Smell speech, on the face of dusk evening immediately rose two regiments of red cloud, she glared a hundred Li burn Jin one eye way: "don't want the color embryo of the face."

However, this look in Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes is no different from the charming and angry of all kinds of customs. He pretended to be aggrieved and said: "lady, where do you want to go? I'm talking about my ranking above you. What do you think it is? I didn't expect that lady would have such an idea. "

Evening night opens big eyes du to wear mouth to point to him to say: "you!"

However, he didn't know what to say next. Instead, Bai Li Fen Jin rubbed Mu Xi's head and said, "we're going to Yulan soon. Let's have a good look."

Dusk Xi this just Ao Jiao of say to hundred Li burn Jin: "this time let you go first!"

Hundred Li burn Jin obediently answer a way: "yes, Niang son is the most powerful."

With that, it's Yulan's turn to come on the stage. The competition of special skills doesn't need to compete with others, but the contestants show their special skills on the stage. The judges sent by the Chu family choose to score, and finally select the top ten to recruit into the Chu family.

There are six judges on the stage, all of them are the elders of the Chu family. No matter what the competition is, they choose the people. Although I don't know what the special skills Yulan wants to show, Dushi has a kind of confidence in him and thinks that he will win.

After Yu Lan came to power, there was a discussion below: "what can such a small child have? It's better to go back to your mother's womb. I'm afraid you're crying for your mother in such a cruel competition. "

"That's not necessarily. Look at the momentum of this child. He may be the apprentice of some hermit master. Don't you understand the reason why he is poor?"

"That is, you see, the child has no stage fright in the face of such a big occasion, which shows that he is still a little capable. I'd like to see what skills he shows today."

Standing on the stage, Yulan doesn't care what these people think. He is sure to be selected this time, and he wants to leave a very deep impression in the hearts of the Chu family. In this way, he can be reused by the Chu family, which is also very helpful to the plan of Dushi.

Then he began to show his skills. He closed his eyes on the stage, raised his hands and put them in front of him. His mouth was still chanting. Then a layer of transparent water mist appeared in front of him, and gradually condensed into a transparent curtain.

Half a cup of tea time, the curtain has been formed, and with the formation of the curtain, Yulan is blocked by the transparent curtain, Yulan disappears in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone on the scene takes a breath.

After a while, someone said, "did I read it right? The child disappeared under our eyes... Is he a ghost? "

All the people present have such an idea, because they have never seen such a thing before. Dusk night comes to burn Jin's ear and asks in a low voice: "is Yulan invisible? Do they have such skills? "

Bai Li Fen Jin also whispered back: "this is indeed a skill of the water spirit clan, and only the selected clan leaders can learn this skill. Yulan's father didn't learn it. He didn't expect to learn it first. It seems that when he arrives at the temple, there will be a struggle, but the time for this skill to last depends on the user's strength, but with Yulan's strength, It's enough to fool these people. "

The evening evening hears speech excitedly to say: "I know our family Yu blue is fierce, small age can so many things, and still carry us to learn secretly, this is enough to prove that his talent is also very high, this grow up can how to do, there must be many little girls to chase him to run."

In the first half of the evening, she is very happy, but in the second half, she is worried. Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the expression on her face and makes up her mind. When she gets to the temple, she must order a baby kiss for Yu Lan. There is a fiancee to care about her.

Dusk night to Yu blue attention will be less, although hundred Li burn Jin is not willing to admit, but he does have a little bit of jealousy to Yu blue. The judges on the stage were also silly. They looked at each other and didn't know what happened.

When everyone's curiosity reached the peak, Yulan appeared, but this time he was not in the same place, but unconsciously came to the judges behind, and made a pose to attack them. But he's just acting, just to get the judges' attention.

However, there was a judge on the stage, who was very sensitive. When he saw Yulan appear, he attacked him with one hand. But Yulan also responded very quickly to meet the one hand. When the two hands met, instead, the judge stepped back three steps, and Yulan stood there peacefully.

This incident shocked other judges, which showed that the child not only had special skills, but also was very strong. Without waiting for the judges to speak, Yulan respectfully saluted the judges and said, "senior, it's not good for the younger generation. First, in order to attract your attention, and second, in order to show my strong skills, Yulan stood on the judges' bench without permission, causing your discomfort. I'm really sorry."

Yulan's respectful and polite attitude instantly made these people feel good for him. One of them, an old man with white beard, said with a smile: "it's OK, young man. We don't mind if you are brave, but you are really powerful. You beat old six back just now."

Yu blue saw a moment ago and he to palm of six elder, sorry of say: "elder, younger generation really don't mean to offend."

Six elder glanced at Yu blue one eye, then glared at him to say: "without the judge's permission, step down without permission, all regard as give up the competition voluntarily."

When he said this, not only the contestants under the stage were in an uproar, but also the elders and judges on the stage felt that it was unfair. At this time, the four elders looked at the six elders and said, "Lao Liu, this is your fault. Compared with a child, he is stronger than you. If you want to be more open, you are the alchemy master, so you don't have to be more powerful, But this child is a good seedling. If you cultivate him carefully, he will definitely have great prospects in the future. I said first, I will take this child. "

Suddenly on the stage, except for the five elders and the six elders, all the other elders began to fight. The two elders and the three elders said at the same time: "old four, you are more and more shameless. You are robbing people with us. This child has such a good talent that we all want it!"

The four elders rolled a white eye and said, "it's clearly what I said first. How can I be shameless? I have a destiny with this child. "

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