With that, he ran away and didn't give him any time to react. When he did, he had already run far away.

The evening night helplessly holds forehead way: "he also does not say clearly, the competition place is where."

Bai Li Fen Jin said clearly: "since there are not many people here, it may be in the outer space."

Dushi nodded and quickly took Bai Li Fen Jin to the outside of Xuanyuan University. She didn't stay outside for long, but went inside. Originally, she was assigned to the military academy. Yes, she didn't stay for long. This time, she just went to have a look.

When they got to the outside, they found that there was a lot of excitement here, and many students were in full swing. There are also some students who are busy signing up. In the long line, Dushi finds the student she stopped to ask.

She asked him, "are you here to sign up for this? What's the use of this? "

"How come you don't know anything?" he said impatiently as he stood in line

Hundred Li burn Jin aware of his unhappy attitude, micro squint eyes will want to exert pressure on him, he carefully protect the people, how can others bully? Dusk night aware of his action, quickly hold his hand, gave him a reassuring look.

He just gave up and said to the humanist with a smile at dusk: "we have been practicing all this month. We don't know what happened in the University."

Although Bai Li Fen Jin didn't exert any pressure on him, he still felt the change of his whole body. He knew that Bai Li Fen Jin was powerful and not easy to provoke. So he became respectful.

Facing Mu Xi, he said: "now the students who can fight on the field are all the students outside our university. Only the internal students can sign up. Once they sign up, they can compete with the students who have won the competition in secret. The lucky ones can also be promoted like them."

Twilight nodded to show understanding, and then asked: "do you know where the students who won the game in secret are now?"

He pointed to the front of the line and said, "right in front. Maybe you can see them."

As she was about to move forward, she was stopped by a pretty and lovely girl. She blinked her bright eyes, half curious and half excited, and asked, "are you the sister of Twilight who is competing in secret?"

When she asked, many people around her were looking back to confirm whether it was the evening of the freshman who participated in the competition for the University. Almost all the students on the scene watched the broadcast of the competition in secret in the University, and soon a lot of voices came from the crowd.

"She really looks a bit like that Qin Dushi."

"Yes, that girl Qin is not only like a fairy, but also has high strength. This girl is really a bit like her."

"But all the freshmen who took part in the secret place competition got together. Why is she alone?"

Many people believe that she is Qin Muxi, but they are still not sure. Especially the student who was stopped by Muxi just now is a little bit scared. Although he was surprised to see Muxi at first, he didn't think about the secret place, so his attitude was not very good before.

Now the comments of the people around him made him feel more and more real. The little girl continued to ask, "are you sister Muxi?"

There was no choice but to nod and admit with a smile. In an instant, the people around her were boiling up, especially the little girl, who rushed up and took the arm of Dushi, and said with a smile: "sister, you are so powerful! It's a credit to our university! "

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the restless crowd around him, and the little girl holding the twilight. The color of displeasure at the bottom of his eyes is more and more intense. He keeps releasing cold air to the people around him. In an instant, the little girl and the crowd are forced to retreat.

Twilight night helplessly looking at hundred Li burning Jin's action, she had to be embarrassed to smile to the students in the University: "I know what you mean, do you want to compete with me?"

The students nodded timidly. They were really afraid of Bai Li Fen Jin, but many of them couldn't help their hearts flooding. Their eyes turned to peach heart shape when they looked at Bai Li Fen Jin. Although evening is also the goddess of many students.

But the momentum of Bai Li Fen Jin's whole body is infiltrating people. They dare not even think carefully. Dushi said to the students, "I can't compete with so many of you alone, so I put my ice sword out. It's also very powerful."

Then the ice sword flew out of the space by itself. It was always aggressive. It also liked to compete with others in this way. There were fewer teams to sign up in a moment. Everyone was curious about the sword and wanted to fight it.

So in a short time, the dusk became lively, especially the ice sword hovering in the sky was very conspicuous, which shocked the Xuanyuan mansion leader and Qin Qingyun.

Liu Ge'er excitedly pointed to the ice sword in the air and said, "look! It's the ice sword of dusk. She must be back! " Then she ran in the direction of the ice sword.

She followed Xuanyuan mansion leader, Qin Qingyun and fengqingyue behind her. They could not hide their happy look. And running in front of all of them is Lingxiao. As soon as he noticed the ice sword, he quickly flew away.

And the location of Dushi and Baili burning Jin is also very conspicuous. Because of Baili burning Jin, there are not many students around them. Such a lively venue, only their piece, seems very open. Lingxiao naturally noticed their figures easily.

Today, Lingxiao is also wearing a black dress, but it is pure color, revealing a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere. Compared with the black gold robe of Bai Li Fen Jin, it is less domineering and luxurious. He didn't care about the watchful eyes of Bai Li Fen Jin and went straight to dusk.

Lingxiao looked at dusk and asked, "where have you been this month? I can't even find you

Don't wait for dusk Xi to open her mouth, Bai Li Fen Jin blocks her behind. Her eyes are full of defensive look. She says to Lingxiao: "don't bother, she is with me naturally. She is my wife."

This is their first formal meeting, and the atmosphere has been very tense, not only because of dusk, but also because Bai Li Fen Jin feels Lingxiao has a very familiar and dangerous atmosphere, which makes him very alert to Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao turns his eyes to Bai Li Fen Jin. His eyes are calm, and he is not afraid of him, which is totally different from those students who were afraid of Bai Li Fen Jin before.

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