Almost in the moment after biting, he was caught by strawberry and Huang er. The snow mountain snake looked at the strawberry and was ready to spit fire at him. He said in a loud voice: "wait, wait! You see for yourself, she's OK! "

Strawberry along his line of sight to see the past, found that the evening is standing there with a smiling face, he immediately rushed to the evening of the arms, said: "mother, why don't you listen to my advice ah, in case you have something, how can I do ah."

Dusk Xi looked at him with a smile and said, "I'm ok. Don't worry about it."

Then she looked at the snow mountain snake with a smile. As expected, she didn't live up to her trust, and the snow mountain snake also looked at Dushi curiously. Because of this, his liking for Dushi also increased a lot. After all, trust is very valuable to him.

Dusk Xi looked at him and said, "OK, now I'll take you out."

The snow mountain snake nodded obediently and left the space in the blink of an eye. Now he felt that it was not a bad thing to be the spirit pet of dusk. After all, a treasure like jade pendant space was not her intimate person and could not be disclosed to others.

Looking at the delicate body of the Snow Mountain Ghost snake, Dushi had an idea and said, "otherwise, you usually put it on my hand, just like a bracelet. When it's necessary, you go out to bite people directly, which is equivalent to I have another hidden weapon."

Snow mountain snake obediently attached to the evening of the arm, anyway, he does not like to move, just stay here. The cold touch makes Dushi's body tremble. It seems that the snow mountain snake still has his own strength.

After solving the problem of the Snow Mountain Ghost snake, Dushi comes to concentrate on refining the antidote pill. In the burning silence palace, she has a lot of time to study herbs, and she doesn't have to worry about safety. After all, no one dares to challenge the authority of burning silence palace in these three continents.

Zhuqing and Zhuan are naturally waiting at Dusk's side. They have to report their wife's movements to the palace master at any time. When studying toxins, Dusk's night is very excited. She can feel that these toxins are very creative and highly toxic.

This also aroused her desire for victory and defeat. She wanted to compete with the poison maker. They seemed to fight against the poison in the air. As long as she could clear all the poison at dusk, she would have the qualification to stand with that man. The smile on her lips was getting stronger and stronger, which almost made Zhuqing dumbfounded.

He bumped into Zhu an's elbow and said, "what's the matter, madam? Why are you so happy in refining medicine?"

Zhu an frowned and observed for a long time and said, "I don't know what madam is thinking. Maybe she likes to refine medicine."

But now, an idea comes to her mind. Maybe in the secret road of wanjian villa, Feng Zhixiang didn't make the poisons alone, because in the process of detoxification, she found that there were two kinds of poisons with different styles. One was from the western regions, which was Feng Zhixiang's.

There is also an extremely insidious poison, and it is not easy to be found. Its lethality is better than Feng Zhixiang's. in dusk night's brain, a person's name, Lord Yun, appears, just like a cloud hovering in the brain, without a specific image.

There must be something powerful about Feng Zhixiang's worship of this mysterious master Yun. Moreover, his poison refining skills are so superb that Dushi can't help but wonder and want to discuss poison techniques with him. Think of here, the corner of her mouth smile has overflowed a lot.

She also recited a word in her mouth: "who is this cloud Lord?"

Maybe the smile on her face was too obvious, which made Zhuqing and Zhuan feel extremely dangerous outside. Zhuqing said to Zhuan with a dignified face: "who is Mr. Yun? Why does our lady call him by his name? "

Zhu an also frowned and said, "and when madam mentions him, she smiles happily."

At this point, Zhu Qing and Zhu an looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. They said in one voice: "is... Madam going to change her mind?"

Zhu Qing shook his head and said, "this is not good! If the lady changes her mind, the palace master will be very angry. Once he is angry... We are finished! No, no, I can't let this happen. It's too late, too late! "

Zhu an quickly took out a communication guide to contact Baili Huojin and report what they found. After they finished writing, they put down their heart. As long as the palace master came back, there must be a way. He didn't believe it. Who in the world is better than the palace master?

As long as the lady is not stupid, she will not leave the palace master. What is that cloud Lord! Can he be more beautiful than the palace leader? Can he be more powerful than the palace leader? Can he be better than the palace master to his wife? Of course not! So they must believe in the palace master!

Dushi doesn't know. While she is concentrating on studying the toxin, the two actors, Zhu Qing and Zhu an, have come up with a play about Baili burning Jin catching her lover. With the efforts of these days, Feng Jianxiong's toxin has almost been removed.

Therefore, Dushi specializes in the toxin found in the secret road of wanjian villa. Based on the principle of humanitarianism, she never takes others to test the medicine. She first uses her own blood to mix with the toxin, first refines the preliminary antidote, and then tests the poison with her body when she is almost sure.

With this method, she has gradually become a poison doctor that everyone is afraid of. However, when she studied these toxins, she found that many herbs did not come from Fengyun continent, which shows that master Yun was wandering in three continents.

But at dusk, there are almost all herbs from Fengyun continent. She has never set foot in the other two continents. Just taking this opportunity, she can take a good trip to star array continent. That day, Qin Qingyun and liuge'er find Dushi and happily say, "Dushi, our engagement has been discussed. You pack up, and we can start right away."

Twilight nodded and said, "I'm looking forward to going to your star array continent."

Qin Qingyun "tut" said: "little sister, I haven't seen you for a few days. How can you be stupid? We have to go back to the general's house to get the bride price first, and then we'll leave for the star array mainland. "

Twilight night rolled a white eye way: "you are smart, anyway sooner or later have to go, also not bad this little Kung Fu."

Then she went back to her room to tidy up. When she came out, all the people stood at the gate of the burning palace. She looked at everyone with a smile and said, "there are so many people. We really give the emperor of Yunding face. Hey."

Qin Ying glared at her and said, "no manners! He's your sister-in-law's fathe

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