She's really nice to her. She can't be indifferent. She almost blurted out her consent, but she also has her own dignity.

She said to Bai Li Fen Jin seriously: "I know that I can't match you with my current strength. I don't want to say that you have poor vision after others see me. I don't want to destroy your image in their hearts because of me. However, when I get to your position, I will marry you in a beautiful way. "

The light and sincere emotion in her eyes can't deceive people. Bai Li Fen Jin laughs a few times. His wife is so lovely and distressing. He knows from the beginning that Dushi is not the kind of woman who is willing to live behind others. She has her own ideals and pursuits. What can she do? Who can make him move first? Since then, she can't let go.

What makes him most happy is that she finally has the consciousness and determination to marry him. Before, she always avoided this topic, and her mind was not on getting married at all. Now her attitude has changed, which makes him very satisfied. However, he could not afford to wait any longer, but he believed that with his talent and talent, this day would not be far away.

Dusk night suddenly said to him with a charming smile: "although we don't have the title of husband and wife, we can have the reality of husband and wife first." Then he patted his head and said, "no, you've been seriously injured recently. It's important to take good care of yourself."

Hundred Li burn Jin also to her lips evil spirit smile way: "injury heavy calculate what?"? Whenever you like. "

Dusk Xi quickly shook his head and said, "forget it. If you want to recover from illness, you must have a clear mind and few desires."

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at her with a smile and says, "you are by my side. How can I be pure hearted and lustless?" Dusk Xi waved his hand and said, "don't think about this. I'm hungry too. Let's go to dinner."

He looked at the evening with a smile, but also obediently took the meal to the table. The dusk evening suddenly doubts of ask a way: "before mu Xiaoran has been saying of wood spirit, water spirit is how to return a responsibility?"

He looked at dusk and said, "don't mention other men's names in front of me in the future. I will be unhappy."

Dusk night helplessly looking at him way: "good good, now can speak?"

Then he said, "when the power of attributes reaches a certain level, spirits will be born. They will have their own consciousness and can help you fight, but relatively speaking, you will consume much more spiritual power."

Dushi nodded and understood that although her fire attribute has a weak consciousness, it has not yet generated a spirit body. She can't help her fight. The only thing she has now is water spirit, and it's not her credit. It's mainly because of the ice sword. It seems that she has to work hard to cultivate her own attribute spirit body.

Bai Li Fen Jin said slowly: "do you remember the nine tribes of the temple I mentioned before? Yulan may have something to do with one of the tribes. "

"What's the relationship?" she asked curiously? Is he from the temple, too? You Temple people are idle. "

He said with a smile: "the war in ancient times made people of many tribes panic, especially the tribal leaders, who would put their descendants in a safe place."

Dusk night stares big good-looking eyes to ask a way: "that Yu blue he is also after nine big tribes?"? By the way, I remember he said he had a map on him

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded and said, "that's it. I think he'd better not follow you. I'll let Qian Mo take him back to the temple. His home is there."

Dusk Xi thought for a while and said, "I'll talk to him. I guess he doesn't want to see you now."

Bai Li Fen Jin thought, I don't want to see him, especially he has been living in the twilight space. It makes people feel uncomfortable to think about it, but he nodded as usual. After the meal, Dushi cooked herbs for him, and he suddenly said, "I want to take a bath."

Twilight night doubts a way: "that you go, tell me why?"

He stares at dusk night way: "I want you to help me bathe."

She frowned and said, "you have internal injuries, not injuries. It's not a problem to take a bath by myself. Besides, I want to take a bath, too. "

He said to the dusk with a smile: "then we'll be together?"

She blushed and said, "who's washing with you, hooligan?"

Then he closed the door and let himself bathe. In the land of idyllic beauty, she was bathed in another room. This life was very leisurely, as if she was in a paradise of the world. She did not need to think about her strength, and did not have to consider the dispute. But she could not always be like this, otherwise she would lose her fighting spirit.

After the bath, she wore a long white nightgown. The style and fabric were very modern, and the waist and ankle were closed. For dusk, even the Nightgown, she wanted to be beautiful and comfortable, which was specially made by Qiuyue when she was in the general's mansion. When she thought of the general's mansion, she thought of her grandfather and parents. I don't know what happened to them.

But she didn't have time to sigh. When she entered the space, she saw Yulan sitting by the side of the medicine field. There were several little guys sitting around him, constantly comforting him. Xuyao and xueshu stood by to watch the excitement. Dusk approached him and asked, "how are you reflecting today?"

He took a look at dusk, snorted, and turned away from her. Dusk night is not angry, self-care said: "what he said is true, we are a fiancee, when the temple is about to get married. You know what? I've found your home. Your home is in the temple. There's your family in it. Do you want to go back? "

Yu blue smell speech, eyes and flashing tears, choking said: "I like you, you can not marry him, I will be better than he also to you."

Dushi laughingly looked at him and said: "there are many feelings between people, including love, family and friendship. I like him because of love. I like you and you like me. It's family. Do you understand? "

Yulan has been alone in a secret place since he was a child. No one has taught him these, and he can't tell the difference between them. With tears in his eyes, he said: "can family love be together all the time?"

"Of course you can, but when you find your own love, you don't necessarily want to be with your sister all the time," she said with a smile

Yu blue Du mouth way: "just won't! I'm not like my sister! With him, I'll be ignored. Are you going to send me to the temple? I won't go. You said it yourself. Even if it's family, we can stay together all the time. "

Yulan is still small at the moment. He doesn't know how to laugh at him with this sentence in the future. Sometimes, people don't talk too full.

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