However, Bai Li Fen Jin uses the thunder attribute, while Mo Lou Ying uses the dark attribute. By their strength, they have already jumped out of the shackles of basic attributes. The hundred Li burning Jin sword points to the sky, and the sky of the magic tower shadow is covered with dark clouds.

There are spider web like cracks in the clouds, each crack seems to contain infinite power, emitting a dazzling light, hundred Li Fen Jin yelled: "broken!" All of a sudden, the thunder and lightning in the crack became a net to cover the shadow of the magic tower.

There is even water in the lightning net clinging to the net like a snake, adding another layer of power to the lightning net. The evil building shadow frowns and closely looks at the fast approaching net. He seriously underestimates the strength of Bai Li Fen Jin, who is much more powerful than he imagined.

He used the dark attribute, and suddenly a black hole like space appeared over his head, which seemed to devour everything. Lightning network in the radiation of lightning are absorbed by the black hole, hundred Li burning Jin said: "kill!" All of a sudden, lightning flies to the shadow of the magic building.

The sound of thunder and lightning can even be heard on the Internet, as if there are thunder and Lightning Radiation reactors at every point on the Internet. It's very powerful, accompanied by a rumbling sound, and it's also very shocking in momentum. The magic tower shadow can only resist the black hole.

From the beginning to now, Bai Li Fen Jin has always grasped the opportunity, constantly attacking, and he can only be forced to defend. But this time, he felt that he could not stand it. The power of the explosive lightning net made it hard for him to resist. The black hole absorbed part of the energy.

But most of them burst in his body. When he was hit by lightning, he even felt pain reaching his brain, and burst in his brain. He couldn't stand it any more. He was lying on the ground shaking uncontrollably and howling in pain.

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at him coldly, and doesn't kill him at this time. It's not because he is kind, but because he thinks it's more fun to watch him live and die. However, the evil building shadow is stronger than the imagination of Bai Li Fen Jin. After this painful torture, he still stands up tremblingly.

His whole body scorched and said: "you will regret that you didn't kill me just now." Bai Li Fen Jin said with a smile, "I'm very happy. I haven't met my opponent for a long time." Indeed, he has been in the high position for too long, and has rarely experienced the excitement brought by his opponents.

Magic floor shadow this time first with the sword to hundred Li burn Jin attack, but hundred Li burn Jin is still free to resist, they keep changing angle and posture with the sword. They can't feel the passage of time day and night in the butcher's sword. Whoever can fight to the end is the winner.

But it's hard for Fei Jimo and Lu Li, who are waiting anxiously outside. After all, Bai Li's body is still unconscious after so many days. There has been worried about the hundred Li burn Jin's twilight, if he knew that twilight so care about him, will certainly end the battle as soon as possible.

However, at this time, he was in the middle of war and devoted himself to the battle. He had reached a state of selflessness. Suddenly, Mo Lou Ying felt a familiar smell on Bai Li Fen Jin. He saw a small black hole in his hands, and the scope was expanding.

The evil building shadow looks at the action in the hand of hundred Li burn Jin, inconceivable say: "impossible! How is that possible? You're not going to be dark! " Dark attribute, only people in the devil's land can rise, but Bai Li Fen Jin is the guardian of the temple.

What's more, he found that the black hole condensed by Bai Li Fen Jin is very weak at the moment, indicating that it is a newly rising property. Even in the devil's land, there are very few people who rise up to the dark attribute, which shows that Bai Li Fen Jin realized the dark attribute only through him. When he looked at Bai Li Fen Jin, he had a strong fear in his eyes.

He has extraordinary strength and talent. If we don't kill him today, I'm afraid we won't have another chance in the future. He frowned as if he had made up his mind. After biting his finger and bleeding, he condensed it into a small black hole with the dark attribute, drew a disk with blood on the black hole, and said incantations in his mouth.

Bai Li Fen Jin suddenly felt a breath of unusual danger. He quickly flew to destroy the blood array disk, but a gloomy voice came from it and said: "ghost cave Taba accept the call." Then a huge, ugly, tusked mouth, spine covered with thorns monster appeared from the blood array disk.

The evil building shadow points to hundred Li burn Jin to say: "kill him for me!" After receiving the instruction, Taba went straight to Baili burning Jin. He felt a slight tremor on the ground every step. Bai Li Fen Jin stares at this big guy tightly, and uses the lightning net to burst beside Taba again.

Although it is full of lightning wounds, but it seems to have no pain, half of the speed is not reduced. Bai Li Fen Jin had to attack him with a sword, but his body was like an iron wall. He couldn't hurt him with a sword.

He raised his claw and grabbed Bai Li Fen Jin fiercely at a very fast speed. Bai Li Fen Jin couldn't dodge and was hurt by his claw. He caught Bai Li Fen Jin in an instant. His strength was so strong that he couldn't move. It uses its sharp claws to pierce into the five viscera of Bai Li Fen Jin.

Because Bai Li Fen Jin is now in a state of soul, the pain is more intense. Bai Li Fen Jin does not make a sound. He raises his foot and kicks hard at Taba. Suddenly, it rolls out a long distance. But then came the roar of anger.

The magic tower shadow uses the forbidden technique of the devil kingdom. It burns the soul to summon the underground spirits. It can't go back to the underground without completing the task. The fact that Taba can be called shows that he is very powerful. He is one of the best people in the underground. However, he was kicked away by this human, which made him feel disgraced.

Taba got up and ran to Baili Huojin quickly, but Baili Huojin had a huge black hole in his hand, which was much better than just now. He resisted the pain in his body and waited for Taba to come. Taba thought it was just an ordinary black hole, but the closer he got, he found that the black hole was not so simple.

It was too late for him to stop, because he couldn't stop at all. The black hole seemed to have an invisible pull to draw it into it. It looks at the black hole in fear, it has no way back. Despite its struggle, it can't escape the attraction of the black hole.

At last, it uttered a cry of despair. When it completely entered the black hole, Baili Huojin boldly sealed the black hole, and it could not come out any more. The devil building shadow is also very desperate at the moment. This is his last weapon, and it's useless now.

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