At the end of the day, almost all of them were fishing around the deck with a fishing rod, which made the snow mountain snake very happy. He had already come down from dusk's hand and looked for food in everyone's fish barrel.

Other people think it's a little pet snake raised in twilight, and they don't care much about it. When Fang Ziming and Fang zishuo saw that dusk did not pay attention to them, they became angry. Fang zishuo pointed to dusk and said, "do you know who we are! Don't be unkind

Dusk night this just had a reaction, she raised lips Cape to smile a way: "that you talk about who you are, let me see you exactly have how big ability."

Fang zishuo was so excited by dusk that he immediately said, "we are censors..."

But before he finished his words, he was stopped by Fang Ziming. He pulled Fang zishuo aside and said to Dushi with a cold hum: "you don't need to know who we are. You just need to know that if you offend us, you won't have a good end!"

"You really make me scared," she said with a smile. "What do you want?"

Although dusk night mouth said fear, but as long as not stupid people know that she is provocative. Fang Ziming looked at the fishing rods and the sea, then said with a smile, "well, let's make a bet. Whoever has more fish will win. As long as we win, you have to play with our brothers these days."

As they said that, a burst of evil smile appeared on their faces. Zhu Qing and Zhu an immediately looked at them with murderous eyes. Fang Ziming and Fang zishuo suddenly felt a cold surge around them. But dusk night is not satisfied with the opening way: "good, but as long as I win, you two of the head I want."

Fang zishuo immediately burst into a big curse: "what is it! We just want you to play with us. You want our lives! "

Dusk night cold hum a say: "don't bet even, you think I want to bet with you such beast?"? The gutless thing. "

Dushi's fierce eyes made everyone feel chilly. However, Fang Ziming felt greatly insulted. In his opinion, women are dependent on men. Dushi's arrogance and self-confidence made him feel that men's authority has been challenged. He was also very confident in his own strength. He said with a smile: "bet, bet, I don't believe I can't win you. "

Fang zishuo pulled Fang Ziming's clothes and said, "brother, you are crazy! Why promise? I won't be with you if you want to die. "

Fang Ziming looked at Fang zishuo in disgust, and then said a word in his ear. Suddenly Fang zishuo's attitude changed 360 degrees. He looked at Dushi with a sneer and said, "if you say you want to bet, bet. You wait for us to play you to death!"

Feng Qingyue looked at dusk night anxiously and whispered: "they seem to have something to do. Don't be fooled."

Dusk Xi smiles and comforts: "it's OK, mountain people have their own tricks, not to mention you?"

Feng Qingyue understood the meaning of dusk in a moment, and his frown stretched out. Yes, the people on their side are all dragons and phoenixes among people. Are they afraid that they can't match them? The evening evening night pulls up the lip Cape, to the square son clear way: "in this case, we set up a writing basis, there are so many people here to testify."

Fang Ziming immediately agreed that all the crew on this ship are his people. Is he worried that he can't win? He immediately signed his name, and Fang zishuo wrote it confidently. Looking at their documents, Dushi couldn't help laughing. For Dushi, it's an opportunity to break through the evil chain.

"In that case, let's start. The competition lasts half an hour," said the confident smile of Dushi

Fang Ziming looked at the dusk and said, "you are sure to lose."

Then he called ma Ruyu and said, "bring me all the bait and fishing nets on board. If you dare to give them one, you will be finished."

The gambling game on the ship has already shocked many people. Almost all the guests come to the deck to watch the game. When they hear Fang Ziming's words, they immediately become indignant. This is an unfair game at all. How can they catch fish without tools at dusk?

No wonder they were so confident before. For a moment, these guests had a bad impression of Fang Ziming, and Fang zishuo continued to challenge Dushi: "little beauty, you'd better give up. Now come and serve me. Maybe I can get rid of my anger. After a while, maybe I'll play you to death, What a pity for your pretty face. "

Dusk Xi ignored him, but jumped up in the air, the whole person flew to the distant sea level, standing there steadily, like an independent fairy, for a moment, many people are enjoying this beautiful sea map. Dusk night to Qin Qingyun they said: "wake up water spirit power to my side, the other on the deck waiting to put the fish away."

Qin Qingyun, Feng Qingyue and Zhu Qingwen immediately flew to the dusk. Each of them occupied a sea area and formed a huge circle. At this time, Ma Ruyu's bait was also brought. Fang Ziming and Fang zishuo poured a bucket of bait into the sea.

After a while, a large number of fish gathered, shining slightly, that is the manifestation of their spiritual power, the stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the light on the body. Fang Ziming's fish are gathering more and more, but there is no bait here. Fang Ziming takes a look at the evening with a smile, and then tells the crew, "get out of the net!"

After hearing these words, dusk night puts some things into the sea, and the fish on Fang Ziming's side runs to dusk night like crazy. This lively scene scares Qin Qingyun and almost falls out of the air. And Ma Ruyu, who was casting a net, was also confused. He could have caught a net of fish, but how could he have all gone to dusk.

There are so many fish on the other side of dusk evening that they are almost tossing to the sea. When dusk evening sees such a scene, the radian of her mouth is getting bigger and bigger. She gives an instruction: "now let's gather a water net and catch all these fish."

Qin Qingyun and others, who got the order, immediately carried the water spirit power. The four gathered at one point and formed a huge net from the center, which slowly penetrated into the sea. At Dusk's command: "close!"

In an instant, the net rose from the sea, at the same time, there were thousands of fish. The huge weight almost made Dushi fall from the air. She didn't expect so many fish. They controlled one corner of the net.

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