Only the touch of twilight, he will not feel uncomfortable, but will feel very comfortable, and even he wants to take the initiative to touch twilight, this may be her special to him. Dusk night gently tut a, then disdain of say: "isn't that ratio and put in order?"? I can do it, too. What's so great... "

Then she looked at Bai Li Fen Jin with provocative and disdainful eyes. Seeing her like this, the six elders frowned and said, "you two are rare talents. In the future, you want to be loyal to our Chu family. Why do you have to be so unhappy? You're going to apologize. "

Dushi is still unconvinced and turns his head to one side. When the sixth elder is about to teach her a lesson, Bai Li Fen Jin says first: "elder, don't worry. I have a relationship with her as a teacher and apprentice. My apprentice is just like this. Please don't blame me. I'm used to it."

Smell speech six elder stares big eyes to point to the dusk evening, and then point to hundred Li burn Jin, then stammer to say: "you... Are you two masters and apprentices?"? You... You're her master? No wonder you are both gifted and made of good materials. But since you are her master, why is she so rude? "

Bai Li Fen Jin took a look at dusk, then said with a smile, "I'm used to it. My apprentice can do whatever he wants."

Six elder is ready to answer, five elder then light cough a, six elder this just think of this is in the competition field, he hurriedly straighten the body shape, then pretended to be dignified to the evening and hundred Li burn Jin said: "next game you good efforts."

Then he stood with five elders with a straight face. As soon as he walked away, Dushi felt the eyes from the front. She fixed her eyes and found that it was Qin Lengshuang. She hadn't written the Dan Fang out yet. She thought that the Chu family held the alchemy competition.

She will definitely take the lead and be the first in every competition. However, Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin have disrupted her plan, and if she can't do well in this competition, Xueyan hall won't let her go.

How much effort has Xueyan hall put on her? If she has no way to repay, she will be finished in her life, because she has been in Xueyan hall for a period of time. She knows the means of Xueyan hall better than anyone else. So now she looks at them with fierce eyes.

In particular, they are all women. Although they are not as good-looking as Qin Lengshuang, Qin Lengshuang also hates her because she is ahead in the competition. See her eyes, dusk night moment to understand.

Qin Lengshuang, no matter what time, is different from Muxi. She used to be in the general's house, and now she is in the Chu family. Muxi thinks that they must have been enemies in the last life, and their accounts have not been finished, so they are still enemies in this life.

Dushi kindly reminded: "I advise you to have a good match first, so as not to have you in the first 50 minutes..."

Qin Lengshuang's position is very forward, and the words of Dushi only vaguely spread to her ears. She only heard "the top 50" and "without you", so she immediately thought that Dushi was provoking her. She snorted, and then turned around to continue the competition.

Seeing the ferocious expression on Qin Lengshuang's face, Mu Xi immediately understands that she must have misunderstood her meaning... When is the time to repay each other's injustice? Mu Xi now thinks that she is just like the Virgin Mary, painstakingly educating Qin Lengshuang

But soon, Qin Lengshuang also completed the competition, stable third position, this time with the evening and hundred Li burn Jin foil, Qin Lengshuang is not so fierce, so the six elders to her attitude is not painful.

Without the previous enthusiasm and expectation, the audience began to talk and say: "I don't think that Qin Lengshuang is a talented alchemy girl... How can she not compare with the two just now? Isn't her reputation fake? "

"Whether she's real or not, she's good-looking, and she's hooked up with the third young master of the Chu family. Does she need to worry about it?"

"It's also true. People have identity and backstage. It's different from us ordinary people. You didn't see her arrogance just now..."

Now the audience is also mixed with the contestants who have just been eliminated. Qin Lengshuang's words have aroused the dissatisfaction of most of the eliminated contestants. Now that she has fallen from the altar, those people naturally like to hear and see her.

The higher she stood before, the worse she was scolded now. The voice of the audience became louder and louder, which spread to Qin Lengshuang's ears. But now she is on the stage and can't attack. She can only look at the sarcastic expression of the audience.

Pressing her inner anger, her nails are deeply embedded in the flesh. She suddenly turns back and glares at Dushi. Dushi is suddenly targeted. She looks at Qin Lengshuang with a Moby face and shows her helplessness.

The more dusk Xi is like this, the more Qin Lengshuang feels that her fist hits the cotton. Dusk Xi ignores her, but looks at elder six weakly. When she met Bai Li Fen Jin before, elder six rushed to persuade her to make peace. Now Qin Lengshuang is blatantly against her.

Should the chief manager of Liuchang express something? But this evening, he guessed wrong again. The six elders just looked at Qin Lengshuang and shook their heads. He didn't want to take care of it, but didn't dare. After all, Chu TianKuo, the third young master of the Chu family, told them to be better to Qin Lengshuang before the competition.

Looking at the indignant expression of dusk evening, Bai Li Fen Jin comforted her in a low voice: "lady, don't be angry. I'm here."

Evening evening smell speech Ao Jiao pick eyebrow to see hundred Li burn Jin to say: "what do you call me?"? Can you call me lady? You are my master and I am your apprentice. Are you going to have a teacher-student relationship? I won't agree. "

The evening evening finish saying, hundred Li burn Jin forehead side is a burst of black line, he grievance of small voice say: "the teacher apprentice relation is not pretend... How can you really?"

The evening evening hears speech to pour is fair to say: "master this words can say wrong, pretend also want to pretend a bit, if be discovered by others, I can't spare you."

Qin Lengshuang has been paying attention to the trend of dusk evening, but they are too far away. They can't hear what they say, so she has to worry. Half an hour later, the top 50 are selected, and the rest are naturally eliminated.

After the end of the second round, six elders could not suppress the joy of heart, he cleared his throat and said: "the performance of all players in this round is very outstanding, I am very satisfied."

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