Liuge'er is not reconciled. She still points to the portrait and says, "really, I think this God is really like you."

While she said it, she asked for everyone's consent. Now everyone's attention was attracted by her. They were all looking at the picture carefully. It was a very beautiful woman with holy light all over her body, like an angel landing on the earth.

Let's take a look at the portraits and twilight. Their looks are really similar, but the only difference is that the woman in the portraits is holy and full of immortality. Although twilight is a nine day mysterious woman among ordinary people.

But compared with her, Dushi is just like an ordinary woman without immortal spirit. Liuge'er took Longbo and asked, "anyway, you are all from the temple. You should have seen this God several times. Do you think Dushi looks like her? Your words are the most convincing. "

Liuge'er's words arouse long Bo's long-term memories. At that time, the situation of the temple and the demon kingdom was still stable. He also saw the appearance of the LORD God when he visited you with LAN Qianyuan. When you saw the LORD God, the whole person seemed to have changed.

Different from his attitude towards them, Longbo only remembers that the appearance of the LORD God is really beautiful. There is no such beautiful person in heaven and earth, especially her unattainable temperament and mysterious and attractive atmosphere.

All this revealed that she was unusual. He looked at the twilight and suddenly had a bold guess in his heart. If it was really what he thought, it could explain why her identity was so special. She was the one who was determined by the patriarch.

It's your son's sweetheart again. He chuckles and laments that what you want to do but dare not do in your life, his son has done it, and the speed is so fast. It was just Longbo's guess, but he felt more and more credible.

He decided to see dusk for a long time, she has her way to go, maybe all this is a test of her, Longbo decided to press this conjecture in his heart, he will not tell anyone, he will leave all the truth to dusk, let her step by step to find, to explore.

So he shook his head and said, "it's too old. I've forgotten a lot about the past. I can't remember the appearance of the LORD God. But... When you get to the temple and your strength is getting higher and higher, maybe you will know. Now you still need to work hard."

Twilight nodded, then patted the back of the head of a dirty song and said, "do you hear me? Don't worry about it. We could have gone in long ago, but you are always wasting your time here. "

Liuge'er stares at dusk, then rubs the back of his head and says, "I'm your sister-in-law. How can you be so rude and dare to beat me? What's more, it's clear that you want to see the murals here, so we didn't go in and watch them with you. "

Dusk night cover up cough twice, then to long Bo said: "how do we get in?"

Long Bo looked up at the huge door, and then said, "take a drop of blood from you and the little Lord, and print it on the door, so that you can open the door of the mausoleum."

Dushi and Yulan look at each other tacitly, then nod and prick their index finger with a needle. A drop of bright red blood comes out from the pinhole. Dushi and Yulan stick their index finger to the gate at the same time, and then a series of changes take place in the gate.

Although there are only two drops of blood, the pattern of the mural in the whole gate is dyed red. Dusk can clearly see the two drops of blood rolling rapidly in the pattern, until the pattern of the whole gate is rolled again, the two drops of blood disappear.

At the moment when the whole door is dyed red, the mural patterns on it become more vivid and flexible. The characters in the whole picture seem to rush out of the painting, and they can even hear the noise in their ears.

At dusk, they were really involved in that memory. The content of the whole mural was a story, which was printed in everyone's mind like a movie. It took such a long time from the stability of the temple to the chaos during the war between gods and demons.

In their mind, it's like looking at the flowers in a hurry. Through this miniature, Dushi feels the power of the temple and the tragic war situation. Most of the characters in the murals are the heroes of the temple, including Bai Li's father.

There are also the patriarchs of nine tribes. Although they can't clearly distinguish who they are, their common hatred and heroic killing of the enemy are deeply engraved in their minds. The whole mural conveys a kind of mood of thinking of danger in times of peace and alerting future generations.

However, what surprised her most was that she saw the God liuge'er had just said. She had to say that they were really similar, and she had a feeling of being very close to her. She didn't know what was going on.

Maybe they'll know when they go to the temple. They slowly opened their eyes, and all the people present were shocked by the tragic history. They were immersed in the emotion of the war for a long time. Everyone agreed that they didn't speak.

To leave history some time to think, even children like Yulan can realize the cruelty of war and the value of peace. After a long time, long Bo left two lines of clear tears on his face. He cried silently, which was a man's deep feeling.

He said slowly: "I belong to that era, and I will always stay in that era. I know what the patriarch means. He wants to use this mural to let you introspect and wake up. Especially the young master, what you are carrying is the fate of the whole water spirit race. You must remember that you must become stronger."

Then Longbo looked at these young people with firm eyes: "after this period of time, I also know you. I know that you will have great achievements in the future. I have no doubt about that. You should remember that with your strength, you can go to the temple. Only you can be the master of the temple. As you can see, the painful history of the war between gods and demons is not accidental. There are too many secrets waiting for you to find out. I believe you can, I believe you! After all, the Temple belongs to you young people. "

This is the first time that long Bo talks with Qin Qingyun in such an encouraging manner, which makes them feel flattered. However, they also feel long Bo's respect and expectation for them. Qin Qingyun, fengqingyue and liuge'er solemnly said to Longbo: "we will never fail the trust of our predecessors!"

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