Yu blue disappear of that moment, Feng Zhixiang is a Leng at first, and then Yin ruthless smile, he staggered to stand up and said: "he has disappeared, now I want to see how long you can live!"

Although he was injured by Yulan, but even now the strength, can not be underestimated. At dusk, they also struggled to stand up. Except liuge'er was seriously injured, they were all biting their teeth. Feng Zhixiang said to Feng Qingyue, "little bastard! How dare you collude with outsiders to hurt me

Feng Qingyue saw that everyone was not in a good state at this time, so he wanted to talk with him and let them adjust their state. He said, "I'm not even a member of wanjian villa, so there's no collusion with outsiders. But I didn't expect that you are not from wanjian villa. "

Feng Zhixiang was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "what is a wanjian villa? What does he mean by his smooth wind mirror? Only a coward will work for him. I'm loyal to Lord Yun. One day, Lord Yun will command the whole continent! "

After that, he opened his arms, raised his head, and laughed again, as if the cloud master had already ruled the whole continent. Feng Zhixiang stares at dusk and they say: "originally, I don't want to talk about this with you, but you are all dying people. It's OK to talk about it with you."

It has to be said that many bad people die of talking too much. Dushi wanted to speak, but the pain in her throat made it difficult for her to speak. Feng Qingyue looks at her, and her eyes are stained with a touch of heartache. Fortunately, they have been together for so long, and he knows what dusk Xi is going to say.

He looked at Feng Zhixiang and said, "who is that cloud master? Is it worth your life? "

Feng Zhixiang turned his head and glared at Feng Qingyue. He said with disdain, "how can people like you understand the greatness of Lord Yun?" With that, there was a trace of fascination in his eyes, and his eyes began to get confused.

Such a move makes Mu Xi feel very strange. How can she feel that master Yun is engaged in pyramid selling and has brainwashed Feng Zhixiang. He doesn't look like a normal person at all. He seems to be a puppet controlled by others at will, but this puppet still enjoys it.

Feng Qingyue asked again, "what great thing does this cloud master want to do?"

Feng Zhixiang drew back from his mind, and his face returned to the fierce and vicious. He snorted coldly and said, "what is master Yun going to do? Can you know? I'm kind enough to let you live so long. Next, let me take you on the road one by one! "

Then he licked his lips with his tongue. His eyes were full of excitement. It seemed that killing people could bring him extraordinary pleasure. His first target is twilight. He hates such beautiful young women, but he likes to see them struggling when they are dying.

This will make him very excited, he slowly towards the twilight, the smile on his face is bigger and bigger, the corner of his lips is higher and higher. Dusk Xi calmly looked at his figure, not half afraid, but also very lonely.

Feng Zhixiang feels that twilight is provoking him. He immediately speeds up his action, and then grabs twilight's neck with a claw like hand. He thinks that Twilight will howl in pain, show a fear expression, and struggle with his legs.

But he was wrong. Dushi just looked at him quietly, and there was no fear in her eyes. The corner of her mouth even drew a shallow arc. She moved her lips, but could not make a sound. She said to Feng Zhixiang, "Jia Lijun, Feng Qingming."

She speaks very slowly. Even those who can't understand the lip language can feel what she is saying. In particular, Feng Zhixiang is very familiar with these two people. Did not wait for her reaction to come over, dusk evening again with lip language say: "dark pass a piece of music, adulterous husband adulteress."

Feng Zhixiang naturally understood her meaning, and immediately his anger rose up. He put his hands around the neck of Dushi and said angrily, "what else do you know! What else do you know? " His emotions grew more intense.

He has completely ignored other people's movements. When he pinches the neck of dusk night, three swords are aimed at him. Qin Qingyun and Feng Qingyue each hold a long sword, and the other is an ice sword that has absorbed thousands of swords.

Dusk Xi's words ignited his anger. He concentrated on this side of dusk Xi. Until he felt the pain from his back, he could not turn back. He found that there were two swords straight into his chest. It didn't need to be Qin Qingyun and Feng Qingyue's.

Feng Zhixiang looked at his bloody chest with two swords in it. He was unwilling to shout and tried his best to use the wind attribute. Suddenly, there was a violent hurricane in the room, and even everyone was swept into such a storm.

When he was not willing to despair, the ice sword attacked him with all its strength. It was so fast that ice flowers appeared behind him. The fast speed also brought ice sword a different strength. Feng Zhixiang didn't expect that there was such a sword waiting for him.

He is at the end of the storm, but the attack of ice sword is overwhelming. The ice sword is comparable to the blood jade! The ice sword fiercely swept Feng Zhixiang's chest, even didn't stay in his body, but completely penetrated him.

The two swords were rushed out because of this speed. When they fell to the ground, they made two crisp sounds, followed by the sound of Feng Zhixiang falling to the ground. Before he died, his eyes were not willing to open. It seemed that he didn't believe that the power of the four people at dusk would kill him.

Or maybe he is not willing to see the great cause of the cloud Lord he is loyal to, but these are not known. At the moment when he fell to the ground, the wind attribute he had brought to a sudden stop, but now the four of them were caught in the storm.

As soon as the storm stopped, they fell heavily on the ground. Twilight endured the pain from the throat, but coughed a few times. The affected throat and skin hurt even more. Twilight finally fainted at the moment of falling.

Feng Qingyue and Qin Qingyun wanted to get away from this place quickly, but there were only two of them. Now there were three of them who fainted. Moreover, they all suffered a lot of injuries. It's really not good for them to go out now, so they began to cultivate themselves.

When she opened her eyes at dusk, she saw the luminous pearls inlaid in the room. She was so angry that Feng Zhixiang had so much money and made them miserable. She decided to take these luminous pearls away. She couldn't keep one for him. She could make a lot of money if she sold them outside!

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