Although liuge'er didn't answer, the onlookers could guess from her attitude that this was probably the reason. Many people were very confused about the decision, but because of the emperor's identity, they didn't dare to say.

Just at this time, Liujiang night also arrived at the gate of the palace. The crowd outside the palace startled him. He had never seen so many people in the palace all the year round. When liuge'er saw him, she frowned and asked, "what are you doing with me?"

Liujiang night wanted to apologize to them, but seeing so many people, because of face, he didn't speak. Liu Ge'er was impatient and said, "if you don't speak, we'll leave. You should take good care of yourself in the palace and be nice to my mother. I won't come back again."

Liujiang night hurriedly said: "you listen to me to finish."

Liu Ge'er stood impatiently with her hands around her chest, picking her eyebrows and saying, "if you have anything, just say it. I'm all ears."

Liujiang cleared his throat at night, and then whispered: "what happened just now is my father's fault. Don't leave, OK?"

Liu Ge'er looks at him funny. After all, she has never heard of Liu Jiang's apology. Liu Ge'er jokingly says, "what did you say just now? I didn't hear you. Why don't you say it again? "

He said aloud again: "this time, I was wrong. I hope you can forgive me."

Anyway, he has said it once and lost his face. It's OK to say it again. Dusk evening is very interested in looking at him, it seems that the emperor is quite flexible, and he is Liuge er's father after all, he took the initiative to admit his mistake, dusk evening also can't hold on.

So she said, "it's OK, the emperor doesn't have to worry about it."

But Liujiang night still said: "let's go back then? Is this page turned over? Let's get engaged. "

Dusk Xi laughingly looked at him and said, "it's not me who wants to get engaged. You should talk to my elder brother."

Liujiang night looks at Qin Qingyun with expectant eyes. Under the gaze of his father-in-law, Qin Qingyun nods. Liujiang night immediately shows a smiling face and smiles to pick up liuge'er. They go back. He is the most subdued emperor in history.

No matter who, can give him face, even the door to the son-in-law, and whether he is an emperor. The onlookers saw that Qin Qingyun and liuge'er went back together again, and their faces immediately showed a smile, as if they were engaged.

A sudden voice came from the crowd and said, "princess, we are waiting for your wedding wine."

As soon as the sound came out, it could be said that it was in full response, and a neat and loud voice came from the crowd: "eat wedding wine! Have a wedding! Have a wedding Even Liujiang night in front of us was scared, and the strength of the people can't be underestimated.

It's rare to see such a lively scene once a year, especially when the people are so spontaneous. It's the first time that the princess or the prince were engaged before. Which one can have such a big battle for Liuge er? It's really enough for Liuge er's face.

As soon as they went back, they saw baishuiqiu waiting for them with a smile, and baishuiqiu was the first to rush to dusk and say, "come back? Are you not angry? It's a lovely little girl. She looks so good when she's angry. "

Dushi can't resist baishuiqiu's enthusiasm. She has no choice but to poke Qin Qingyun for such a passionate person. Then she whispers to him: "now can we talk about Linhai City? Prove yourself. "

Qin Qingyun nodded, and then seriously said to Jiang ye: "this time we come here by boat from Fengyun mainland, and we find some strange things in Linhai City. Linhai City Leader hurts people's lives, colludes with high officials, monopolizes the shipping industry, and raises the ship price. I hope my uncle will accept it."

Liujiang night pick eyebrow way: "Oh? I've never heard of anything like that. "

As soon as liuge'er saw her father's appearance, she knew that he didn't believe it, so she turned her mouth and said, "Dad, don't believe it. We all came together. If it wasn't for your face, we would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?"

Seeing that liuge'er is so partial to Qin Qingyun in Liujiang night, he suddenly has a evil fire in his heart. He looks at Qin Qingyun and says, "since you have the ability to investigate them, you will have the full power to deal with this matter. I want to see how powerful you are."

Liuge'er doesn't worry about Qin Qingyun's ability at all, but she worries about what her father will do, so she says, "Dad, you'd better send some people you can trust to follow us. You don't need to help, just report truthfully, lest dad doesn't believe us."

Liuge'er had already known all the tricks of Liujiang night, so she knew how to deal with it. However, from Liujiang night's point of view, this is the performance of elbow turning outward. He couldn't help feeling: it's a married daughter, the water poured out.

The more liuge'er wants to favor Qin Qingyun, the more Liujiang night wants to test him. He coughs softly and says, "the engagement ceremony between you and Ge'er will be held in three days, so you have to investigate the matter clearly in these three days, and the evidence has to be found. The most important thing is not to delay the engagement ceremony in three days."

As soon as liuge'er listens to her father's words, her little mouth pouts. She is preparing to argue with her father. Dusk night and Qin Qingyun speak together and say: "absolutely live up to the emperor's trust."

Such a confident tone made Liujiang night unhappy again, and he said, "you are responsible for this matter alone, and no one else is allowed to interfere."

Liu Ge'er was furious when she heard this. She said in a loud voice: "we have to investigate the case again! Another engagement! Do you think they have the skill of separation? Do you mean you don't want me to get engaged? I have to go again, and you're starting to regret it, aren't you

Liujiang night saw that liuge'er got angry, he immediately counseled, he waved his hand and said: "OK, OK, OK, OK?"

When she heard what liujiangye said, she immediately thought about it. She looked at liujiangye playfully and said, "our people have controlled the Lord of Linhai City. The matter has been investigated clearly, so we are ready to search the evidence. However, for one thing, we are short of manpower. For another thing, we are not good at surpassing the rules in Yunding country, so we have to rely on your army to search, However, you have set a time of three days. It depends on the strength and speed of your troops. If you can't complete the task, you will lose your face. "

Twilight is very clear.

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