Covering the people in the sedan chair, all of them looked inside curiously to know who was sitting in the sedan chair. At dusk, they smacked their tongue and said, "it's really amazing. It's such a big show to take part in a competition. I don't know that I thought it was the princess who was on the tour."

As soon as the voice fell, a breeze came, blowing up the gauze curtain beside the sedan chair. Suddenly, the people inside showed her face, but vaguely, with a feeling of "holding the Pipa and half covering her face", giving people infinite reverie.

Another gust of breeze came, and the gauze curtain beside the sedan chair closed gently again. However, at this moment, all the people present were fascinated by the woman's appearance, including dusk evening, but dusk evening didn't feel how beautiful she was.

It's Qin Lengshuang, who killed her father and joined the blood flame hall. Think of here, dusk night then fell into meditation, since Qin Lengshuang now represents the blood flame hall, is it the Chu family and blood flame hall also have what collusion?

This evening can have to consider carefully, but whether it's Xueyan hall or Chu family, she won't let it go. The sedan bearers carried Qin Lengshuang all the way to the front of the team of alchemy competition, and then they heard a graceful female voice saying: "I want to participate in the competition, lengshuangyue."

After hearing the name, the little guy in charge of registration information was shocked and nodded. The queue also immediately quieted down, but then there were bursts of whispers.

"Frosty month? Did I hear you right? Is it really that frosty month? A young alchemist? "

"I guess so. Otherwise, who dares to use such a big show? No wonder people are so arrogant and powerful."

"When the wind came just now, I could see that people are not only good at alchemy, but also a water spirit, just like a fairy daughter."

Dushi thinks carefully that Qin Lengshuang's name is changed to lengshuangyue. It must be that Xueyan hall doesn't want others to know Qin Lengshuang's true identity. It is estimated that she is now a puppet in Xueyan hall. Suddenly, someone in the middle of the team was dissatisfied. Someone complained: "we've been in line for such a long time. How can you jump in the line? Are you polite? He looks like an ugly man. He's also a genius for alchemy. I think he's just a fool with many ugly people

All of a sudden, there was silence in the crowd. After all, it was definitely not ordinary people who dared to use such a big show in this cold and frosty month, and her backstage was not what ordinary people could provoke, so everyone dared to be angry and not to speak. However, the voice maker was very brave.

Smell speech, the cold frost month in the sedan chair then takes anger to open mouth to say: "find out that person for me."

The sedan bearers immediately started to move. They quickly locked the direction of dusk, because they heard the sound coming from dusk. The sedan bearers stared at dusk coldly and said, "did you say that?"

In the evening, he pretended to be frightened and said, "my lord Mingjian, of course it's not what I said. It was a man's voice just now. How could it be me?"

The evening night side says in the heart at the same time secretly smile, certainly isn't what she says, because is she orders the snow mountain dark snake on the wrist to say, she likes this kind of under the dark hand feeling, this lets her feel extremely proud. But now the look on her face was very frightened.

The sedan chair driver looked at her in disgust, and then searched around. After searching for a long time, he did not find the voice of the speaker just now. Dusk night heart dark poke of smile, you certainly can't find the person who speak, because this words is spirit beast say.

As the sedan bearers were looking for them, Qin Lengshuang came out of the sedan chair and said in a cold voice, "are you all rubbish? You can't find anyone? What else do you need? "

Dusk Xi looks up at Qin Lengshuang. She is dressed in a black red robe, like a flower from the other side of hell. Her appearance doesn't change much, but she has a little more charm, which makes people fall into it.

However, dusk night keenly smelled that it was the smell of some kind of herbal medicine, just to confuse people's mind. The taste was similar to the poison left by Lord Yun in wanjian villa. Is Qin Lengshuang still related to this mysterious Lord Yun?

I can't help thinking that Qin Lengshuang has already stood in front of her. At the moment, the sedan bearers are kneeling on the ground, waiting for Qin Lengshuang's scolding. The sedan bearers, in fact, are more like well-trained guards, and they have a disgusting smell of twilight.

Similar to the smell of corpses soaked in liquid medicine, Qin Lengshuang gave them a cold look and said: "waste, I have to do it myself."

Then she looked at the dusk evening, because she also felt that the voice was coming from the dusk evening, and now the dusk evening was very happy, thanks to her make-up today, changed her face, otherwise Qin Lengshuang would be embarrassed with her on the spot.

Dusk Xi turned his face into a very ordinary appearance, not ugly, not good-looking, in short, lost in the crowd can not see. But Qin Lengshuang definitely watched dusk for a while, because she felt that she was very familiar with the smell of dusk.

Qin Lengshuang had been standing in front of dusk for a long time. She thought she had found it. But at this time, Qin Lengshuang said, "did you hear who said that?"

"No, no, I really don't know..."

In order to avoid being found, she specially changed her accent. Qin Lengshuang stared at her for a while, and then turned to leave. But after looking for a long time, she didn't find out who was speaking. She looked around the crowd with fierce eyes and said with a cold hum, "I don't believe it. I can't find you today!"

It seems that Qin Lengshuang's temperament hasn't changed much in the past few years in Xueyan hall. When she was in the general's house, she was impatient and easy to cheat. It seems that she is no different from now.

When Qin Lengshuang was still trying to find someone, someone came from tianchu city. He was a very young generation. He came out wearing a royal jade robe and a glass crown. He went straight to Qin Lengshuang and said to her with a smile: "I've heard about the name of the girl for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come to the competition. It really makes us shine here. I've heard that you're a genius in alchemy. I didn't expect that your appearance is so outstanding. I feel sorry for you. "

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