The boa constrictor felt the pain on his body, quickly turned his head and glared at Qin Qingyun with his two dark green eyes. He gave Dushi a wink and began to cooperate with each other. He ran to the other direction with all his strength.

Dusk night is hiding behind to attack the python. It is equivalent to being attacked by Qin Qingyun and dusk night. At this time, its attention has been completely attracted by Qin Qingyun. Its full of anger is toward Qin Qingyun, and it doesn't notice the danger behind.

Muxi finds a chance to cut the seven inch wound on the python again. With Qin Qingyun's first bedding, it's easier for Muxi to cut this time. Although she has cut some distance, it's still not enough to subdue the python.

This boa constrictor was hurt again. At the moment, its anger has been out of control. It has been dominating the deep sea for so many years. This time, it was played by two human beings and hurt by their sneak attack. Thinking of this, it gave out a very angry roar.

Qin Qingyun and twilight cover their ears in a hurry. In the deep-sea field, sound wave attack is also very useful. They use sound wave to control the strength and speed of water flow. At dusk, she felt wrapped in the current, even though she kept swimming.

But she still can't keep her balance. The water is pounding around her, and some of them even rush straight to her face, which makes her very angry, because what she cares about most is her flowery face. She quickly keeps her figure steady, but in such a dangerous situation.

She couldn't even stand steadily. She could only watch the boa constrictor open his mouth and run straight to her. The boa constrictor learned this time and planned to solve it one by one. The boa constrictor also found out that the ball of light followed the dusk all the time. So it decided to take twilight as its first target.

As the target of the attack, Mu Xi suddenly has an idea. Although she can't move now and can't fight against the python, she can still use the power of attributes. Thinking of this, she quickly picks up the wood attributes. With the growth of her wood attributes, her vines are getting thicker and thicker.

Moreover, the poison is getting stronger and stronger, and the spines on it are becoming harder and harder. She controls the vine to bind it to the python, and let it try the taste of being entangled. Moreover, there are poisonous spines on the vine, which makes it suffer.

Sure enough, the python caught by the vines reacted instantly, but its first thought was to compete with the vines. It also rolled up and intertwined with the vines, on the side of the dusk night and Qin Qingyun, simply laughing, dusk night vines do not feel pain.

So the python can't take the vine at all. Instead, it's itself. The tighter it's entangled, the deeper the thorn on the vine. Qin Qingyun stroked his forehead and said, "Wow, it's the first time I've seen such a stupid Warcraft. With this IQ, I really can't imagine how it can live to be here."

Dushi also looked at the python sympathetically and said: "maybe this child has not seen human beings very much. Maybe in the deep sea field, its intelligence quotient is already high, so we don't laugh at it any more."

She also shook her head with pity. Although the python didn't quite understand their meaning, their expressions were clearly seen by the python, especially when it saw the pity in Dusk's eyes.

Think it is also a bully in the field of deep sea, this human even looks at it with pity? She felt pathetic? Thinking of this, it immediately released its rolled up body and turned to dusk. This time, it wanted to let the human know.

Who should be pitied! However, it doesn't want to entangle with the vine, but Dushi won't let it go easily. The vine quickly catches up with the python, and fiercely entangles the seven inch position of the python, with the wounds cut by Qin Qingyun and Dushi.

The vine used all its strength to tightly wrap around the seven inch position of the python, hoping to cut off the python from here. This time, the python was really roaring in pain, just because of its hard snake skin.

When the vine entangles it, it can only feel some slight pain. However, when it entangles it for seven inches, it plunges into its flesh, which makes it unbearable. Now it has no mind to chase dusk. It can only keep turning its body.

I want to get rid of the entanglement of the vines, but it's all in vain. The more it moves, the tighter the vines entangle. It doesn't give it any chance to break free. Finally, the python can't stand it any more. It can only turn its eyes to dusk.

Now dusk Xi is happy again. She thinks how fierce the Warcraft is. It seems that they are all paper tigers. The python looks at dusk Xi with praying eyes. The meaning in his eyes is very obvious. She hopes that dusk Xi will let it go. Dusk Xi picks her eyebrows to think about what to do.

At this time, the boa constrictor chattered a lot of animal language, but Dushi could not understand a word. At this time, the Snow Mountain Ghost snake on her wrist quickly translated: "master, it said please let it go, it just likes the glowing light ball, because there is a shark with similar things, it does not really want to hurt you."

Dushi looks at the Snow Mountain Ghost snake on her wrist with great interest. It seems that they can still communicate with each other. She says to the Snow Mountain Ghost snake, "what's the matter with that shark? And what's that thing like a photosphere? "

Snow Mountain Ghost snake obediently became the interpreter between Python and twilight night. Seeing that Twilight night was interested in what it said, the Python's heart immediately raised hope that it was not afraid of death, but it was afraid of pain, especially the seven inch vine.

It may bear the humiliation and bow to the twilight forces. It quickly explained: "that shark is another overlord in the deep sea. Long ago, it got a round stone with strange black light. Even in the darkness of the deep sea, this stone is very conspicuous, because it is darker than these darkness."

Dusk was immediately attracted by Python's words, according to its description, this pure black stone should be black sea stone, she quickly asked: "where is the big shark? You can show us. "

The boa constrictor lowered his eyes and said, "it's on the other side of the deep sea, but there's no interference between the territories. I can't take you there."

The evening night picks eyebrow and says slowly: "I don't think it's because of this, are you not as powerful as others? If you go, you're afraid of fighting. "

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