But as the king of a country, he didn't dare to admit it directly, so he thought it was a light smile, and then said to Dushi, "how can it be house arrest? You see, aren't you out? It's just that I want you to stay here longer. It's just that we can cultivate our feelings. "

Twilight night smile, but smile did not bring much smile, but doubt, but she said: "so, ah, it seems that I misunderstood you."

Liuge'er was amused by the words of dusk night. She was just a senior black. LAN zhehan's attention was immediately attracted by her smile. He looked at liuge'er unhappily, and she said with an embarrassed smile: "go on, go on, continue to cultivate your feelings."

As long as you don't be afraid to wait for the strength of Bai Li Fen Jin to recover and crush you to death. She said this sentence to herself in silence, and then she immediately began to pick food, anyway, she is not the protagonist in the play. Dushi doesn't want to be asked about Yulan by LAN zhehan any more.

So she changed the topic and said with ease: "listen to the maid say that there will be a blu ray festival in your Hailing kingdom in a few days. It's said that it's really good-looking. Don't you do any activities?"

LAN zhehan was stunned. He didn't expect that Twilight would ask this question, and he didn't expect that Twilight would know about the blue light Festival. He turned his head and looked at the servant girl one by one, as if to find out who told her this.

Long Bo also takes a slightly surprised look at dusk. It seems that she still has her own means. Long Bo doesn't find it. Now his impression of dusk is better. Although he still wants to criticize dusk, at least his heart is still getting better.

Dusk Xi looks at LAN zhehan's reaction. It seems that this blue light Festival is really deceitful. Of course, she can't let it go, so she continues to pick things up and asks, "what's the matter? Don't you tell me about a little Festival? You don't want me to see it, or do you have a secret? "

On hearing this, LAN zhehan immediately explained, "how can there be any secret? You are really joking. If you want to see it, I'll send someone to take you to see it. Are you satisfied? "

It has to be said that LAN zhehan's lies are easy to find. The speed of his reply and the concealed expression on his face make it clear at dusk that he is telling lies, but she still needs to do enough on her face. She pretends to look forward and says, "well, I just want to have a look."

LAN zhehan has a dangerous smile on his lips. He seems to be considering whether to kill Muxi. As the one who can open the mausoleum, Muxi still has golden conch in her hand. Once she opens the mausoleum, he will not be the king of the sea spirit kingdom.

He is trying to decide which is more important, but his perfect acting skills deceive him, which makes him believe that he doesn't know the secret of the mausoleum of Hailing kingdom. He thinks he cheated him, but in fact, he cheated him.

At dusk, seeing him is the same as seeing a child lying. If you don't tell the truth, you'll pass by whitewashing peace. LAN zhehan doesn't have the heart to continue this meal, because recently he will be busy with the affairs of the Blu ray Festival, so they naturally go back together at dusk.

After all, they have to pretend for a while to let LAN zhehan off guard. They go back to the palace together, and dusk brings Yulan to her side, because she thinks that today's state of Longbo is a little strange, and these changes may be related to Yulan.

It seems that we can only wait for Longbo to find time to explain, but he is now taken away by LAN zhehan. It may take some time for him to come. With a mysterious smile, liuge'er said to dusk, "when shall we start planning? When will your poison come out? "

Twilight night winked and said: "then I don't know. What I gave him is not very serious poison... But I haven't urged him."

Liuge'er said impatiently, "when will you urge me? I don't want to be in this mess

Dusk night light glanced at her one eye, then said to her: "that you still play so happy today? Have you forgotten what we were going to do today? If you didn't want to visit, maybe we would have found the exact location of the mausoleum. "

Liu Ge'er laughs awkwardly, and then says, "then my freshness is gone. I just want to go back now."

Dusk night raised the corner of his lips and said with a mysterious smile: "when the blue light Festival comes, things may come to an end. Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu."

Liuge'er has no choice but to turn her lips. Qin Qingyun pats her shoulder to comfort her. She drops her eyes and says to Dushi, "then I'll wait a few days. The palace is not big enough. It's not fun at all. I'll wait to see the treasure of the mausoleum."

Dusk night smell speech smile, with Yu blue back to his room, maybe later long Bo will come over, Yu blue side walk side whispered: "sister, but that hundred Li burning Jin said don't let me and you sleep a place ah, you don't want him, want to return to the heart to change my mind."

Dushi patted him on the back of the head and said, "the word" change your mind "is not used in this way. Besides, who said I would sleep with you? You should remember that Baili Huojin will always be your brother-in-law. It's just that there may be something about you today. If you want to be here, maybe it's about your life experience. "

The evening evening evening didn't expect, her this words will cause Yu blue so big reaction, he incredible looking at the evening evening, the whole body is shaking, the face is also pale a lot, the tears also keep in the eye socket spin, evening evening evening said at a loss: "what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? "

Yu blue still has no reaction, evening night then squats down body, lightly grasps his shoulder to say: "you exactly how?"

Yulan suddenly shakes off Dusk's hand and says: "why do you want me to know my life experience? Don't you want me? Is it because of Bai Li Fen Jin? Every time he is by your side, you ignore me. He has no strength now... How can he protect you? "

Dusk night this just know Yu blue in the mind of the thought, he is a very lack of security of the child, the heart is also very sensitive, this may be because he is a long time a person stay in the secret place of the reason, dusk night quickly comfort way: "I don't want you. You know, I treat you as my own brother. How can I not want you? "

Yulan rubbed her eyes with her hand, and said in a choked voice, "then why do you want to talk about my life experience?"

Twilight gently touched his head.

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