The alchemy competition and the strength competition dragged on to the next day. At dusk, I wanted to walk around tianchu city. Now, all the participants are hostile to each other, so the whole tianchu city is a serious atmosphere.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Lengshuang has followed Chu TianKuo to the residence of Chu family in tianchu city. This is the only contestant who has entered the residence of Chu family. Although other contestants are dissatisfied, they dare not say anything. Who can let them have strength and background.

At this time, in the eyes of most people, Qin Lengshuang has been the number one of neiding. Dusk night in tianchu city around, also did not find anything interesting, then back to the inn, ready to lie until tomorrow morning's Alchemy competition.

Make complaints about her. She went back to the Inn and then Tucao: "that big elders are really fooling. He's all believed in Yu Lan's lies, and he still holds Yu Lan as a treasure, but it's still very helpful to our plan."

Bai Li Fen Jin pondered for a while and said, "it's better to say that he has never seen the world than that he's easy to fool. Yulan has grasped this point, so he succeeded. People in this position have a great vision for the previous position, especially those who have lived for most of their lives, such as the elder. The longer they live, the more things he knows, So the more curious he is about the unknown things on the previous plane, so Yulan is still very smart to be taught by you. "

"You still have the face to say that the elder has lived for most of his life... I think you are the old monster who has lived for more than 100000 years..."

Bai Li Fen Jin hears the speech, then picks eyebrow to look at dusk Xi to say: "what did the lady just say?"? Dare you say it again in a loud voice? "

Twilight night immediately embarrassed smile, and then said: "I just did not say anything, ah, are you listening to the wrong ah?"

Hundred Li burn Jin to pick eyebrow, smile not to smile of say: "is it?"? How can I hear the old lady say something? Isn't it me that the lady said? "

He said while slowly approaching dusk, she instantly felt the pressure, until her whole person was forced to bed, she quickly said: "I'm wrong! I'm really wrong! I don't dare to do it any more. You have a lot of money. Just let me go. "

Bai Li Fen Jin pushed her down and said, "I'm sorry, although I've lived for more than 100000 years, my heart is still very small. I've never had a lot of such things before. So, if you're wrong, you should be punished."

With that, he reaches out a "magic hand" to Mu Xi. Because he once happened to find that Mu Xi is extremely ticklish, his trick to deal with Mu Xi becomes tickling. It has to be said that when Bai Li Fen Jin is childish, there is no end

Twilight's "pleasure" time soon passed. In a twinkling of an eye, the next morning, the alchemy competition was going to take place. At the judges' table, there were still yesterday's six elders, but this time there was another Yulan. Everyone below also knew that the elder loved Yulan.

So they dare not say anything. There are many people in the alchemy competition, and all the participants compete together. The five elders and six elders are in charge of alchemy. They are the best alchemy people in the Chu family, and they are also engaged in the business of herbal medicine.

Therefore, the two elders' status in the Chu family is also extraordinary. Qin Lengshuang naturally goes to the first position in the first row. She is very sure of her alchemy skills. After all, when she was in Xueyan hall, she also experienced devil training.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Lengshuang, the people at the bottom whispered: "do you see it? She is the girl who is the genius of alchemy. It is said that she is very powerful. She is the first one in this competition. "

"I don't like her arrogance. I hope this game will bring out the dark horse and kill her prestige."

At the moment, the black horse Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin in the passer-by's armour are hiding among a large number of contestants. They have changed their make-up and become a plain face. They have chosen a position that is not noticeable at all. This sense of existence is so low that it can be ignored.

Bai Li Fen Jin wants to compete with Mu Xi. Mu Xi turns a deaf ear to him. Bai Li Fen Jin whispers and wrongly says: "lady, don't be angry with me. It's because my husband is wrong... I don't dare to do it anymore..."

When she heard him talking, she thought that he was going to scratch yesterday. She couldn't dodge and bumped her head into the wall. Now when she thought about it, she felt that her head was aching. Her proud head was leaning to one side. Baili burning Jin said: "lady, look at me. You can hit me. I won't fight back!"

Dushi is still proud and coquettish and refuses to pay attention to him. Bai Li Fen Jin turns her mouth wrongly and says: "lady... You can do anything... But you can't ignore me... Otherwise I really can't stand it..."

Dusk Xi speechless looking at him, if the people under the stage know what they are doing, it is estimated that they will be speechless, dusk Xi see him with a resentful woman like appearance, then impatiently said: "OK, OK, good competition, if let that Qin Lengshuang grab the limelight, I will never forgive you!"

Hundred Li burn Jin quickly dog leg of nod a way: "good good good, what the Niang says is what! You let me go east, I dare not go west, you let me chase dogs, I dare not chase chickens

The evening evening listens to this words, didn't restrain to smile, because this picture feeling is really too strong, didn't with hundred Li burn Jin together before, she is absolutely can't imagine that he will say such words. Fortunately, their sense of existence is low, otherwise this smile will be discovered.

Hundred Li burn Jin see dusk Xi smile, heart also happy a lot. At this time, the five elders also just announced: "this competition is elimination system, every round of competition, the wrong answer will be eliminated, until there are only ten people left, then the competition can be ended."

Dushi thought to himself, this is a compromise, won't let the ten people who were selected tear face, after all, after all, still want to work together for the Chu family. The first round of competition is to sort the year of herbs, from small to large, from left to right.

Each contestant was given ten herbal medicines and only had 30 seconds to choose them. The purpose was to test their familiarity with herbal medicines. However, this kind of competition is a pediatrics competition for twilight, so they don't have to use their own brains at all.

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