Dushi paid special attention to these people. It seems that they also know something. These are important witnesses. Dushi pretends to be pushed by the crowd and comes to them. Then he hears them whispering: "it seems that the imperial court knows all the things that the city Lord did."

"Yes, yes, what else are these troops here for? It seems that cui'e's man in prison can be released. "

"Stop talking. Let's keep our voice down and see what's going on inside. It's not decided yet. We can't act rashly."

Listening to their conversation, twilight night can guess some situations. It seems that many people in Haicheng have been persecuted. In this case, she will make more noise. Thinking of this, she will get out of the crowd and find some little beggars in the street.

She was holding several banknotes in her hand. Then she shook them in front of the little beggars. When she saw their eager eyes, she said slowly, "do you want the silver?"

The little beggar's eyes were shining. He nodded and reached for the money ticket. He quickly carried his hand behind him, then stood up straight and said, "if you want money, you have to promise me one thing."

Many little beggars opened their eyes curiously and asked, "what do you want us to do? You can't be cruel. "

Dushi shook his head and said, "how can I make you do anything that is hurtful to heaven? I tell you, as long as you shout around all the streets of Linhai City, 'injustice has its head, debt has its owner. The Lord of Linhai City is arrested! Come out and have a look! ", I'll give you none of these banknotes, OK? "

Hearing this, the little beggar quickly shook his head and said in fear: "you give us ten courage, we dare not speak ill of the city Lord. That's the city Lord. If he knows, he will lose his head."

Dushi didn't explain, instead, he called out: "the Lord of Linhai City is a big son of a bitch! Death is not a pity

Those little beggars, after hearing the words of dusk evening, quickly hide. They are afraid that the guards will take dusk evening with them. After shouting, Dushi stood there calmly with his hands around his chest. After a long time, there was no sign of the guard.

At this time, the little beggars slowly leaned out their heads and whispered: "Why are the guards missing? They will be captured by the guards when they talk about the city Lord in a low voice..."

"That's because the Lord of Linhai City has been arrested, so the guards are under control. If you don't believe me, go to the gate or the street to have a look. I'll give you a few minutes to think about it

In fact, they also saw that the guard was under control, but they did not dare to act rashly. After all, it was the Lord of the city. However, they also wavered when they said that at twilight. Moreover, they could be beggars because they had no money. Now such a large sum of money is in front of them, so it is impossible for them not to move.

A little beggar trembled and held out his hand and said, "I'll go! My mother is ill and has no money to buy medicine. I have to take this money to buy medicine for her. Even if I die, my mother can live. I think it's worth it. "

Hearing his words, Dushi squatted down and touched his head and said, "don't worry, I won't let you be in danger. You are a good child, and you must have good luck. I'll give you all the bank notes. If other people want to go, they will take them from you."

Then she gave all the money to the little beggar. The other little beggars were very jealous and silently took out the money from him to represent that they were willing to go too. In a short time, many little beggars were willing to gamble.

The evening night satisfaction of looking at them to say: "now you go."

With that, the little beggars began to shout in the streets. Although it was dusk, dusk was absolutely confident. In a short time, it would become more lively than the market at noon. For those little beggars, it's absolutely a good thing to drop pie from the sky.

However, she still wants to be a good person. She looks at the rest of the little beggars with fierce eyes, and then says coldly, "when they come back, if you dare to rob their money, don't blame me for being impolite."

Dushi's worry is right, because in many places, even beggars have a hierarchy system. Most of the beggars who just went out are small beggars with no identity. Even if they work hard to complete the task, the benefits will fall to the upper level.

Dushi observes a slightly older beggar. He must be the head of the group. She once again sacrifices the fire of congenital chaos and makes the fire burn to his hair. In an instant, the beggar roars loudly.

He wanted to beat off the flames with his hand, but he didn't expect that the skin that came into contact with the flames was burning, and then he started to cry in horror. Dusk took back the flames immediately. She just wanted to scare him, but didn't really want to hurt him.

For this kind of people, verbal threats are useless, only the real harm can make them feel fear. Dushi saw the obvious fear in the beggar's eyes, so she said, "you remember the taste. If you rob them of their silver, you know the consequences."

The beggar knelt down in the dusk and kowtowed: "aunt, believe me, I will never rob them of their money. I dare not, I really dare not any more."

Dusk Xi nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the beggars around him and said again, "take care of these people around you. If they rob, I don't care, I will deal with you alone."

The beggar looked at the beggars around him with ferocious eyes. When he saw the beggars shrinking, he looked at the dusk with satisfaction, and then flattered and said, "Granny, don't worry, I will take care of them. I will cut off their hand which they use."

Such cruel words made the beggars tremble again. They were left alone at dusk, and they continued to pay attention to the movement of the city Lord's mansion. It seems that it will take some time for the army to interrogate and find evidence, and she doesn't have to worry about it.

She waited for half an hour outside the city Lord's residence. Sure enough, more and more people gathered outside. She looked around at them at dusk and found that most of them had two contradictory emotions of excitement and indignation on their faces. It seemed that their relatives had been persecuted.

So now that the Lord of the city is arrested, it's a great pleasure for them. At this time, the little beggars who just went out also came back together.

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