The first person in her mind is the elder, because he is not only in a high position, but also, most importantly, he has a Yulan around him. With the degree that he likes Yulan now, as long as Yulan says it, he will surely believe it.

Thinking of this, Mu Xi immediately set out to find the elder. Before the competition in the afternoon started, she had to hurry up to explain the matter clearly and start first. As she walked, she looked at Bai Li Fen Jin with a sad face and said, "I was seen... Did my acting go backwards..."

Bai Li Fen Jin said bitterly: "I thought you were worried about the exposure of your identity. As for acting, the lady is very powerful. Even I can cheat her, so of course she is very powerful."

It's OK not to mention this. As soon as she mentions this, she thinks of the thing that Bai Li Fen Jin recognized when she was disguised as a man in the soul world. She says with her lips curled: "you lied to me again. You recognized me at a glance."

Bai Li Fen Jin touched her head and comforted her in a soft voice: "that's because you are very important in my heart, so no matter what you become, I will recognize you. As for Qin Lengshuang, she hates you so much. Naturally, she is very familiar with you, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

After all, the question about her acting skills is the question about her professional ability. As she walked, she thought that she not only wanted to explain her identity, but also wanted to pit Qin Lengshuang. Thinking of this, she quickened her pace.

Soon caught up with the big elder, and now is a good opportunity, because only the big elder with Yulan two people, the other elders are not, to the evening plan added a lot of convenience. The elder is on the street of tianchu city at the moment.

Because he is too fond of Yulan, he takes Yulan as his own grandson. He wants to take Yulan to the street and buy him some ice sugar gourds and gadgets. After all, Yulan is still a child.

Dusk night soon caught up with the big elder, and then went forward to respectfully salute, said: "big elder, I have something to tell you."

When the elder saw that it was dusk, his face softened, and he joked: "Oh, it's really a talented alchemy girl. What do you want to tell me?"

"Don't tease me like this, elder. I have something to tell you. I want to find a secluded place."

Elder Wen Yan put away the old urchin's appearance on his face just now. He was a little more serious. Then he nodded and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

Then dusk took them to one of the best restaurants in the city of tianchu, ordered a private room, and said: "elder, I'm looking for you this time to tell you my true identity."

Hearing this, the elder said: "what's your real identity? What other status do you have? "

Dusk evening didn't answer, but let the boy bring a basin of water, began to wash her face. Although the elder was very confused, he didn't interrupt her action, but was very curious about what she was doing. After a long time, dusk evening just washed her face clean.

Then he raised his head and looked at the elder. The elder's eyes suddenly changed. He pointed to dusk's face and said, "this... This... You changed your face?"

At the moment, dusk night is plain face. However, because she has just washed her face, her face is very clean and fresh. With her beautiful face and extraordinary temperament, even the elder's heart has missed a beat. Now dusk night is like a fairy just coming out of the water.

It's very beautiful and bright. The elder has been stunned. His sight annoys Bai Li Fen Jin very much. He coughs lightly. The elder just regains his mind. In an instant, his old face turns red. He also feels very embarrassed because he is a lot of age.

Read countless vicissitudes, but also used to see the fleeting years, can see twilight, he seems to return to the young look, have to say, the beauty of twilight is a story, can let everyone think of their own story.

The elder came back to his senses and then said to the dusk: "I've been impolite just now. I hope you don't blame me."

Twilight showed a very charming smile, and then said: "it's not in the way."

Seeing this smile, the elder was stunned for another moment. He said in his heart: sin, what a sin... Because he thought of the girl he loved when he was young, but now he has such an idea about twilight. The elder took a lot of effort to calm down.

Then he asked suspiciously, "why do you want to change your face? And why did you choose to tell me? "

"You see, it's not my narcissism, but I go out with this face. There may be a lot of trouble. Not only me, but also my master. In order not to get into other trouble, we can only do this. However, we are chosen by the Chu family. We want to face you in the most real way, and we don't want to cheat you, That's why we made this choice. The reason why we chose the elder is that we think you are highly respected. Even if you know our true face, it won't be good. So we chose you. "

After the explanation, the elder nodded with approval. After all, he is so old that he would be moved to see the evening, not to mention other young people? Thinking of this, he thought of the third young master. It was Qin Lengshuang's face that made him so attentive.

If he saw Mu Xi, he would have to give her even the property of Chu family. So the elder thought that it was necessary for him to change his face. Otherwise, if he won the competition with such an outstanding face, it would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The elder asked again, "did you tell me your true identity just now? Are you using fake identities when you sign up? "

Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "we used our own identity when we signed up. My name is Qin dusk Xi, and his name is Bai Li Fen Jin. We just changed our appearance."

The elder nodded at ease, and then said to the evening with a smile: "I thank you for your sincerity, I know your intention, I understand you, and I also think that you should not reveal your true appearance in tianchu City, otherwise you really don't dare to guarantee that the third young master will do something. This is my advice to you."

Smell speech dusk night then mischievous to big elder wink an eye to say: "now know this matter of only you, as long as you don't say, everybody don't know."

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