Yulan sneers with disdain, and LAN zhehan says to the dusk: "you teach him well. If he still has this virtue after we get married, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel!"

Like Yulan, Dushi sniffs with disdain. Then he ignores him and walks on his own. LAN zhehan's whole body is shaking behind him. His hands are clenched into fists, and his teeth are clenched together, clucking. Longbo was behind him, on guard.

In case he couldn't control it, he made a move to dusk night. But this time, Longbo's expectation was wrong again. LAN zhehan was angry for a while, and suddenly gave a light smile. He looked at dusk night's back and said with a smile: "I like you like this. The more you disdain me, the more I want to conquer you. I want to see you groaning under me!"

At the end, he couldn't help laughing, and then he burst out laughing. Uncle long looked at him in disgust. Just like him, he wanted to rob his wife with your son, but he didn't want to see how much he was! Longbo is like this.

Although he doesn't like Muxi very much, and thinks that Muxi is not worthy of your son anywhere, when other people like Muxi, he thinks that other people are not worthy of Muxi, and automatically defaults to Muxi as a woman of hundred Li burning Jin.

He is such a contradictory psychology. LAN zhehan followed him to the kitchen. He took the initiative to talk with him all the way. However, he always grasped a certain degree. He didn't want to say more, and he couldn't say nothing, so as not to irritate him. He really wanted to be a bully.

It's hard for me to resist this. I've made a few simple dishes, but they are all Yulan and her favorite. Although they are simple, they are very warm. Long Bo stands behind LAN zhehan and looks at the way Muxi cooks. It seems that your son will not be hungry in the future.

Although there were many women before LAN zhehan, they never cooked their own food. They became his concubines. They all had servants to serve them. Now when he saw the evening cooking, he felt very strange. He felt the difference between the evening and his own eyes.

So, man is a kind of strange animal. He wants his woman to keep her fingers away from the sunshine. After a long time, he feels that the woman who works hard all day has a special flavor. In dusk, it's all cheap. Don't cherish what she has.

On the contrary, to pursue what we can't, in the end, those who always wander between the two are doomed to get none. However, LAN zhehan is more and more interested in twilight now. He said to twilight with a smile, "let me try your little dish. It looks delicious."

Evening evening euphemistically refused: "you are used to eating delicacies, I this mountain vegetables, certainly can't enter your eyes, you can't get used to it."

LAN zhehan stares at the dusk night tightly, in the eye is not allow her to refuse firm, slowly say: "eat not to be used to, I want to eat to say again first."

Twilight gently raised the corner of his lips, then played with his hair and said: "although I'm a mountain vegetable, I make it myself. Where can ordinary people eat it? If you want to eat it, you can also eat it. But... I really like that golden conch. Don't you think it's a sacred thing of your family? It has a lot of predestination with me... Otherwise it won't come to me. Why don't you give it back to me? "

LAN zhehan didn't expect that Dushi would make this request. He frowned slightly and was about to refuse. Dushi continued: "you don't want to send it. Anyway, it's a sacred thing of your family. It has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to force it."

As she said this, LAN zhehan quickly stopped her. He felt that if she refused this time, she would have a bad impression on him, not to mention that she would be conquered.

Although he didn't know that in the heart of dusk night, he had a negative impression on him for a long time. LAN zhehan said with a smile to dusk night, "beautiful things are given to beautiful women. Since you like them, I'll give them to you as a gift, but the dishes you make belong to me."

Dushi also shows a charming smile. She takes over the golden conch, which makes LAN zhehan crazy. For a long time, he hasn't come back to his senses. For the sake of fighting beauty, it's worth the gift of the golden conch. At that moment when he was laughing at dusk, he even felt that if he could get such a beauty's favor and let him give the whole Hailing Kingdom, he would like to.

Long Bo was stunned to see that she bought golden conch with a few dishes? This is totally impossible in Longbo's cognition. He can't help but sigh about the means of Dushi. Maybe she can really get the Pearl.

Dusk Xi is satisfied to see LAN zhehan eat a few dishes. Yulan doesn't stop him, because he's full. Besides, he knows what dusk Xi is doing. By means of dusk Xi, she can't miss such a good opportunity.

After LAN zhehan finished eating, he said to the dusk in an ambiguous tone: "if you become my woman, let alone a holy thing, I will give you the whole Hailing kingdom."

Then he wanted to touch the hair of dusk evening. Dusk evening deftly dodged and Yingying said with a smile: "with only one holy thing, do you want my people? You think I'm too cheap, and your own value has been pulled down by you. "

LAN zhehan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "well, it's worthy of being the woman I like. Don't worry, I will conquer you slowly and let you stay with me willingly."

"I'll wait and see," he said

LAN zhehan leaves with satisfaction. He has a sense of excitement and tension in hunting, which he has never felt before. He also has his own business to be busy with, otherwise he wants to stay with him step by step, but he sends long Bo and some servant girls to guard the evening.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dushi wants to find the location of the holy land, but after several rounds, she can't find a suitable location for the mausoleum. She has no choice but to consult with Qin Qingyun, but their yard is too far away.

It took me a long time to find it, but thanks to Uncle long and the servant girl, otherwise she couldn't find it. After they meet with each other, dusk night casually finds a reason to take the servant girl away, and the servant girl sees that there is uncle long in, so she leaves at ease.

But she didn't expect that Longbo and Muxi were also together. As soon as they entered the room, they got together and sat down. Liuge'er excitedly said to Muxi, "have you found any secret?"

Dusk night mysterious nodded, so even Qin Qingyun can't help excited, they haven't been to this place for a long time.

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