She maliciously said to Li Haoyu: "tomorrow you will do Qin Muxi, as long as you do her, no matter what you ask me to do in the future!" Li Haoyu's face turned white. He shook his head and said, "no, no, I can't do it."

The situation in the secret place can be seen clearly from the outside. Anyway, he is also a gentleman, and there is an enigmatic hundred Li Fen Jin behind him. Chu Xiao looked at Li Haoyu coldly and said, "don't you like me? Don't you want to see me hurt? Now, that Qin Dushi has hurt me and hurt me seriously. Won't you help me? "

Then she stroked Li Haoyu's face with her hand. He kept sweating and his heart was beating fast. He nodded and said, "I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow."

Chu Xiaoxiao gently kisses Li Haoyu's face again and says, "as long as you do things well, you can let me do anything for you."

Then she handed Li Haoyu a medicine bag and said to him, "put this in her food. Be careful. No one will find it." Li Haoyu nodded and rushed out of her room. But as soon as he went out, Chu Xiaoxiao recovered his ferocious face.

For her, she just wanted to take advantage of Li Haoyu. How could those promises be taken seriously? She would kick him out as soon as things were done. Li Haoyu was obviously not as obedient as she thought. When he returned to his room, he immediately threw away the bag of medicine.

It's not because he's such a gentleman, and he had a relationship with Dushi before. It's mainly because everyone outside can see every move in the secret place. He's not stupid enough to help Chu Xiao at the risk of being shamed by people all over the world.

Dusk Xi locks herself in the door and stares at the letter guide, which is the communication tool that Bai Li Fen Jin gives her. Dusk night again thought of Lingxiao said, he is not know what? But dusk night feels that Lingxiao seems to have a plan for her.

She put the letter beside her pillow, but there was still no reply from him. She forced herself to sleep, but she couldn't sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, the warm feeling of Baili burning Jin still existed in her head.

Night night a snore turn up, patted his head, how today is not used to it? He didn't think of him like this before. Now dusk is really worried about him. He can't sleep. Although she felt in her heart that no one could hurt him with her strength.

Because in her heart, Bai Li Fen Jin has always been an invincible image, but she still can't stop worrying. He's seriously injured now? Dusk night heart suddenly flustered, why this time she is not at his side, why she is so weak, can't help him.

Dusk Xi shakes her head hard to let herself not think so much, but in the end, she worries more about Bai Li Fen Jin than her reason. She's going to ask Lingxiao what happened to Bai Li Fen Jin. But before she went, she wrote something about her and Lingxiao in the letter. She wanted to be honest with Baili burning Jin.

She leads the letter on her body. She is afraid that she can't reply to the news of Bai Li Fen Jin in time. She also called Qin Qingyun up, she and Qin Qingyun hesitated for a long time outside the Lingxiao gate, and finally knocked on his door. The door opened quickly inside.

Lingxiao saw a few invisible radians on his lips. Dusk night straight to the point asked: "do you know the hundred Li burning Jin is how to return a responsibility?" "I can tell you, but I'll only tell you one person," he said after a slight hum

With that, he looked coldly at Qin Qingyun. Qin Qingyun frowned and said to him, "no, I don't believe you." However, the evening comforted Qin Qingyun and said, "you should guard at the door. As long as there is something wrong, it's not too late for you to come in again."

Qin Qingyun wanted to say something else, but he was stopped by dusk. She entered the door of Lingxiao. He closed the door and let Qin Qingyun be on guard. "What do you know?" she asked directly He pulled out the bench and said to Dushi, "sit down first."

Dusk night at this time to suppress the inner restlessness and anger, she sat quietly on the bench without saying a word. Lingxiao picked up the teapot on the table, poured two cups of tea, and handed one to Dushi. But dusk just looked, but did not start. "But don't believe me?" he asked

"Just not in the mood," she replied He snorted and said, "is that what you want to know about him?" Dusk night white, he one eye way: "nonsense, you say after all don't say, don't say I left." He said slowly, "is he that good? But he may be seriously injured now. "

Dushi impatiently said: "what may not be possible, do you know?" He looked at twilight and said seriously, "he is seriously injured. He is not as powerful as you think. What else do you want to do with him?" Dushi stares at him and says, "even if he has been lying on the bed all his life, I will follow him. If you don't have any other news, I'll leave

Then she got up from the bench. Lingxiao looked at her quietly, as if thinking about the meaning of her sentence. He said: "I am also from the temple. I heard that he was seriously injured, but I only know so much."

After hearing this, she leaves. She is not curious about who Lingxiao is and why she sneaks into Xuanxuan University. Now she only worries about the injury of Bai Li Fen Jin. It has been so many days without contact, which means that he is seriously injured and unconscious, so he can't get back to her at all.

Lingxiao snorted to the air in the room: "he is no longer the invincible God of war. How can he be a hero when he falls down from the altar?" Qin Qingyun anxiously asked, "what's the matter?" Dusk Xi light smile way: "nothing, is a hundred Li burn Jin out of something, don't worry."

Then she walked into her room with heavy steps. This time she didn't want to burn Jinbai Li any more. It had already happened, so she had to find a way to solve it instead of being depressed. She got into the space and began to practice.

Only when we are strong, we can fight with him and stay with him when he is injured. In the camp of the temple, Bai Li Fen Jin lies quietly on the bed. Even in a coma, he is still a look that people dare not approach.

Lu Li and Fei Jimo anxiously stay by his side. Fei Jimo's face is hard to cover up. It can be seen that he hasn't slept for a long time.

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