While they are talking, Yulan and Qin Qingyun come back together. Yulan holds a pure black stone in her hand, and then excitedly says to Dushi: "elder sister, elder sister! You see, I found the black sea stone for you. I washed it for you many times. Do you think I'm tough? "

Dusk night funny looking at Yu blue, he is now like a kid in the candy, she can't help but praise: "our family Yu blue the most powerful, but also so careful, sister like you the most."

Liuge'er kept smacking his tongue, and then said to Dushi in the tone of an elder: "you see, Yulan is still so young, so beautiful. He is fierce and careful. What can I do when he grows up? At this age, I'm almost fascinated by him. When he grows up, it's estimated that he will be a little devil again."

Twilight night also agreed to nod, and then seriously to Yu Lan said: "you want to find the daughter-in-law can let me pass the eye first, simply later I'll find it for you, I choose the person must rest assured, is absolutely beautiful and interesting big beauty."

Liuge'er nodded his head and said, "yes, we'll check it for you."

At the moment, liuge'er and Dushi are like three aunts and six women at the new year's dinner. They have to catch their children and say they want to have a blind date, but Yulan is just a little girl. Hearing what they said, Yulan said angrily to dusk: "I don't want to find any daughter-in-law, I just want to follow my sister!"

Dusk night a listen to this words, instant smile of joy, Yu blue is still small, still don't understand feeling taste. At this time, they both noticed that behind Yu Lan, Qin Qingyun with a pale face asked anxiously: "what's the matter? Why is your face so white? "

Yu blue covers mouth to secretly smile a way: "he can have no use, saw to want to faint, a bit all didn't become elder brother's appearance."

Qin Qingyun no longer tried to be brave this time, but truthfully said: "I will never do this kind of thing again. It scares me to death. I can't accept it. I really can't accept it."

The whole process of taking out the black sea stone is started by Yulan. He just looks at it, and his face is pale. He doesn't dare to get close to it. No wonder Yulan will laugh at him. At dusk, he put the black sea stone and the light ball into the space. Anyway, there was no water in it.

The moment the Black Sea Stone disappeared in the water, the environment around them changed, the darkness was expelled, the current was no longer turbulent, and returned to normal state. But they were still in the tomb. At this time, Feng Qingyue asked suspiciously, "where are the Longbo people? Didn't he go to the deep sea with us? Why are you out of sight now? "

Dusk evening also feel strange, from the beginning did not see long Bo, and even if you take away the black sea stone, there is no sign of long Bo. She asked Yulan, "I remember long Bo stayed with you before entering the deep sea. Did you see him?"

Yu Lan frowned and thought of cableway: "as soon as we entered the deep sea, we separated. After that, I never saw him again."

Muxi sighed, and then said, "there are many unusual places in the mausoleum. Here, no news is good news. Longbofu has a big life. He won't have anything to do. Besides, it's still his home. Maybe we can see him when we get out of the mausoleum."

They can only comfort themselves in this way. After all, in this case, even if they want to find it, they don't know where to start. At this time, Liu Ge'er pointed to a door and said, "it's the same door again! It's probably the entrance to the next level. "

This time she did not rashly directly kick open the door, and waiting for them to discuss. Feng Qingyue said faintly: "after every gate, there is a brand new world. I don't know what kind of challenges are waiting for us after this gate."

This time, everyone is very cautious and dare not touch this door easily. After all, with the reference of last time, it is estimated that this challenge will not be too simple. After observing for a while and finding that there was nothing unusual, dusk opened the door gently.

However, the moment her fingertips touched the gate, the scene around them immediately changed. The gate disappeared and the mausoleum disappeared. Instead, it was a place with ice and snow.

Liu Ge'er looked at the scene and couldn't help sighing: "it's worse than the territory of the snow tribe."

Dushi nodded and said, "after all, Shuiling clan is a big clan in the temple. Their strength is naturally stronger, but it doesn't seem very cold here."

Qin Qingyun also said: "I don't think it's too cold, but the water spirit clan is very powerful. They use all kinds of water properties."

They chatted while walking in the ice. Dusk seemed to return to the time when she was in the snow tribe. She was afraid of turning back and the people around her disappeared. So this time, she walked in the back of the team and could observe everyone's situation.

Suddenly, fengqingyue stopped and said softly, "did you hear any sound? It's a beautiful voice. It's like someone is singing

This time, everyone stopped to listen to the sound. Sure enough, when everyone was quiet, a melodious melody came to their ears. They were relaxed and happy, but they were forced to stay awake at dusk.

She was afraid that the voice would have any other effect, she said warily: "we cover our ears, lest there is any danger in the voice."

Liuge'er said, "but in this ice and snow, it's not a way to keep looking for it. Whether the voice is good or bad, it's a clue. Even if it's really dangerous, we'll go."

Dushi thinks quietly for a while, then nods. Sometimes, liuge'er's simple thinking may be the most correct one. They followed the sound to find the past, but dusk still made a guard.

She and Yulan cover their ears, led by liuge'er to find the direction of sound. If this voice is really dangerous, keep Yulan and Dushi, the two most powerful people, they will not be completely destroyed, which is equivalent to making preparations.

After walking for half an hour or so, they stopped in front of a towering snow mountain, which was covered with white snow. It was almost integrated with the surrounding ice and snow. And they all heard the sound coming from the snow mountain.

Liu Ge'er asked suspiciously, "what's the matter? Can the snow mountain sing? "

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