Bai Li Fen Jin nodded solemnly, and then dusk Xi continued: "do you think why the demons in your body suddenly appear today?"

Bai Li Fen Jin thought about it carefully, and then slowly said: "I should have appeared when I picked up the Tu magic sword to fight against Tianyun whale today. Before, the supreme shadow building of the demon generation was defeated by me, but his soul was sealed in Tu magic sword. Now my strength is not as good as before, so I can't suppress him. Instead, I was influenced by him."

Twilight night worried said: "that his soul will not come out from the butcher's sword, right? Is that dangerous for you? "

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at Mu Xi's worried eyes, and his heart is a burst of satisfaction. He says in a soft voice: "no, you don't have to worry. Even if his soul is still there, you can't make any big waves."

Twilight night reassured nodded, and then seriously said to hundred Li burning Jin: "whether you become a devil or not, I will accompany you around. If you become a God, I'll be your queen. If you become a devil, I'll be your queen. I'll never give up on you, and... I think your red eyes are pretty good... You don't need to have a beautiful pupil... "

Bai Li Fen Jin is not moved by what he said before dusk night. But when dusk night says that red eyes are good-looking, Bai Li Fen Jin's forehead is a black line. Sure enough, his wife is still very concerned about appearance. What's very important in his heart can be solved with a good word here.

He is really a little sad, don't know is happy or worried, suddenly hundred Li burning Jin think of just the man in red, he arrogantly asked: "lady, do you think is today that man in red is good-looking, or I am good-looking?"

After thinking for a while, Mu Xi Wen Yan replied, "I think you look better in general, especially your red eyes. They look really sexy. I want them all... To tell you the truth, you should be the most beautiful boy I've ever met."

Although Kua Baili burned Jin, he still said: "lady, how dare you hesitate for such a long time to answer... Besides, how many men have you met?"

Dushi then said with an embarrassed smile: "it doesn't mean that I'm serious. I think I have a great possibility that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore, you are absolutely unprecedented. You are the best looking and don't accept any refutation."

Bai Li Fen Jin was amused by Mu Xi, and then she gently kisses Mu Xi's forehead and says, "lady, no matter what I become, I will never let you go in my life, and you can't get rid of me."

Then he put Twilight into his arms, ready to go to bed, twilight also nest in his arms, and said: "I found that after you become a devil, your temper becomes a little big, and you can't control your mood, but it's good for me. Keep it up."

Bai Li Fen Jin grinned. Only at dusk night, he took it very easy to see the matter of becoming a devil. He grew up in the temple when he was a child. His education was that the temple and the devil kingdom were at odds. If he became a devil, he would betray the temple.

This is a great psychological burden for him. Fortunately, there is a twilight beside him. As long as twilight can understand him, he doesn't care about other people's attitude. In his life, he is only willing to fight for twilight. He will also try to control his emotions.

However, he deeply knew that even if he became the biggest devil in the world, he would not have the slightest thought of hurting Dushi. Think of here, he will be a lot of peace of mind, with the dusk together into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Dushi was awakened by the sound of clapping on the door. She thought it was a folk song, so she didn't pay attention to it. But suddenly, a male voice came out of the door: "open the door! What time is it, and you still don't get up? "

Hearing the familiar voice last night, dusk Xi immediately opened her eyes. It's not the "Ma Ru Yu" of renyin nationality. Baili Fen Jin heard the voice reflexively, then looked at dusk Xi gently and said: "you sleep in the quilt for a while, I'll deal with it."

Dushi nodded obediently, then looked at him and said, "don't fight with him. In case you can't stop, the demons in your body will not be able to be suppressed. Although I don't mind, you are going to the temple, and your strength is not as good as before. If someone knows you, you will be in trouble."

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the dusk with a smile and said, "I won't, thank you for your concern."

After hearing this, dusk night and continue to get into the bed, hundred Li burn Jin bowed his head and kiss her forehead, and then slowly to the door, open the door, coldly asked: "what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that the door was open, but it was not dusk, the man in red stretched out his head and looked into the room. The tall body of Bai Li Fen Jin blocked his sight. He could block Bai Li Fen Jin wherever he looked. In short, no matter where it was, it was strictly blocked.

Seeing nothing, the man in red coughed twice and said, "I told you to get up for breakfast, young man. Don't stay in bed all day. It's not good for cultivation."

When Bai Li Fen Jin heard this, she was not angry. Instead, she said with a smile: "first, you don't have to worry about breakfast. I will feed my mother myself. Second, if you don't have a mother, you can't feel the fun of lying in bed. It's more interesting, more interesting and more comfortable than practice..."

He said while smiling at the man in red, instantly the man in red snorted, and then said discontentedly: "what's so great? It's the lady... "

But in the end, he went downstairs in a gloomy way. After he went downstairs, he got up at dusk to wash up. Bai Li Fen Jin said with her mouth curled, "lady, do you really want to go down for breakfast? Or I'll bring it up for you. "

Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "no, I just want to see what medicine is sold in his gourd."

Although Bai Li Fen Jin is not happy, he won't stop him. After some cleaning up, Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin go downstairs. As soon as the man in red sees Mu Xi, he comes up and says, "you must want to see me, so you come down to have breakfast. I know that!"

Dushi impatiently said: "you don't say those who don't have, you just tell me what your purpose is. If I guess correctly, you should be the young generation of renyin people who came out to experience. Before, you were camouflaged with Ma Ruyu's identity. Now you should go out to experience with another identity instead of following us."

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