Sure enough, within half a cup of tea, the censor would arrive. Dushi stopped him on the road leading to the city Lord's mansion. The sedan chair of the censor was very conspicuous and gorgeous. It was by no means comparable to the ordinary sedan chair, so the goal was also very obvious.

Fengqingyue controlled the sedan chair man, and dusk evening swaggered into the sedan chair. When the censor saw that the outsider had entered the sedan chair, he immediately stared at dusk evening with alert eyes and said, "who are you? What are you doing with my sedan chair? "

Twilight night smile, looking at him, said: "I come to you, since there is something important to discuss with you, but you don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you, as long as you obediently cooperate with me."

The censor looked very cunning, and in this case, he was not afraid at all. He knew that the sedan chair driver had been controlled, so he kept calm and said, "what do you want me to do for you? I'm not sure I can help you

Twilight night took out a note, and then said with a smile: "adult, you don't have to worry about it, you can certainly help me." The censor, the old fox, now says that these are certainly not true. Dushi must take out something that can make him feel threatened.

She spread it out in front of the censor, and then said, "your two sons have wagered with me, and their signatures are on it, so the lives of your two sons are in my hands."

The censor frowned deeply and looked at the two signatures on the note. They were the handwriting of his two sons, but what he thought at this time was how to destroy the note. What's more, he wanted to wait until he got to the city master's mansion and destroy the body of Dushi.

Looking at the expression on his face, Dushi snorted coldly: "Lord censor, you can't be too good... However, I'm not afraid of people like you. I'll tell you the truth. I didn't want their lives, but I gave them poison. I can guarantee that no one can solve it. As long as I die, they will not live. As far as I know, the censor only has their two sons, right? If you don't believe me, just experiment with their lives. "

The censor's face had already appeared the expression of forbearance, even could see the blue veins of his forehead slightly shaking, he clenched his fist and said: "who are you in the end? What do you want me to do for you again? "

When she saw his expression, she felt very satisfied. This was what he was really afraid of. After she told her plan in the sedan chair, she followed the censor out of the sedan chair, pretended to be harmonious and went to Linhai City together.

The censor was eager to go to the city Lord's mansion. He wanted to see the condition of his sons. When he quickly walked to the city Lord's mansion, he saw Fang Ziming and Fang zishuo waiting for him at the door. He quickly walked over and asked, "how about that? Are you two OK? "

Dushi sighs in his heart that even an old fox like the censor is very concerned about his children. Otherwise, the relationship between Fang Ziming and Fang zishuo is not so good. At least they don't compete for the position of heir like other brothers.

Even when Fang zishuo was silly, he was taken care of by Fang Ziming most of the time. He touched Fang zishuo's shoulder and said, "what's the matter with you, zishuo? How can you look so silly? "

However, Fang zishuo was still standing there, not saying a word, and even his head was still slightly swinging. The censor looked at Fang Ziming suspiciously and said, "what's the matter with your brother? It doesn't feel right

Fang Ziming wanted to tell his father that it was Muxi who did it. As a result, he suddenly thought that Muxi had said that if he hurt her, he would be killed immediately. If he was killed again, he would die. He had to say to the censor, "zishuo, he's crazy... I've been taking care of him all this time."

On hearing this, the censor turned red and said angrily, "what?! Who did this? How do you protect your brother? "

Fang Ziming didn't know what to explain, so he had to hang down his head and said, "I'm sorry."

The censor glared at him and said, "what's the use of saying I'm sorry now? Have you seen him to the doctor? "

Fang Ziming explained anxiously: "I found the best doctor in Linhai City to show him, but people say it's madness, and they can't help it..."

And dusk night at this time light cough, and then youyou said: "your son is made mad by Lin Haicheng, if you don't believe it, you can ask Ma Ruyu, he has been working under Linhai City."

As soon as Ma Ruyu heard the words of Dushi, he immediately understood. He quickly explained: "Fang zishuo is arrogant and domineering, so our city master Lin can't stand him. He has to find someone to clean him up. But unexpectedly, he is so hard hit that he is crazy. We city master Lin are very sorry for such a thing."

The censor listened to what Ma Ruyu said with wide eyes. He pointed to Ma Ruyu and asked Fang Ziming in a trembling voice: "he... What he said is true?"

Fang Ziming habitually took a look at dusk, and then nodded. But as long as the censor thinks a little bit more, he will know that this is probably a lie. Since Ma Ruyu is Lin Haicheng's man, how can he take the initiative to explain as soon as he is called at dusk, and even blame Lin Haicheng for all his faults.

But now the censor was shocked by the news that Fang zishuo had gone mad, and he had no time to think about the logic of this. At this time, twilight broke in and said, "as long as you help me with what I just said, I will cure your son's madness together."

The censor looked at the dusk with suspicion. He really didn't believe in the medical skill of Dusk's age. However, Fang Ziming immediately came to his father's side and said, "Dad, you can believe her. She will surely cure his younger brother."

The censor looked at Fang Ziming doubtfully, and then looked at Mu Xi with her eyes. It has to be said that her suspicious eyes made Mu Xi very uncomfortable. People who know about Mu Xi know that what Mu Xi can't stand most is that others question her medical skills, even worse than her strength.

Dusk night cold snorted and said: "you don't want to believe me, I don't have to cure for him, the lives of your two sons are in my hands, you help me, I give them antidote, just in time, I also save trouble myself."

The censor has never seen the ability of Muxi, so he doesn't care if Muxi says this, but Fang Ziming is very worried. He says to Muxi, "we've finished the work for you. Please help my brother."

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