After LAN zhehan left, long Bo was silent for a while and said, "although he is very kind to you now, you'd better not have too much entanglement with him. He is perverse and cruel, and easy to change. You should be careful."

"You don't have to worry. I've already got someone I like, but I have something to do with staying here. Thank you for your concern," he said

Long Bo looked at Dushi for a long time with his scanning eyes. He wanted to stop talking. Dushi noticed his attitude and asked, "if you have anything to say, I can tell you. I stay here for the holy land you call it. I want both the golden conch and the treasure in the Holy Land."

Longbo seems to be surprised at the directness of dusk, but he immediately understands that the only place where Hailing kingdom can be depicted is holy land. Besides, she can still have feelings with golden conch, but he is still worried that dusk's strength is too low.

He didn't think Twilight could help him at all, so he didn't speak. Dusk Xi naturally will not force, long Bo is ready to go, the jade pendant space hundred Li burning Jin with divine sense to dusk Xi said: "let me go out and talk to him, maybe it will be useful."

Although she was confused, she let him out, because she not only believed in the strength of Bai Li Fen Jin, but also believed in Bai Li Fen Jin's brain power. As soon as he came out, he asked in a very dignified voice, "are you long Yingtian?"

Longbo immediately turned his head, half excited and half sad in his expression. His tears fell one by one, and even his voice began to choke. He tried his best to control his mood and said, "my lord? I'm long Ying. My God... I'm sorry for you... I've let you down... "

The evening stands beside the hundred Li burn Jin is a face of monbi, this is what trend? How do you feel that long Bo and Bai Li Fen Jin know each other? No wonder Twilight felt that they had the same breath. They were all from the temple, but he called Baili to burn Jinjun, not God.

Hundred Li burn Jin light said: "you admit wrong, your mouth is my father, he has died for many years, I am his son hundred Li burn Jin."

It seems that uncle long is still the elder of Bai Li Fen Jin. However, uncle long is much more surprised than evening. He trembles and staggers to Bai Li Fen Jin. Uncle long wanted to touch Bai Li Fen Jin's shoulder.

But he dodged, and Longbo was stunned. Then he said with a smile, "well, well, you're just like me. You don't like to be touched by others. You have successors. You're just like me. I'm so happy!"

But after excited, he had a series of questions. He looked at Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "how come you never told us that he has a child before? And why aren't you in the temple? What are you doing here? And... Why are you so powerless? "

Bai Li Fen Jin just said indifferently: "there are some things you don't need to know, you just need to know now, you have to say all the things you know, and try your best to help Dushi go to the holy land, this is your primary task now."

Dusk evening in his side, wanted to pinch his waist of soft meat, but he had no fat waist, this let dusk evening have no way to start, she changed to pat the shoulder, close to his ear, not happy whispered: "you should be polite to him a little bit, at least he is your elder, but also very familiar with your father."

Later, with an apologetic smile, Dushi said to Longbo, "he has a bad attitude. I hope you don't forgive him. He's not in the temple... He has no strength... It's all because of me, but he's definitely the son of the king. You have to believe him. "

Long Bo blinked his eyes. He is still muddled. Why is dusk evening so close to your son? And she dares to touch his body at will, and he is not angry? What surprised him even more was that Bai Li Fen Jin gently hugged her and said gently, "don't say that. I'm willing to drop my strength to accompany you. Don't blame yourself."

The more he said that, the more guilty Dushi was, and this also achieved the effect of burning Jin. As long as his little lady felt ashamed of him, she would surely stay with him and never leave again. This is his strategy.

He knows too much about twilight, and knows that she only eats soft but not hard. The softer his attitude is, the more understanding he is. Twilight can't stand it, and he can only plant it in his hands. Uncle long can't recover from their love for a long time.

After a long time, he reacted and said excitedly, "I know! Just now you said that the person you like is your son, right! As like as two peas, I am surprised that... "I am not alone in the name of the king. Even the son on the king is a spoony seed. It is indeed the son of the king. It is just like the gentleman!"

Twilight night helplessly looking at the way of Longbo's emotion, she frowned and said: "Longbo, your voice is so loud, aren't you afraid to call LAN zhehan? It turns out that you are so bold. I can't see it. "

As soon as long Bo heard this, he quickly covered his mouth. This action made him very happy in the evening. Such a young girl's action was done by long Bo, who was very old. There was no sense of disobedience! Longbo felt the smile of dusk.

He quickly cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment. The good news he got today was so much that he was a man who had been baptized for millions of years. It took him a long time to recover.

Bai Li Fen Jin asked seriously: "Why are you here? Is there a tomb of nine tribes here? "

Long Bo nodded and couldn't help complimenting: "I'm really worthy of being your son. I'm so smart. I'll guess."

Dusk Xi speechless looking at Longbo, he is so experienced, such a strong person to compliment others, this picture is really bad, dusk Xi had to say: "Longbo, you are the king, Baili burn Jin is Baili burn Jin, although they are father and son, but you don't always compare them."

Bai Li Fen Jin takes a soft look at Mu Xi. Sure enough, Mu Xi knows him best. His father doesn't tell others that he has a son. Similarly, he doesn't want to have much to do with his father. And he didn't want to equate with his father.

He didn't want all his efforts to be less than a "because you are the son of the king". Longbo looked at dusk night unwillingly.

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