Huang Xiaolong quickly sat down, "Then I'll do as you say!" Fen Jin forcefully pulled Mu Xi into his arms. A pair of eyes was staring at her, the displeasure in them obvious.

Mu Xi smiled awkwardly at the young master, he laughed and said, "I understand, I understand." Brother, don't mind me. I'm not a hooligan that robs women. I wouldn't do such a thing. I just want to make friends. Looking at how handsome and elegant they are, I don't care about the money, so I might as well treat all of you to a meal. This young master has never changed his name, has never changed his name, has never changed his name, has always lived in Fujia Villa, has never made more money in his daily life, and has never made more money in his daily life. "

A profound look flashed across Fen Jin's eyes. Fujia Manor was a chain of banks that was opened on three continents. The current owner's name was Huang An, and this person in front of him was presumably the Young Manor Lord. Although it was a bank, they still had the skills to gather information. After all, they dealt with banknotes all day, so it was easier to gather information. Presumably, they also knew about the matter of the grave of Feng Rui.

He spoke calmly, "Since the Young Manor Lord of Fujia Manor is here, are you determined to obtain this tomb?" Huang Zhijin was slightly surprised. This man was indeed not simple. He knew his identity so easily. Since when did the news of the Fujia Villa become so easily investigated?

Hearing that, Mu Xi stared at him and said, "You came to steal our business?"

Huang Zhijin waved his hand and said, "I already said that I just want to be friends with you. Besides, I didn't know what you were up to at the beginning. But after entering the tomb, we'll have to rely on our own abilities. If you don't have any, I'm not willing to befriend you. What's going on? Are you guys in the business of a bank? "

Mu Xi coughed unnaturally twice and said, "That's not true, I went to find a treasure. "Then we'll just have to rely on our own abilities. Be careful or else your bank might not be able to get anything at all."

He cut her off and said, "Since I truly want to be friends with you, quickly tell me your names."

Qin Qingyun pouted and said, "Oh wow, he even begged me to be his friend."

Huang Zhijin impatiently handed over a plate made of pure gold and said, "Here, give it to me. If you need anything from me in the future, just tell me your name."

Qin Qingyun took over the sign and smiled, "This is really gold. How rich." We are from the General's Estate of the Phoenix Rui. "

Yellow Day Gold is a merchant. He doesn't want to do business for the loss of money. That man in black looks like he has quite the status. It's best that he can get online. If he can't, he'll just lose a meal and a signboard." The dining table was filled with the nonsense of the yellow sun and gold. Even eating with him was extremely fragrant.

After eating their fill, Fen Jin said to Huang Zhijin, "See you in the tomb."

Huang Zhijin frowned and said, "Don't. We won't be able to go together."

Fen Jin only looked at Mu Xi as he explained, "I know a faster way, let's go earlier so that the treasure won't be stolen."

Mu Xi nodded seriously, then said to Huang Zhijin with a smile, "Goodbye. Don't think about your treasures. They're all mine!" With that, the group climbed back into the carriage. Huang Zhijin looked at their backs as they disappeared into the distance and sighed. He had misunderstood something. If he had known this would happen, he would have tried to curry favor with Muxi. He did not have a waiter who could observe the situation.

On the carriage, Mu Xi asked, "Why didn't you tell me about the closer road?"

Fen Jin said casually, "Because I want to stay with you a little longer."

Mu Xi rolled her eyes. When did this guy become so persistent? He hugged Sunset, "My wife, shouldn't we continue?" As he spoke, he drew closer to Twilight.

She quickly covered his mouth and said, "That's right, that's right. You haven't told me where my big brother's poison came from."

Fen Jin gently bit her hand and said, "If you don't want to give me the reward, then don't say it." He pointed to his lips like a kid asking for sugar.

Mu Xi said proudly, "It's fine if you don't say it, but I don't believe that I can't find it out."

Fen Jin said helplessly, "Your big brother's poison could have been poisoned by the Feng family. The General's House holds the military power, and your grandfather is well liked by the people. A phoenix needs him to rule the country, but it is not for him to make a great contribution. "But the reason is …" Mu Xi slightly narrowed her eyes. Before long, she would make Feng Tian and Qin Wanyuan pay the price!

Two days later, they were near the grave. The ground was a huge pit, and one could roughly see the size of the tomb. There were already many teams camping around, and one could even hear the painful wails of the wounded. A peculiar expression flashed across Fen Jin's eyes when he saw the tomb.

Mu Xi and Qin Qingyun had both disguised themselves as ordinary looking youngsters, leaving only Fen Jin and his followers with their true appearances. Mu Xi patted a middle-aged man's shoulder and asked, "Brother, what's going on? Why didn't you go in. "

That person rolled his eyes and said, "Go in? If you don't want to live, go in and take a look. So many wounded you see, they haven't even touched the tomb door. "

It seemed this tomb wouldn't be that easy to enter, but even so, no one retreated. Mu Xi sneered. These people probably wanted someone else to die in the tomb so they could share a portion of the spoils. As a result, more and more people gathered around the tomb, but very few people actually moved.

Fen Jin moved closer to Mu Xi's ear and whispered, "Let's move out tonight. We can find a place to rest anytime now." The group left the outskirts of the group and went to a quiet place to rest.

Mu Xi asked, "Do you know the origin of this tomb?" Fen Jin slightly nodded, but didn't have any intention of explaining.

He didn't say it, and didn't ask Mu Xi, but he felt a bit disappointed. Fen Jin was keenly aware of the condensation in the air. He pulled Mu Xi into his embrace and said slowly, "Be good, I have a story to tell you."

Mu Xi said impatiently, "Take your hands off me. Who wants to hear your story?"

Feeling Mu Xi's struggle, he hugged her even more forcefully and said, "I'm just telling you." As he spoke, he moved closer to Mu Xi's ear and explained, leaving Qin Qingyun, Zhu Qing, and Zhu An petrified in the wind. In ancient times, there was a wargod that commanded nine tribes. He lost his life in one battle, and the leaders of the nine clans all committed suicide in order to follow him.

Only Fen Jin, who could tell such a tragic story so plainly, could do so. Mu Xi asked in surprise, "Could it be that this is one of the leaders?" Fen Jin slightly nodded, and asked in puzzlement: "How come I've never heard this story before? What kind of wargods exist, and how do you know so much?"

He rubbed Mu Xi's head and said, "Be good, you're still too weak now, it's not good for you to know so much."

Mu Xi knew he was telling the truth so she didn't feel awkward anymore. She just stared at him and said, "You have to tell me when I'm strong." He nodded with a smile.

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