At this time, Zhu Qing looks at Liu Ge'er indignantly. He thinks that Liu Ge'er has broken the dusk. Suddenly, Liu Ge'er, who is being targeted, can't help shaking his body. He doesn't dare to look at Zhu Qing. Dusk Xi smiles at the interaction between them.

Suddenly, a rickety figure appeared in the corner of her eyes. She fixed her eyes and found that it was the woman holding the child just now. She hesitated and did not dare to move forward. She carefully looked at the dusk side. Finally, she looked at the sleeping child.

As if determined, he went to dusk and whispered: "girl, my child is ill. He didn't eat a few meals today and went to bed early. Can you give us a few meals? I know you are kind, please..."

Then she couldn't help her tears. She looked at her at dusk night and said, "you take your baby and I'll have a look."

The woman was a little confused and hesitant, but liuge'er said to her with a smile, "don't worry, she is a famous doctor, otherwise she can be so rich? She can cure any disease. Your son is very lucky to meet her

The woman immediately knelt down to dusk's side and said, "famous doctor, famous doctor, please save my child... I have brought him up for so many years. I really can't bear to see him suffer..."

Dushi looks at liuge'er helplessly. Then she goes to the woman and feels the pulse for the sleeping child. Then she frowns slightly. She looks at the woman and says, "what he gets is ordinary wind heat. He just needs to go to the drugstore to catch some medicine. Why do he have to go to the Star array mainland? Moreover, his condition is getting worse. It's not that he went to bed early, but that he fainted. So he hasn't woken up after such a big noise. "

When the woman heard the words of dusk night, she burst into tears again. She had to say, "please save my child first. It's a long story. The child's life is very important."

Mu Xi nodded, took out some herbs from the space and gave them to her, saying, "I don't have any herbs from the star array continent. If you smash these herbs and apply them on his forehead, his condition will slow down. When I get to the star array continent, I'll treat him again."

A smile suddenly appeared on the woman's face. She worked hard for a long time to apply the herbal medicine on the child's head. Then she had time to talk. She looked at the evening in embarrassment and said, "girl, our family is really in a tight corner. The cost of the boat this time has exhausted most of the family's savings..."

Dusk Xi waved his hand and said, "I don't accept your silver. You just need to tell me what's going on."

The woman's mood relaxed, and she said with a sad face: "it's a long story. I was a little fisherman on the mainland of Fengyun. My husband used to be a sailor on this ship, but two months ago, my husband never came back after a voyage. I heard from other fishermen, Maybe they died over there... Many of our husbands worked as crew members on that ship, but they didn't see each other. They all gave their lives over there... Before, there were other ships that could pass through. Since this incident happened, there is only one ship left to go between now, which only ships once a day, so the commodity trade between the two continents is no longer possible, Where are the herbs from the star array continent in our drugstore? So I have to go to the star array continent on this ship. First, I want to treat my children. Second, I want to pay homage to my miserable husband. "

The more she said, the more she couldn't restrain her sad mood. In the end, the whole person began to cry. Liuge'er quickly comforted her and said, "it's OK. If we are here, we will certainly get justice for you. Don't worry. You should take good care of your body now. Otherwise, how can you take care of your son?"

Dushi asked about the situation of Zhuqing and Zhuan. Zhuqing said, "at present, the owner of this ship should be Ma Ruyu. He is the boss on this ship, but there should be other people in his upper class. They are all the influence of the Ma family in Linhai City."

Dusk night whispered: "Linhai City? A small city can create such a big disturbance. He doesn't want this official

When liuge'er heard Linhai City, he immediately opened his eyes and said, "this is a city near the sea in Yunding kingdom. How does my father manage it? He doesn't know what happened to him? When I go back, I'll take a good look at him like my mother! "

"You know it's a city by the sea. It must be a long way from the imperial city. It's normal for your father to have no time to take care of it... However, it's impossible for the top officials not to know, so it's estimated that they have their own network of interests."

Dusk Xi blinked at Qin Qingyun again and said, "I think there is a great gift in front of you. You can give it to your father-in-law and mother-in-law. As long as you wipe out Linhai City and the collusive forces, do you worry that they are not satisfied with you?"

Hearing the idea, Qin Ying immediately patted her thigh and said, "this gift is good! Since he is most interested in strength, as long as this matter is done well, he will certainly agree to our proposal! Qingyun, you have to do well in this matter. When I was a general in the past, I didn't have to deal with these troubles. Don't disgrace the general's office of Fengrui kingdom. "

Wang also patted Qin Qingyun on the shoulder and said, "you can do it. Wang will support you."

Qin Qingyun also complacent: "I will do it well! I will never lose face with our general's office. However, my younger sister will definitely follow me. I'm going to learn about the situation. "

Dushi laughingly said: "the situation of Zhuqing and Zhuan already know about the same, you stay well, think about how to catch them all, now you go to have a good rest."

After dealing with these things, dusk entered the room early. It was a good choice to practice water spirit power here. She didn't want to miss this opportunity. She and ice sword absorbed endless water spirit power together. What she didn't know was that there was a wave under the water.

In the middle of the night, a gentle knock on the door startles Muxi. She opens the door and finds Qin Qingyun standing outside. He enters the door without waiting for Muxi to react. Then he looks around and closes the door carefully.

Dusk see his action a burst of helpless help forehead, he this is to cheat or do a thief! Dusk night helpless mouth way: "what are you doing?"

Qin Qingyun leaned up to dusk's ear and whispered, "I didn't sleep tonight. I went out of my way to see the situation on the ship. You know, I saw that Ma Ruyu was peeking at the guests' things! I'm afraid they'll find out and come back immediately. "

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