincerely said to Mu Xi, "Miss Qin, I hope you can come to our lingmiao people as a guest in the future." Evening just promised like answer, did not expect to really go in the future. Before she returned to her address, she purchased a lot of materials on the street and went back to the students' restaurant of Xuanyuan university all the way.

As soon as I enter the door, I see liuge'er winking at her. Dusk says helplessly: "brother, you should take care of your wife." Then he went into his room. Liuge'er, Qin Qingyun and fengqingyue came in consciously. Qin Qingyun asked curiously, "what did you say to him?"

Evening night rubbed to rub Temple way: "in the future I slowly tell you, maybe can also find the news of Qin Lengshuang." Hearing this, Qin Qingyun is also serious. She heard from her grandfather that she went to Xueyan hall. Is it possible that they are discussing about Xueyan hall today?

Without waiting for him to ask, Dushi changed the topic and said to the popular song, "today I found a treasure in the secret place and gave it to you." Liuge'er heard the excitement and called out: "for me? I knew you were the best to me! The gift given by the master's wife is not bad

Dushi said unhappily: "I'm not taking his things for you. He's him and I'm me. It's as if the present I gave you would not be good without him. " Liu Ge'er blinked his eyes and said, "it's all the same anyway. The gifts you two gave are not much different."

Twilight night helplessly shook his head, her sister-in-law is no help. She released Jin Xiaoying from the space. In a moment, most of the room was occupied by it. Qin Qingyun stares at the big guy straight. He stares at the dusk and says, "how did you bring it out?"

Dusk Xi shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's coming out with me." As soon as Jin Xiaoying came out, he said to Dushi, "that's great! Oh, my God, how wonderful your pet is Dusk Xi ignored it, but said to Liu Ge'er: "I gave it to you, the talking Warcraft will not be too bad."

After all, Liu Ge'er is the weakest among them. Liu Ge'er stares at Jin Xiaoying like a wolf, clapping his hands and gossiping around him. Jin Xiaoying's hair stood up by her, and she wanted to hide behind dusk, but it was so big that it was very conspicuous everywhere.

Feng Qingyue asked: "at that time, it attracted so many golden eagles?" It held its head high for a moment and said, "of course! I'm their boss. They don't listen to me or anyone else. " Don't say good, it said found that the wind clear month's eyes cold whoosh looking at it.

Twilight night to it said: "after you follow her, when her contract spirit pet." Jin Xiaoying shook his head and said, "I don't want to be her spiritual pet. It looks so weak." Liu Ge'er went over and poked its wings and said, "who do you think is weak?"

It haughtily turned its head to one side. Dusk Xi said to it with a smile: "since you don't want to, I can only put you back to the secret place tomorrow. I've been locked up by the little boy you said all my life." After hearing this, Jin Xiaoying's head turned quickly.

Suddenly, it spread its wings and was about to fly out of the window. Dusk night snorted and dragged it down again with a vine. Jinxiaoying laughs at dusk: "it's late!" How cheap it thought it had picked up! However, Liu Ge'er's mind is simple, and she is very happy to contract such a Warcraft.

She didn't care whether the golden eagle was voluntary or not. She happily said to the golden eagle, "I'll call you Xiao Jin, OK?" Dusk night turned to turn an eye bad smile of say: "you call him small Xiao how?" Qin Qingyun said with a smile: "this name is good, but that Lingxiao is not very good now."

Ever since the quarrel between dusk night and Chu Xiaoxiao, she has devoted herself to Ling Xiao. He was pestering him all day, and Li Haoyu was pestering Chu Xiaoxiao all day. Liu Ge'er couldn't breathe when she thought of this. She said, "the three of them are like conjoined twins. They are inseparable. They are all together in this purchase."

Qin Qingyun shook his head and said, "I really admire Lingxiao. I have a good temper." Dusk Xi thought for a while and said, "don't say that in front of him. I don't think he is as simple as it seems. You'd better not provoke him."

They all nodded seriously when they saw the look of dusk. Anyway, it's right to listen to dusk. After chatting and laughing in the evening room for a while, they all went back to their rooms. No one cared about the view of the Golden Eagle. Leisure down when dusk Xi will think of a hundred miles burning Jin.

From that day when he left, twilight did not contact him. She picked up her pen and wrote: I miss you. How have you been?

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