Longbo looked at them happily. Young people should have such courage and determination. Only in this way can they meet greater challenges. Long Bo closely follows Yu Lan. Although Yu Lan's strength is high, in long Bo's eyes, he is still a child after all.

In any case, he could not give up. Longbo continued: "this deep-sea area is different from the outside. It's turbulent and oppressive, and it's not only dangerous inside. You must be very careful. It's dark inside. You can't see each other clearly. You can only ask for your own happiness."

They all nodded solemnly, and dusk asked, "how can we pass the test? Do you want to kill everything inside, or something else? "

Long Bo pondered for a while and said, "as long as you find the black sea stone and put it in a place where there is no water, this area will naturally disappear."

Hearing long Bo's words, twilight feels that the pressure on her body is heavier. They not only have to deal with the danger inside, but also look for a stone in such a dark environment. It's more difficult than picking stars. Twilight adjusts her mind.

Just as they were about to enter, there was another scream around them. They took a close look and found that it was LAN zhehan, who was rapidly entering the deep sea field from a strange angle. At dusk, they were shocked.

Qin Qingyun suddenly realized, "I know what the meaning of the land without burial place is! That is to let him experience the fear of various death methods over and over again, but without really taking his life, he can only be dominated by this fear all the time. "

Liuge'er swallowed his saliva in fear and thought silently. It seems that they are not miserable yet. LAN zhehan is the worst. This torture method is equivalent to all the death methods in this mausoleum. He has to try it again, but in other words, he is also equivalent to demonstrating to them in every test.

With his pioneering role, they were not so afraid when they entered the deep sea. Fengqingyue took the first step, followed by Qin Qingyun, and then came dusk and liuge'er. As soon as they go in, the whole person seems to fall into the abyss.

Before, because of the role of water spirit beads, they could walk on the ground in Hailing kingdom. However, in this deep-sea field, they simply could not control their own balance. The whole person was being impacted by the current and was in the dark, so the whole person felt very scared.

Finally, they can only use the swimming posture to maintain their balance. It's dark around dusk, and she can't see anything clearly at all. She simply closes her eyes, feels the impact of the surrounding water, and gets the surrounding information with her ears, so that her inner panic can be reduced.

After closing her eyes, she was all quiet and listened to the sound around her, but it was so quiet that she could only hear the sound of the surging water. All of them disappeared into the dark at the moment they entered the deep sea.

Each other can't see each other's figure. In this dangerous situation, Dushi keeps herself absolutely quiet. She stays in the same place quietly and doesn't make a sound, just like the rule of the dark jungle. Under the premise that each other doesn't know the situation, what the gun hits first must be the outsider.

All of a sudden, she felt that the position of her ankle was yanked by something like antennae, and she fell uncontrollably, as if there was no end. She quickly took out the firefly sword, turned around and cut it on the tentacle, the moment it was cut.

The tentacles immediately trembled and drew back, but then came more tentacles towards dusk. Moreover, she could not see the direction clearly, so she could only judge the position of these tentacles by her voice. She felt that the tentacles controlled her hands and feet, making her unable to move.

She quickly summoned the ice sword. In this case, the ice sword's lethality was much greater than her. Sure enough, as soon as the ice sword moved, it would go to those tentacles. It didn't take long for the shackles of Dushi to be released.

Then came a roar. Knowing that the ice sword might have hurt the tentacle monster, she immediately cursed: "damn Octopus!"

In the deep sea, there are so many tentacles of big monsters, it is estimated that only octopus, she just finished this sentence, then heard Qin Qingyun's voice: "little sister, is it you? Are you here? I heard about the monster and came over. Are you ok

Evening heard the familiar voice, immediately relaxed a lot, she quickly replied: "I'm ok, this monster has been solved, at this time, we can still meet, it's really not easy."

Qin Qingyun also nodded and said, "yes, it's so dark that you can't see anything."

Indeed, even if they can talk to each other, they still can't see each other clearly. Dusk tut gently, and then said: "this is not the way to go on, in this deep-sea field, we are too passive, we now mainly want to find the black sea stone."

Qin Qingyun said helplessly: "but it's so dark around, I can't even see you, let alone the black sea stone. Even if it's in front of me now, I can't see it."

When she heard the words at dusk, her brain began to rotate rapidly. She tried to use the attribute of fire. Maybe the fire of congenital chaos could play a role. But as soon as she started the fire, the light was swallowed by the darkness, but dusk could feel that the fire of congenital chaos was still there.

I can't help frowning at dusk. How can this deep-sea field be so powerful? Although the congenitally mixed fire can still be used, the most important thing in this place is the light. What's the use of a single flame. Suddenly an idea flashed into her mind.

There is a kind of luminous life created by her golden soul power in the hundred Li burning Jin space. Maybe it can be used now. Thinking about her, she will use her soul power decisively. This time, her requirements are not high. She only needs something that can shine.

Her hands are flying, changing different decisions. At the same time, the golden soul power is injected into her hands. Gradually, there is a weak light between her hands. She looks at the change with joy, and her joy can't be controlled, but the action on her hands continues.

Qin Qingyun was also stunned to see the light she created. Slowly, the weak light gradually expanded and became brighter, which was particularly dazzling in the absolute darkness. It didn't stop until it condensed into a ball of light.

Although the soul power is consumed, the light ball created by Twilight makes her very happy. Now, it may be of great use.

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