He really appreciates the character of Muxi. He also really wants to be friends with Muxi. At that time, her words gave him a lot of motivation, and even gave him the courage to live. Before, he sent students to sneak attack, and he was sorry for Muxi.

Now he can't do such a thing any more. For him, friendship between friends is more important than these games. They did not go out a few steps, they heard the shouts of the students, mu Xiaoran turned back, found a student's ankle was entangled by the rope, the whole person upside down in the tree.

He chuckled. This kind of trap, which is not lethal but full of evil taste, looks like what dusk will do. He took a look and left quickly. After the others rescued him, they hesitated to move forward.

Before that student said: "it's such a small trap. What's to be afraid of! This is a great opportunity. As long as we win the competition instead of Baiyu University, we can get the most resources and the best venue. Don't you want it? "

But there are still many students are very hesitant, only one or two people follow him, he snorted: "if you don't go, we'll go, then we'll have no advantage to you!" Then they strode forward.

After walking for several steps, he turned his head and looked at the students who hesitated and dared not go. He laughed and said, "you rubbish! A group of incompetent things, I'm ok! " He walked forward as he spoke. No sooner had he finished than there was an explosion at his feet.

Shun, they were blown out a few meters away, more or less injured, although the evening improved the bomb, but there is still a certain lethality, suddenly bombed to no one. Those students who didn't leave began to celebrate. Fortunately, they didn't go.

The blood on the student's face was mixed with mud, which made him look very embarrassed. He could only struggle to stand up tremblingly. In fact, the injury was not heavy, mainly because he was scared, especially when he recalled the bomb that was tested yesterday evening.

Although he didn't see what it was and didn't know what it was, he really felt the vibration caused by the bomb yesterday. Now he was afraid of returning the same way, for fear that he would step on more and bigger bombs.

The evening evening side also heard the movement, the stream song son suddenly excited to shout, the evening night looked at her and said: "what are you doing? All of a sudden Liuge'er ran to Dushi and said, "you didn't bomb some of us yesterday. I didn't need so much. I just found a time to bury them at the border. I didn't expect that my bombs would come in handy!"

She was excited for a moment and wondered, "no, who will go to our border? Now we are all here, what if they rob our territory! " The anxiety in her tone made Dushi feel funny, especially after she thought about it for so long.

Liu Ge'er looks at the smiling face of dusk and says, "how can you still be so playful! Our territory is going to be occupied! Do you know! Hum! I won't talk to you! " When she was about to visit their territory, she met mu Xiaoran, who had just come back.

She pointed to Mu Xiaoran's nose and said, "I thought you were friends with Mu Xi! You even make small moves behind us when we don't pay attention. I didn't expect you to be such a person! " Mu Xiaoran quickly waved his hand and said, "it's not me. You can think about it."

Liuge'er looked at them as if they were not injured and whispered, "no, it's impossible that they were not injured when they were bombed." All of a sudden, she suddenly pointed to Mu Xiaoran's nose and said, "I know! You must have sent others. We have all the people in thunder University. You are the only one who has not got all of them, right? "

Mu Xiaoran was really lazy to explain to her. He went straight to Dushi, arched his hand to her and said, "I'm sorry about what happened before. I'm not right. I'll make it up to you!" Liu Ge'er said with a smile: "I knew I guessed right! You sent them! "

Twilight night helplessly looked at Liu Ge'er, this child is really, although the age is older than Twilight night, but sometimes naive like a child. Dushi looked at her with a smile and said, "yes, you guessed right. You are the best! Go and let my elder brother boast about you. "

Liu Ge'er ran to Qin Qingyun to show off. At dusk, she looked at mu Xiaoran and said, "I know it's inevitable in the competition, and we are still in the opposite camp." Mu Xiaoran said nervously, "do you think that girl is right?"

He didn't want to explain it to Liu Ge'er, but it was necessary to explain it to Mu Xi. When he was about to explain, Mu Xi said, "I believe you. I've given you a chance. If you follow the people of your university to occupy our territory, I will respect you, but I may not be your friend. Fortunately, you chose me."

Mu Xiaoran anxiously pointed to Liu Ge'er. Looking at his action, Mu Xi said with a smile, "she is just so kind. When you can't make sense with her, just follow her meaning and she won't pester you." Mu Xiaoran nodded at ease.

But Dushi teased him again and said, "but you're not really the material to be the boss. Those students won't listen to you." Mu Xiaoran shook his head helplessly and said: "I'm really not suitable to lead the people. My father also said that to me, but I don't want to be a leader. I just want to practice well."

"Don't worry, let my elder brother teach you some time later. He is very proficient in this. Besides, as the son of lingmiao clan leader, you won't and you will, besides, don't you want to take back the Xueyan hall? What if they trouble you later? "

Evening evening a casual joke, did not expect a prophecy in the future. Mu Xiaoran dropped his eyes and said, "of course I want to, but I don't have much confidence. Now the influence of Xueyan hall has a tendency to surpass us." "Don't worry, we'll help you when you have something to do in the future," she said with a smile

Mu Xiaoran said with a smile: "thank you very much!" With the inheritance of Mu Jiufeng, Mu Xi naturally has a sense of responsibility for the Mu family. If the Mu family is in trouble, she will do her part in both public and private affairs. It took only three days.

Xuanyuan University seized all the territory, which undoubtedly hit a lot of people in the face, especially those who had bet on thunder University before.

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