Jia Lijun stares at Dushi coldly and says: "fengjingping is stupid. I'm not stupid. If you only aim at him, I have nothing to say. But you shouldn't attack fengzhixiang. If you kill him, I will never let you go!" At the end of the day, Jia Lijun is just like the evil spirits from hell.

It's true that Dushi's plan this time is not clever, but she can easily deceive fengjingping. On the one hand, because she has identity, fengjingping doesn't think about the truth of her words. On the other hand, she uses fengjingping's most concerned things to divert his attention, so that he has no time to think.

Feng Jing Ping sees that Jia Lijun completely ignores his feelings, and wants to fight Jia Lijun again. Mu Xi frowns and stops him, saying: "I can't see a man who can't fight a woman. If you want to fight, don't let me see. Now I'm still here. You should be more restrained."

Jia Lijun heard Dushi's words and gave out a burst of ungrateful laughter. She looked at Feng Jingping and said, "you're such a loser. Look at yourself. Even if you climb up to the general's house, what's the matter? You don't have to kowtow to her. You used to treat me like this, but now you treat your younger generation like this. It's not too humiliating to say that! "

Feng Jingping stares at Jia Lijun angrily, but he doesn't dare to do it rashly. Yes, he will do whatever he says in the evening. He can't say that it's too much to be an old man in law. "Look how I'll deal with you in the future!" whispered the mirror

After listening to the evening evening, she didn't hide her disgust. If it wasn't for punishing him, she didn't want to have too much entanglement with him. Feng Jingping said to the servant, "take this bitch to jail! Wait for Miss Qin

Dusk night is not smiling, looking at the goggles, said: "she is your wife, how to deal with nature is your decision, how dare I exceed the moment?"

Feng Jingping looks at Mu Xi in embarrassment, but he has a good abacus. He wanted to get rid of Jia Lijun in the name of Mu Xi, so that the account can't be counted on him, and Jia Lijun's family is not easy to be provoked. If he can use the name of general's house, he won't have to bear the responsibility.

But now dusk night let him deal with, he has to bear the beam, dusk night naturally know what he is thinking, she sneered and said: "you don't have to worry, this account is on my head, you can deal with it."

The servant dragged Jia Lijun away from the ground. He didn't care about her wife's identity at all. She didn't look like the elegant and elegant lady before. Now she is in a mess.

Feng Qingming saw her mother like this. She rushed to fengjingping and said, "she's my mother. Why do you treat her like this?" It has to be said that Feng Qingming and Jia Lijun have deep feelings, because Jia Lijun has only one child, so he naturally has to take good care of them.

Feng Jingping is angry when he stares at Feng Qingming. He doesn't explain anything. Instead, he shouts at Feng Qingming: "get out of here!"

Feng Qingming has never been treated like this by Feng Jingping. Although they are not very close, they are not so close. He looked at Feng Jingping and said, "what are you? Don't you rely on my mother to have wanjian villa for so many years? How arrogant are you now? "

At this time, Feng Jingping's brain was dizzy, and his forehead veins were trembling slightly. He clenched his teeth and said, "my letter of divorce has been written. Later, you two have nothing to do with my wanjian villa!"

Jia Lijun struggled to get rid of the shackles of the two servants. She raised a face that had lost her make-up and said, "it's so good. Fortunately, I've been prepared for this poison. It's really not my fault, but I also have this intention to save me one thing. These days, I contacted my mother's family, and they will arrive in a few hours. Now that you have given me a rest, You have no right to deal with me. "

Dusk night this just feel Jia Lijun absolutely no surface looks so simple, now things at least show that she is a flexible person. Feng Qingming glared at Feng Jingping and followed Jia Lijun out of the door.

Jia Lijun does not care about finishing his clothes and hair bun, does not put the goggles flat glare eyes on the heart, calm expression seems to have nothing happened. After a few steps, she suddenly turned to Mu Xi and said, "since you have met Feng Zhixiang, you should know that he is loyal to Lord Yun. I can't fight you. Lord Yun will come to deal with you. I'll see what happens to you!"

Then she wanted to go away, but she would not let her go easily, so she suddenly said, "whose son is Feng Qingming?" She just wanted to pour another handful of oil on the fire.

Jia Lijun first covered her face with her sleeve and laughed a few times. Then she stared at the dusk and said, "I know what you mean, but I tell you, just like the coward, even if he knows, what do you think he will come up with? You overestimate him

Dushi also said with a smile: "I know you are smart. Let's open the window and tell the truth. What I care about is the feeling of fengqingyue. Since you have no relationship with fengjingping, why do you always aim at fengqingyue?"

Jia Lijun took a look at fengjingping, and then said coldly: "he is interested in the power of my mother's family, I am interested in the position of the leader of wanjian villa. I want Qingming to be the leader of the villa, but Qingming is not his child. Don't you think this is the best punishment for him? I blow the pillow breeze every day. Feng Qingyue is his own flesh and blood, but he suspects that it's Feng Jianxiong's seed. Qingming is not his child. He wants to act like a father. Do you think it's ironic? Is he stupid? "

At the end of the day, Jia Lijun can't help smiling. It's self-evident that she scorns and ridicules fengjingping in her eyes. Now she thinks Jia Lijun is very interesting. She also wants to see what fengjingping's reaction is. Can he endure such humiliation?

Sure enough, he couldn't contain his anger any more and used his spiritual power to give Jia Lijun the most powerful blow. Feng Qingming was quick to bear some responsibilities for her mother, but their situation is not very good now. Jia Lijun has no time to practice, and she suffered a very serious internal injury.

Feng Qingming's strength is not enough and he is seriously injured. Both of them fall to the ground. Rao is like this. Jia Lijun can't help laughing: "Feng Jingping, you are still so coward. I'm sure you wouldn't dare do it if you didn't have the general's house here."

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