Fen Jin pouted and said, "Why didn't you prepare it for me?"

Mu Xi laughed shamelessly and said, "You're so amazing, why would I prepare it for you?"

He stared at her with dissatisfaction and said, "I want you to prepare it for me!" Mu Xi couldn't do anything to him, so she took out the Sky Spirit Water from the jade pendant. With his strength, he shouldn't be able to do anything.

He happily drank the Sky Spirit Water. He would only show such an expression in front of Mu Xi. Mu Xi didn't notice the astonishment on his face as he drank from the water. She wanted to walk out of the tunnel. The three people of Qin Yun's group attacked the Five Poisons Spider with swords. In any case, they were not afraid of being poisoned.

Fen Jin still set up the barrier, focusing his attention on studying the Five Poison Spiders. As the name implies, the Five Poisons Spider had five different poisons, each one was very common, but when combined together they had a great lethality. The main difference was the ratio of each toxin.

Mu Xi let out a long sigh. If it were in the modern era, things wouldn't be so troublesome. He would just directly extract the poison from the Five Poison Spider and strengthen it. Mu Xi thought that she must have her own set of tools to make poison in the future!

Fortunately, the five poisons were quite common, and the corresponding herbs were also very common. Fen Jin looked at the busy figure of Mu Xi as he pondered about why she had the Sky Spirit Water. After an hour, he finally managed to refine the poison. She handed the bottle to Qin Qingyun. After an hour of fighting, the number of Five Poison Spiders was not low at all.

The reason for that was because the little Five Poison Spiders would swarm out whenever the eggs broke during a battle. Qin Qingyun quickly poured the poison into the egg. Compared to the existing Five Poisons Spider, the smaller one was even more troublesome. When the egg came into contact with the poison, it would turn into a puddle of blood. If any of the existing Five Poison Spiders stepped on the blood, they would be poisoned to death.

Fen Jin leaped over the messy ground again. Mu Xi asked in confusion, "The tomb owner really likes to use poison?"

"The divine Miao Clan of the nine clans specializes in the use of poison," said Fen Jin. It's said that their leader came from the lower levels and single-handedly brought glory to the God Miao Race. "

Mu Xi keenly grasped the message from the low plane. Since she came from Earth, there was nothing impossible about it. I guess Fen Jin came from the Higher Planes. What was his purpose for coming here, for a person from the Higher Planes to establish his own power in the Lower Realms?

With her current strength, she didn't need to know so much. What if he reacted one day and killed her? Fen Jin didn't know that these words would cause Mu Xi to think so much, making his path towards loving his wife even more difficult. The group once again took the Night Pearls and walked forward.

If Mu Xi wanted to follow this route, the next place would be the Snake, Insect, Rat, and Ant. She was already prepared. He strode forward like a meteor, completely lacking the caution he had before. When she saw that huge Level 8 python, she was enraged! Why didn't he play according to the rules!

Actually, Mu Xi had also been sneaked in. Ordinary pythons didn't have any poison, but this python's entire body was poisonous. He spat out a red snake's tongue. His huge body nearly filled the entire tomb. He said in a deep voice, "You people dare to intrude into my tomb?"

Xi Mu was shocked. This python could speak, it seemed that its level was higher than normal. However, she was not afraid. She smiled and said, "Is this your tomb? "It seems like you're planning to rest here for the rest of your life. In that case, we'll send you off with good intentions." Fen Jin wanted to make a move, but Muxi wanted to do it herself, she wanted to test her own strength.

Fen Jin also wanted Mu Xi to improve her power as soon as possible. After all, only in his place would he know the whole story. The giant python first used its venomous fangs to spray out the venom. The few of them dodged it agilely, and Mu Xi even smeared venom on everyone's long swords. Against such a huge monster, clashing head on wasn't the best choice.

The few of them used guerrilla warfare tactics. As long as they cut open a small wound, they would immediately run away and attack from another direction. The tunnel was too narrow, and the python was too huge. It was unable to unleash its full strength. He didn't have time to pay attention to the attacks from different directions, and the poison was slowly seeping through his wounds.

He shouted, "Little humans, I'm going to eat you!" He ferociously slammed into the tomb path, causing the few of them to stumble. He lowered his head and opened his bloody mouth in an attempt to eat Mu Xi. It would be fine even if he didn't poison her to death. Mu Xi smiled, then she jumped up along the tunnel, using her foot to kick the python's head.

Fen Jin originally wanted to attack, but seeing her confident smile, he forcefully suppressed the worry in his heart. Mu Xi stabbed the sword into the python's eyes with force. The python's entire body twisted in pain, while Mu Xi was also thrown down by him.

Without the expected pain, he was once again hugged by Fen Jin in the arms, very much like the scene when they first met. She said anxiously, "Put me down! I haven't killed that beast yet!"

He refused to let go and said, "It's too dangerous. Don't go." What if he wasn't there? That's going to hurt again.

Mu Xi sighed. "Trust me, I need to become a powerful warrior in order to stand together with you." However, in his heart, he was thinking of how he must be stronger than him, otherwise what would he do in order to protect his secret? Fen Jin was not aware of Mu Xi's thoughts, but he was a little touched inside. He was also looking forward to the day when Mu Xi would fight alongside him.

He slowly put down Mu Xi and said, "Don't be scared, I'll protect you here."

Mu Xi nodded and saw the python stand up again. It roared out in pain: "I'll kill you! "Kill you!" He attacked even more fiercely than before, probably preparing to perish together with them.

Fortunately, the poison was working, and he wouldn't be able to hold on for long. However, he focused his attacks on Twilight, not letting go. Twilight had no choice but to fight, and gradually, he also found it a bit difficult. Just as the python's tail was about to hit dusk, her body began to churn. This was the rhythm of advancing!

She sensed the changes in her body and once again advanced to the third level of the Yi Yuan School. She gripped the longsword even more confidently and quickly followed the python's body upwards. It was a pity that the python had to lower its head to attack her. She rolled onto the python's head and stabbed the longsword into the other eye.

This time, the python no longer had any strength left, the poison in its body also took effect. The huge body fell heavily to the ground. Mu Xi leaped into the air and landed steadily on the ground. Fen Jin proudly looked at the smooth movements of the evening sky and said, "My wife is so amazing!"

Then, Qin Qingyun dug out the python's spirit core and gallbladder for Mu Xi. He sighed and said, "Little sister, let me give it to you. This brother of mine isn't as good as you are."

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