As if he had been summoned, he stood up. He scared the dusk night. After all, they were hiding now. At the moment when he stood up, LAN zhehan found Yulan's figure.

And he also noticed that Shengzhu was going towards Yulan. He glared at Yulan and said, "you little beast! What's the origin of this! I knew something was wrong with you from the first day. I should have killed you earlier! "

LAN zhehan pursues Shengzhu and attacks Yulan. Although Yulan's strength is the highest among them, LAN zhehan can't be underestimated. Seeing that they have been exposed at dusk, she also stands up with Yulan. She sees long Bo standing there.

She roared, "Uncle long! Are you stupid? Now that the pearl is no longer in LAN zhehan's hands, don't you deal with him! What if he hurts Yu Lan? "

Long Bo hears the voice of dusk night, and then he reacts. He has been paying attention to the direction of the Pearl just now, as if he was fascinated by the mysterious power of the Pearl. He doesn't notice the situation of Yulan. Now he sees that LAN zhehan is attacking Yulan.

He immediately picked up the strength of his whole body and went straight to LAN zhehan. He said angrily: "you bastard, who are you? You are an immature animal

Rao Shi LAN zhehan has two fists and four legs, and he can't resist the joint attack of Yulan and Longbo. Especially with Longbo's mysterious strength, he didn't last long before he was defeated. Moreover, he was totally defeated, and his chest was torn like pain.

It was hurt by Longbo's palm force. As long as he opened his mouth slightly, blood would flow out of it. He coughed uncontrollably. As soon as he coughed, his throat touched his chest, and the pain became more and more intense. Longbo came up to him, opened his eyes and asked him, "do you know what's wrong?"

LAN zhehan snorted coldly. Though his voice was small, he said firmly, "what's wrong with me?"

At this time, the evening party slowly came to LAN zhehan. Liuge'er couldn't help smacking at his embarrassed appearance. She looked at Longbo and said, "why do you talk so much with him? If you want to kill him, you have to kill him. Look at his unconvinced appearance. If you give him a chance, he will bite you back. "

Dusk also nodded silently. LAN zhehan looked at dusk, and his hatred for her was stronger than that of Longbo. He said to dusk in a low voice: "bitch! I'm so good to you, but you treat me like this! I should have killed you

The dusk evening helplessly spread a hand to say: "blame me?"? Who told you not to do it yourself? "

As soon as LAN zhehan heard the words of dusk night, he coughed with anger, and the corner of his mouth was overflowing with blood. It was frightening to look like this. After a long time, he said, "what's the origin of you?"?! Why meddle in the affairs of Hailing kingdom? "

Liuge'er was very happy when she heard this. His kung fu was really good. She looked at LAN zhehan with a smile and said, "brother, you should be sober, OK? It's clearly you who covet the beauty of our evening and bring her here to be your wife. It's like we came here uninvited. "

LAN zhehan finds that he still can't speak any more. One by one, they talk more and more poisonous. If they go on like this, he will be really angry. Long Bo shakes his head helplessly, walks to LAN zhehan, droops his eyes and says to him, "you are the best young generation I picked out. Let me give you a ride today."

When LAN zhehan heard this, he looked at Longbo in horror. With his understanding of Longbo's love and righteousness, he thought Longbo would not kill him anyway, but this time he really saw the determination and intention in Longbo's eyes.

Then he panicked. He knelt down to Longbo's feet and kowtowed to him. He said in a trembling voice: "master, master, please don't kill me. We'll fight against each other! Master, I know I'm wrong. I was a jerk before. Please forgive me! "

His head is hard to knock to the ground, and everyone can hear the sound of forehead and land contact. When he raises his head, it is already a piece of flesh and blood, and Longbo can't help but feel a little distressed. He takes a weak look at dusk, but Longbo doesn't realize it.

Now dusk night in his heart has a very authoritative position, he even bypassed Yu blue, directly to dusk night request signal. Evening evening hands ring chest, stir up eyebrow way: "you want how to deal with how to deal with."

Dushi gives the right of choice to Longbo. Longbo's greatest advantage is that he attaches great importance to love and righteousness. Otherwise, he can't guard LAN Qianyuan's Mausoleum loyally for ten years. But his biggest disadvantage is that he attaches great importance to love and righteousness. Otherwise, he can't be a bit softhearted in the face of an apprentice who once betrayed him.

Twilight night heart secretly sigh, a natural hesitant person how can do great things? Fortunately, Longbo stayed in the secluded Hailing Kingdom, otherwise he might have been killed by his love and righteousness, even in Hailing kingdom.

He couldn't hold his power. Seeing that uncle long was soft hearted, LAN zhehan took the initiative to talk about the past. He said how Uncle long taught him and how he listened carefully. He said that he would betray uncle long just because he was lost in his mind.

Long Bo sighed deeply, then frowned and said to him: "enough, don't say any more... You can avoid death, but you can't escape a living sin. No matter what, you've killed so many people. I didn't want your life. It's very kind. I'll cut off your meridians, abolish your cultivation, save your life and make a good living. You'll never be my apprentice again. "

Hearing the words, LAN zhehan quickly released his hand holding Longbo's thigh, shrank back and looked at Longbo approaching him step by step with fear in his eyes. He could not help shouting: "no... no! What's the difference between me and the dead if my cultivation is abandoned! Those who hate me won't let me go! "

Long Bo had no choice but to smile, and then said: "even you know that many people will hate you if you do something harmful to nature, so why do you do it? They won't let you go. It's just because you did it yourself. Of course, you have to pay for it yourself. "

With that, he closed his eyes and hit LAN zhehan's spine with his palm. He didn't give him a chance to refuse. Then he turned his palm into a fist and walked down the spine until the whole spine was swept by the fist. Long could let go.

At the moment, LAN zhehan had collapsed on the ground.

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