He thought, with the age of twilight, how can he have such excellent medical skills? If he is cured, he will not get any benefits. Twilight looked at his hesitation and said, "do you believe me or the tutor of the general's house?"

Feng Jingping quickly arched his hand and said, "Miss Qin is joking. Please show me." As long as he doesn't take the medicine prescribed at dusk, there will be no big problem. He comforts himself like this.

Dusk night is naturally obedient, at this time will test her acting skills, goggles flat hand, arms scattered with large and small red patches, dusk night pretended to be surprised, whispered: "how and before Qingzhong poison is the same?"

Although it is a low voice, but she also controls the volume, just can let a person to hear. Sure enough, after hearing the words of dusk evening, Feng Jingping thought for a while. At this time, Jia Lijun and Feng Qingming also came. Feng Jingping's eyes locked on Jia Lijun tightly.

The latter is very confused, she just came, as for looking at her with such eyes? Feng Jingping put this matter down for a while. He turned to Feng Qingyue and said, "since you've been poisoned before? Now it's all right? "

The wind is clear and the moon is naturally acting with dusk evening, he nodded and said: "well, dusk evening cured."

He didn't believe in the medical skills of twilight, but now there is a living example in front of him. He naturally wants to seize this opportunity. He said to the dusk with a smile: "can you ask Miss Qin to treat me?"

Dusk night nature is generous smile way: "certainly good, this I have not from of reason?"

With the help of the wind mirror, he stretched out his arm. The red plaque on it startled Feng Qingming. He stared at the red plaque and said in a low voice: "how can it happen?" Then he turned to look at Jia Lijun, showing a clear look.

All these expressions have not escaped the eyes of Feng Jingping and Mu Xi. The corners of Mu Xi's lips are curving slightly, while Feng Jingping suppresses the anger in his heart. The matter has come to this point, and the development of the matter is expected by Mu Xi.

She released the soul eating bee, and it was as smooth as the previous several times to remove the toxin. She said with a confident smile: "OK, the toxin has been removed."

"Is that right?" Feng Jingping asked suspiciously? Won't it recur? "

The dusk night cold snorted and said: "since I've cured you, don't question my medical skill. He was poisoned before Qingyue. Can you see what's wrong with him these days? "

Feng Jingping said with a smile: "that's not what I mean. Miss Qin is very skillful in medicine. She deserves to be the daughter raised by the general's house."

Feng Qingming hears that Feng Qingyue's poison has been cleared away. He doesn't get angry. He stares at Feng Qingyue fiercely, as if he wants to see two holes in him. Fengqingyue is provocative to his eyes, fengqingming just want to scold, jialijun quickly hold him.

She felt that the situation seemed to be deviating from the track and developing in a direction unfavorable to her, so she wanted to pull fengqingming back first. Seeing her movements, she would not let her go. She said slowly, "the blood drop insect is a strange poison in the western regions. How can there be one in wanjian villa? Besides, it seems that the person who poisoned is very powerful. First, he poisoned the second young master of wanjian villa, and then he poisoned the villa master. It seems that he is not too timid. "

The words that dusk evening pretends to have no intention to say to Feng Jingping set off a lot of waves in Jia Lijun's and Feng Qingming's hearts. She continued: "it's not safe in wanjian mountain villa. How can I get married safely? In case I'm poisoned later, what can I do?"

Feng Jing Ping glared at Jia Lijun and said, "don't worry, Miss Qin. I'll send someone down to look for the person who poisoned her. I'll give you a satisfactory reply in three days."

"Is that right?" she said with a smile? It seems that the villa master is very determined. Please bother the villa master, but you must keep a close eye on the gate of wanjian villa so that the poisoned people will not escape. Then you can't give me a satisfactory answer. "

The mirror frowned and said, "no, don't worry. I won't let him run away." The reason why he didn't expose Jia Lijun on the spot was that he wanted to protect the face of wanjian villa. As long as he was given three days, he could get rid of all the relations with Jia Lijun and go up with the general's family.

Dusk doesn't care about his housework at all. Almost as soon as she leaves the bedroom of fengjingping, she goes to find Feng Jianxiong to deal with this kind of person. She might as well deal with poisons and herbs. After three days, she will see the result directly.

In the past three days, she has been concentrating on studying the toxins in Feng Jianxiong's body, and from time to time she has to refine antidote pills for him. She seems to be completely immersed in the world of pharmacology, free from external interference. In just three days, she has released several poisons.

Her alchemy level is also going up. In only three days, her alchemy level reached level 6, which is a rapid rise. Feng Jianxiong's condition is much better now. His swelling has disappeared, and he has come back to life.

Although the toxin hasn't been removed, it's OK for him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Feng Qingyue at the first sight. He asked in a hoarse voice, "how did you come back?"

Fengqingyue said truthfully: "I come back this time to break off the relationship with fengjingping. Since then, I have no contact with wanjian villa. But I hope you can leave with me, here is not worth your nostalgia, and windmirror is not worth your following. "

Feng Jianxiong said with a bitter smile: "no matter how stupid I am, I can't go after Feng Jingping. For so many years, the reason why I still stay in wanjian villa is because of you. I taught you to practice since I was a child. I have regarded you as the only apprentice in my life. Although you are stronger than me now, you still have to call me master, don't you? Since you don't want to stay in wanjian villa, I don't have the reason to stay here. We can leave immediately. "

After hearing this, Dushi said with a smile, "now, how about going? How about the last good play? You'd better rest here for a while. We'll come to you later. We'll be with you, and then we'll leave together. "

Feng Jianxiong said with surprise and doubt: "Miss Qin, how can you be in wanjian villa? I didn't treat you well

Evening night picks eyebrow to look at him way: "I but come to save you, you forget before that wind Zhi Xiang take you to try poison of affair son?"

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