I didn't expect that any one of them was the princess of Yunding kingdom. Fortunately, he chose the right camp as soon as possible, otherwise he really didn't know where he died. Liu Ge'er reluctantly looked at Qin Qingyun and said, "I can go."

Qin Qingyun waved his hand and said, "you go."

Liu Ge'er looked up at him and said, "I'm really gone."

Qin Qingyun impatiently said: "you go quickly."

Liuge'er immediately walked out of the inn after hearing this, and then angrily said to Qin Qingyun, "hum, you just want me to go quickly. You wait and see how my father and I will deal with you when you propose marriage tomorrow."

Seeing that liuge'er is angry, Qin Qingyun immediately wants to comfort her. However, as a woman, Dushi can see liuge'er's sly smile at a glance. Liuge'er definitely wants to stay here tonight, but Dushi will never let her succeed.

Dushi offered her own fire of congenital chaos. The black-and-white flame swayed slightly in her palm, sending out a deadly dangerous smell. She looked at liuge'er with a smile, and then said, "are you going? If you don't leave, it's very troublesome. "

Liuge'er and Dushi have been together for such a long time. Of course, she knows the lethality of Dushi's innate chaos fire. She swallows her saliva and says to Dushi, "are you serious? How can you be such a cruel woman! If I don't fight with a good girl, I'll let you go first today! "

With that, she went out of the inn door, and liuge'er was a person who ate hard but not soft, so the threat of dusk night was very useful. Qin Qingyun rushed out and said, "slow down! I'll go out and see you off, so that you won't be in danger alone. "

After they left, dusk called ma Ruyu and said to him, "when you send the bride price tomorrow, you have to give me a big show. The bigger the better. Silver is not a problem. Remember, it must be bigger than everyone else's show in the imperial city. Remember to make it lively for me."

Ma Ruyu said weakly: "girl, do you really propose to the princess? I've never heard of sending betrothal gifts to the imperial palace... Besides, it's so late, and the time is too tight. It's impossible to find anyone willing to go. "

Dusk Xi looked at him with a smile and said, "let's take the lead. As for whether we can find people, it's a test of your ability. If you can't do this little thing well, how can you get along with it? Sooner or later, you'll have to get out of the way."

Ma Ruyu was embarrassed and said, "OK, I'll try. It's really not possible. You can't blame me."

Dusk Xi glanced at him and said, "don't blame who you blame. You've collected more than 1000 liang of silver, and you still don't do a good job."

Ma Ruyu said bitterly with a face, "can I return the silver to you?"

Evening night shook his head, firm said: "no, you go to work quickly, a little bit later really too late."

Ma Ruyu looks at dusk night helplessly and then leaves the inn quickly, which really kills him. Just at dawn, Ma Ruyu came back with a lot of dust. He really broke his leg and broke his mouth to meet the requirements of Dushi.

Qin Qingyun, Qin Ying and Wang Bo have been waiting in formal clothes for a long time. They are all dressed in red and festive clothes today. I don't know that they thought he was going to marry the bride today. Ma Ruyu found four horses and hired labor to resist betrothal gifts.

The bride price is still covered with red silk, waiting for daybreak to start. Twilight can't help but give Ma Ruyu a thumbs up and say, "you're really amazing. It's finished in such a short time, but are these people really willing to move the bride price to the palace?"

Although evening is now the master of Ma Ryu, when she said this, Ma Ru Yu could not help but Tucao: "of course not willing to make complaints about it. Who dares to lift so many things to the palace? I don't want to die. They can only carry it outside the walls of the imperial palace. They have collected a lot more silver than usual. "

Mu Xi nods and thinks that what Ma Ruyu says is reasonable, but it must attract the attention of the people in the palace. Mu Xi uses her brain and comes up with a very popular idea, but she can't tell others now.

We have to wait until daybreak before we have this surprise. The four horses are for several people in the evening. After all, they are all family members of the general's house. It's not wrong to send betrothal gifts together. With a cock crowing, the whole imperial city was awakened by the sun.

Qin Qingyun and twilight are already standing on the horse, waiting to start. As soon as they hook their lips, they release huang'er and strawberries from the space, allowing them to show their original shape. Suddenly, the whole street will be occupied by them.

Dusk evening to them command a way: "Huang son you accompany us in the sky, strawberry you open a way in front of us."

As soon as strawberries appear, the horse in their crotch looks a little alarmed at dusk, because strawberries are unicorn, the king of the land. Animals on the land have to submit to them when they see them. Strawberries are the first time to make such a big show. In front of so many people, he looks very excited.

Huang Er is also, after a long roar, it soars into the sky, and has been hovering over their heads at dusk night. Seeing this battle, Qin Qingyun worries and says to dusk night, "it's dangerous to be so conspicuous. Our goal is too big."

"It doesn't matter, today is an important day for you, so you have to be so arrogant. Besides, we are from Fengrui general's house in Fengyun mainland. We have to show liuge'er his father how powerful we are."

Qin Qingyun still wants to say, but they are all stopped by twilight. Anyway, what she lacks is experience. She doesn't want to go to others, so let others come to find her. Anyway, she is not afraid. This is the courage and pride of twilight.

As soon as Kirin and Phoenix came out, the whole imperial city was boiling. Almost everyone looked out from home to see huang'er flying in the sky, and strawberries walking in the street. They accepted the admiration and longing of all people with dignity.

It is worth mentioning that Daniel can only stay in the stable of the inn because he is not good-looking. Now I don't know what he is crying like. Many people saw the two beasts appear together, quickly knelt on the streets on both sides, devoutly said: "Phoenix and unicorn come out together, this is auspicious omen, God bless our country!"

However, most people are very interested in them. Among them, there are two young men and women. The men are very handsome, and the women are very beautiful. They are just like people coming out of the paintings.

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