But Dushi doesn't want to tell Lin Haicheng anything. Let him guess it slowly. Anyway, Zhuqing and Zhuan are already inquiring about him, and what Muxi wants to do now is to interrogate the censor. After all, he has been involved in the activities of Linhai City before.

Dusk found a quiet place, in order to avoid Lin Hai Cheng's eyeliner. After all, Lin Hai Cheng was curious about her, but he did not dare to ask the evening dusk directly. Dushi asked the censor directly, "when did you and Lin Haicheng do these things?"

The censor said as usual: "I didn't do anything with Lin Haicheng, and he also hurt my son. I can't cooperate with him any more in the future."

Dushi looked at the censor with great interest. He didn't even blush when he lied. He looked at him with a sneer and said, "censor, you are really an old fox. It's all up to you. You don't want to tell the truth. The lives of your two sons are in my hands, and one is crazy. Your mentality is really good."

The censor frowned and said, "you only asked me to cooperate with you, but you didn't ask me to tell you these things."

Dushi looked at the censor and said: "I don't know whether you are smart or stupid. Do you understand where you are now? Do you know what the point is? Only if you listen to me can your two sons live. You must try your best to meet my demands, or you will never see them again. "

In fact, the censor guessed the purpose of dusk evening early. From the beginning, she aimed at this ship. With her intelligence, as long as she had been on that ship and paid more attention to it, she could find out the secret of this ship. But what happened on this ship had nothing to do with him. As long as dusk knew, his black hat would be lost.

Seeing the indecisive look on his face, Dushi burned a fire and said, "censor, do you think the black hat on your head is important, or the life of your son is important? You have to think clearly. If you don't tell me now, I can find out. Once I find out, the matter will be exposed. Not only can you not protect your gossamer, but also the lives of your two sons. "

Muxi's words just like a knife into the heart of the censor, both of which are his precious things, he is really difficult to choose, but Muxi gives him enough time to consider, and Muxi is not in a hurry. After a long time, the sad looking censor finally wants to speak.

In this short period of time, he seemed to be a teenager. He said slowly: "it was Lin Haicheng who came to me from the beginning. My two unruly sons like to run to Linhai City when they have nothing to do. It was through my son that we got on. At the beginning, when he told me that he wanted to build a public ship, I agreed. He said that he wanted to give me money. I was greedy for money, so I agreed to him. But I didn't expect that he would do so well at that time. After the ship was built, he restricted all the ships passing on Fengyun mainland and star array mainland, leaving only one public ship. Moreover, he charged such a high shipping fee that he only went back and forth once a day. The fishermen of the nearby crew fell out with him. He didn't care about the life or death of these people at all. As long as they came to fight, he sent people to fight them. It is said that many fishermen and crew members were killed by him, or they were put in prison. When I know these things, it's too late. The boat has been built. He and I are the same grasshopper on the boat. "

Although the censor put aside some of his own faults when he spoke, on the whole, what he said was basically true. Dushi raised his eyebrow and asked, "how did Qu Jingyou know this? He's willing to come and discuss with you. "

The censor said, "I know the side imperial concubine of the prime minister's residence very well. Through her, I was able to get in touch with Qu Jingyou. After we met, we had a good chat with each other. Because I was a little scared about Linhai City, I wanted to find a bigger backer, so I told him about it."

With the treacherous disposition of the censor, he mostly concealed the biggest fact from Qu Jing, so he could be cheated. A message suddenly flashed in the evening's brain, and she asked suspiciously: "did the side concubine of the prime minister's mansion have a daughter, called Qu Qiaoqiao?"

The censor was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Dushi would ask this question. He nodded and said, "yes, but she hasn't been out since she came back from Xuanyuan University, and I haven't seen her much."

As soon as she heard this, she was happy. Qu Qiaoqiao was still in the prime minister's house. That's good. Let's wait for her to settle the bill. Dusk night heart and secretly think, Qu Jingyou know the truth, can't blame to her head, to blame on Qu Qiaoqiao's mother, if not for her, how can he flow in the sea city this muddy water.

The question of twilight is almost the same. Now the most important thing is to collect evidence. However, it was afternoon when she returned to the main residence of the city. Fortunately, Zhuqing and qinqingyun came back. Liuge'er said to her mysteriously as soon as she saw Dusk: "we're all investigating. We're waiting to catch them all."

Twilight night rolled a white eye and said to her, "what's the use of your light investigation? We have to have substantial evidence. We need to prove to your father that what we said is true. "

Qin Qingyun was not very disheartened after listening to the words of dusk evening. He said seriously, "then we'll stay here for a few more days until we find the evidence. We'll see your father again. He will certainly look at me with new eyes."

At this time, Feng Qingyue said to Qin Qingyun, "I think it's not appropriate for us to find evidence. You think that liuge'er's father is the emperor of Yunding Kingdom on the mainland of star array, but you are the young leader of Fengrui Kingdom's general's mansion on the mainland of wind and cloud. If you meddle too much in the affairs of Yunding Kingdom, it will make him feel disgusted. After all, this is a country governed by him. If anything goes wrong in front of others, it will make him lose face. What's more, you still abuse power in Yunding kingdom, If you go to a city Lord's residence privately, whether you find any evidence or not, you are a little out of order. "

Qin Qingyun wants to prove his strength and ability to liuge'er's father along the way. He really hasn't thought about this problem. He is too enthusiastic and radical these days, which easily gives people the feeling of exerting too much force. Feng Qingyue's words wake him up.

He frowned and thought for a while, then said, "let's go directly to the imperial city now and tell him this matter tactfully."

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