As soon as this remark came out, there were more rumors. Even if Qin Lengshuang really had some skills, he would be understood by the onlookers that it was all the credit of the third young master of the Chu family. At the moment, listening to the sarcastic words of the audience, Qin Lengshuang could not help shivering.

However, she regards all this as the fault of Muxi. No matter what the identity of Muxi is, Qin Lengshuang still hates her. Muxi turns her eyes to Qin Lengshuang, and then sees her angry eyes. Muxi shakes her head helplessly.

Seeing this, the five elders comforted Mu Xi and said, "don't be afraid. With your talent and strength, we will face you. Let's continue the discussion just now."

The evening evening smell speech then politely nodded, to tell the truth, she really don't put Qin Lengshuang in the eye, before the evening can let her bad, now also can. The six elders are standing beside Qin Lengshuang at the moment. After all, this is the order of the third young master. He dare not disobey it.

However, his eyes have been glancing at Dushi and the six elders. Although he is smooth, his love for alchemy is real. The five elders asked curiously, "I can't really smell out the effect of this pill just by smelling it. What effect do you think it has when you refine it?"

Dusk night pondered for a while, said to him with a smile: "in fact, I don't mind if you try this pill, you can try it yourself."

Five elder smell speech immediately say: "need not, need not, this inside used so precious herbal medicine, we still want to study well, how can so casually eat."

Bai Li Fen Jin also looked straight at the dusk and said, "yes, we have to work hard to collect the herbs of the snow family. I'd better tell the five elders about the effect of the pills."

With the tacit understanding between them, twilight night immediately understood the meaning of Baili burning Jin, and she said: "I have improved the function of the pill, and added new herbs. It is preliminarily estimated that the effect is to restore people's soul power, so this one is the real soul returning pill."

Although it used to be called Huihun Dan, its real function is to heal and stop bleeding. It's not too special. However, with the improvement of Muxi, it can really recover some soul power. At the moment, Muxi still doesn't know how great a pioneering work it is.

Even Bai Li Fen Jin looks at her with surprised eyes, perceives Bai Li Fen Jin's sight, and asks: "what's the matter? Why don't you talk? It's strange to see me seeping. "

Bai Li Fen Jin had no choice but to take a look at the dusk night, and then said with tears and laughter: "can't you forget that master once said that there is nothing in the world that can restore people's soul power... You can refine it so casually..."

With that, Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the dusk with profound meaning. Because of such an important thing, she is so casual and refined on such an occasion. She is really not afraid of making so much trouble. She is really not afraid of watching the fun.

There are few things that can restore the soul power, not to mention in the lower world, even in the temple. Now Dushi knows the importance of this pill, but she didn't know how important it was before, because so far.

Her jade pendant space has accumulated a lot of Dan Fang, she experienced these edification, naturally will be able to master, "accidentally" refined this Dan medicine, listening to the answer of Dushi, five elders immediately froze on the spot.

He didn't faint on the spot. Even if his psychological endurance was strong enough, seeing their appearance, dusk night whispered: "in fact, this pill is not so powerful. Everyone can only take it once, and it won't have more effect if they take more."

But Dushi didn't tell them that the pill could be improved... But now the time is too short, and she doesn't want to toss any more... When she said this, the five elders were shocked, but still immersed in that emotion.

After a long time, he said to Mu Xi, "even so, it's already very powerful. You can make such achievements at a young age. I'm waiting for you to work out more prescriptions in the future."

Then he began to laugh. Dushi could hear that the encouragement was true. Moreover, Dushi felt that the five elders were straightforward and right for her. They didn't look like bad people, so she said generously, "five elders, I'll give you this pill."

Five elder smell speech then put to wave a hand to say: "that flavor precious herb is you, and Dan Fang is also you research come out, you are still a junior, how can I take your thing?"

Dushi said to him with a smile: "if the herbal medicine is gone, it will be there in the future. Only when it really plays a role can it be regarded as valuable. I think it's the value of this herbal medicine to give you this pill. You're welcome."

The sincerity on Mu Xi's face infected the five elders, so he didn't shirk any more. He carefully picked up the pill, looked at it carefully for a while, and then ate it in one mouthful. Suddenly, he felt that his soul power was full, and he really felt that his soul was more complete.

He secretly marveled at the effect. The more complete the soul power is, the higher a person's potential will be. For people of the age of five elders, the potential is a rare treasure. After eating, he seriously looked into Dushi's eyes and said, "I know how much sensation this pill will cause if it is revealed. Fortunately, six elders are not here, Otherwise, he won't let you go easily. Now I've taken this pill. We can say it's a pill to add aura to our confession. Without it, we'll be dead without proof. I love talent. It doesn't mean that other people love talent. If your talent can't be used by them, they will destroy you. You must be very careful when you are in the Chu family

Dusk night natural know five elder said is who, she gratefully looked at five elder said: "thank you, I will remember."

Fortunately, when they speak behind, they don't make much noise. Otherwise, they will be heard by people who want to, causing unnecessary trouble to Dushi. When elder five talked with them on Twilight night, elder six had been paying attention to the movements of other contestants.

Soon, the top ten people who made the pills were selected, and the alchemy competition was over. In the top ten, except Qin Lengshuang, the others are in a happy mood. After all, their purpose is just to be selected by the Chu family, not to be a blockbuster.

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