Qin Qingyun was indifferent and said: "it's not a good thing to let him work hard and recover his strength as soon as possible. Do you need to question me like this? You really have a husband and you forget your elder brother. Besides, if he doesn't practice, you two will be so tired and crooked. I don't want to see him. "

Dusk Xi rolled his eyes and said to him, "OK, you're powerful. I'm going to practice, too."

With that, her divine sense came to the jade pendant space, and soon entered the state of cultivation. Qin Qingyun saw that they were all practicing at dusk, and they didn't want to be left behind. Therefore, everyone was practicing on the turtle's shell. In the quiet moonlight, this scene was particularly wonderful.

The old turtle was driving quietly towards the ocean. When dusk comes out of the cultivation state, she finds that everyone except Bai Li Fen Jin is looking at her. She asks strangely, "what's the matter? Is there anything dirty on my face? "

Liu Ge'er held her chin in her hands and said, "no, we just want to see how long you need to practice."

The evening night pointed to nearby hundred Li burn Jin way: "should not have been very long, isn't he still in practice?"

Liu Ge'er raised her eyebrows and said, "are you sure? According to the old tortoise, we've been driving all day and all night, so you've been practicing all day and all night, just don't know how long Bai Li Fen Jin can practice. "

Looking at the state of Bai Li Fen Jin, Mu Xi thought about his perseverance and concentration again and jokingly said, "he may last for a month. Maybe he will finish his cultivation when we get to Muling island."

Dushi thought it was a joke, but Bai Li Fen Jin told her that it was not a joke. At this time, they realized that if they want to be strong, they should not only have talent, but also keep working hard.

Even a strong man like Bai Li Fen Jin works so hard. Why don't they work hard? But it's just Yulan and fengqingyue's inner thoughts. Seeing this, dusk night said: "since people who are better than you are still working hard, what's the use of your hard work? I'd better wash and sleep. "

Liu Ge'er nodded his head as if he agreed, and said with a high sounding: "I think it's better to practice step by step. It's not good to eat a big fat man in one gulp. It's better to take your time and find your own rhythm."

Dushi also looked at Baili burning Jin and said, "I have a hunch that I will never surpass him in my life... But fortunately we are a family."

Fengqingyue and Yulan took Baili burning Jin as an example and began to practice again. Qin Qingyun comforted himself and said, "it's OK. They rely on hard work. We rely on talent and luck. They are the same."

He didn't believe what he said, but he couldn't keep on practicing. But fortunately, he was accompanied by dusk evening. When dusk evening looked at the darkened sky again and the vast sea around him, he felt a sense of remoteness in his heart.

She thought of the golden conch. At dusk, she always felt that the golden conch had a great connection with the ocean. Maybe there was some secret in the conch, but she didn't know it. So she watched the golden conch carefully tonight.

I hope I can find out some secrets. Before, the use of the golden conch was to summon the mausoleum of lanqianyuan, but now the mausoleum of lanqianyuan has disappeared. Maybe this golden conch has other uses?

Then she started the experiment. She used the conch to blow out melodious melody, but the difference is that before only she could hear the sound of the conch, now other people can hear the sound of the conch. And they can clearly feel that the sound of the conch is very far away.

After a while, Dushi found something unusual. The old turtle said in a trembling voice, "what are you blowing? I... how do I feel something wrong? "

Dusk stopped and asked, "this is a golden conch. What do you think is wrong? "

The old tortoise relaxed and said, "I don't know. When you blow, I feel attracted... It's strange anyway."

Not only old tortoise but also Dushi himself. What does attraction mean? It seems that she has to continue to do some experiments. She stops the old turtle's ears and continues to blow the golden conch. This time, her melody is more melodious and her voice is bigger.

Sure enough, less than half a cup of tea time, there was an exception. Liuge'er jumped excitedly on the turtle shell and said, "evening, you see! You see, in the middle of the sea, there are a group of bright little fish

Dusk looked along her line of sight, and sure enough, there was a group of fish shining in the dark, and the most important thing was that they were swimming in the direction of dusk. Although dusk was very happy, she did not forget to continue playing conch, and then dusk saw a glowing jellyfish on the sea.

Also following their steps, liuge'er showed a bright smile and said, "it's too beautiful. These marine creatures will shine."

In the dark and quiet of the night, there are some flowing stars, which seem to be the reflection of the Milky way in the ocean. These shining fish are the stars in the ocean, adding a unique beauty to the vast and far-reaching sea. With the playing of dusk, the time is getting longer and longer.

Several dolphins suddenly jumped up in the ocean, and even the old turtle was scared. Although he had lived in the ocean for most of his life, he had never seen such a scene. He unconsciously accelerated his speed, but those marine creatures also accelerated with him.

But to be sure, they followed the pace of the golden conch blowing in the dusk. Suddenly, a huge noise came from the distance, and a huge wave was set off. Dusk looked in that direction, and she was stunned in an instant.

It was a huge whale, which was so big that she was afraid. She swallowed her saliva and stopped playing the melody of golden conch. At the moment of stopping, all the sea creatures also listened and seemed to be looking for the source of the sound.

But after a long time, they didn't find anything else, so they quickly hid in the sea and scattered. Even the huge whale disappeared quickly. When they couldn't see it at all, liuge'er said carefully: "it... Is it gone? Why... So big? "

Dushi was stunned for a long time before he said: "I should have left... This is the first time I've seen such a big whale..."

Then she and Liu Ge'er looked at each other.

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