However, they did not dare to move. Lin Shuyu was still standing in the corner of the challenge arena. He stretched out his hand to the five people and said, "come on, I'm waiting for you."

Hearing his provocative language, the five people were not angry, because they didn't want to be forced to stay in the soil like the four people. Seeing that they were all hesitant and refused to come forward, Lin Shuyu frowned and tut softly, and then said, "since you don't want to come, I'll take the initiative. Anyway, I want to finish the game early."

Then he quickly launched an attack on the five people, leaving only a red figure. His action was extremely fast, and the five people couldn't dodge at all. They were immediately dispersed by his attack, and solved one by one. The first thing he faced was the most powerful contestant among the five people.

But there was still a gap between him and that man. He used the white bamboo flute as a weapon, and in only half a cup of tea, he forced the strongest of the five to the challenge arena. This is Lin Shuyu's tactics. He first attacked the strongest, as long as the strongest went on.

Even if the remaining few people work together, they are not Lin Shuyu's opponents. At this time, there was a cry: "slow down! slow down! Watch your step, we're still underground! Ouch! Who stepped on me? Don't kick me

The voice came from the ground of the challenge arena. They were the worst competitors in the arena. They were fixed on the ground, only their heads were exposed, and the ones who suffered the most were their heads... Because the challenge arena was just so big.

It's hard to avoid a stampede if we have to accommodate ten people, so the whole game was spent in the wailing of four people. Fortunately, Lin Shuyu's speed is very fast, and this game can be said to be the shortest one in the whole game.

But in half an hour, the nine people in the challenge arena were all cleaned up by Lin Shuyu, and the worst was the four. They were not only cleaned up by Lin Shuyu, but also trampled by the other five people... They couldn't bear to watch the evening.

She shook her head and sighed: "tut Tut, this game is really fierce..."

She is feeling, Lin Shuyu on the challenge arena saw her in the crowd, and put on a very charming and enchanting smile to her. Her complacent appearance made her feel very weak, but the other female audience on the side of the evening were immediately fascinated.

One by one, they all put their hands on their chin and looked at Lin Shuyu with peach heart in their eyes. There were bursts of startled voices on their mouths. Hundred Li burn Jin see dusk Xi and Lin Shu language across the challenge arena looking at the appearance, feel uncomfortable, he overbearing with his hand block in front of dusk Xi.

Dusk night immediately upset rolled a white eye, then pick eyebrow to say to him: "what do you want to do?"

Hundred Li burn Jin rightfully said: "I don't want to do, just want to simply remind you, I'm your husband."

The evening evening night raises the corner of the mouth to light to smile a way: "no, no, now you are my teacher, you can't disorderly climb the relation."

Bai Li Fen Jin's face turned black as soon as she heard the answer from Mu Xi. As early as I knew today, he shouldn't have promised that Mu Xi would pretend to be a master and apprentice. He should directly pretend to be a husband and wife. No, they are husband and wife. Even if they are unmarried, they are all effective.

After Lin Shuyu's competition, he sat in the exclusive position of the promoters. So far, he is the only one here. Now, their attention is on the challenge arena where liuge'er is.

From the observation of Dushi alone, liuge'er's strength in these ten people can only be regarded as the top one, and she is not the most powerful one. Therefore, if she wants to win this competition, she can't be as relaxed as Lin Shuyu. Courage alone is not enough, but also depends on her brain power.

But liuge'er's brain power is the most worrying thing for Dushi... But the good thing is that liuge'er is a fool. She is the one who is always concerned by the goddess of luck. In this ten person challenge, the most powerful two are antagonistic.

So as soon as they came on the stage, they fought head-on. The others also found their opponents and fought together in twos and threes. I don't know whether liuge'er's sense of existence is too weak, or whether other people want to pity her. In short, no one even fought with her.

She's like a headless fly spinning around on the field. She's bored and confused. She whispers, "what's the matter? Is it hard for me to be invisible? They can't see me? "

After that, she took the initiative to join the war. She also joined selectively. After all, after spending so long with them, she learned a lot from bad water. What she pays most attention to is the person whose strength is stronger than her on the field, as long as someone is playing against the person whose strength is stronger than her.

She immediately went up to help, until the man was unable to fight back, she looked for another object, in this way, she conquered all the people who were stronger than her in the whole field, and the rest of the strength was not as good as her, so she became like a fish in water in an instant.

Under the field of the evening, a face of black line looking at Liuge Er, what can she say? Good luck is not such a good way, is it? She's just reaping the benefits. Not only she, but also Lin Shuyu, who has been promoted, and the elders on the judges, are all looking at this situation with a Moby face.

Lin Shuyu said with emotion: it's easier than he won the game. The elder also looked at liuge'er and said, "this girl is very interesting. It seems that she is likely to win this competition."

Yulan also said faintly: "luck is also a part of strength... I think she will be the final winner."

After training with Liu Ge'er for so long, her luck is obvious to all. Every time they think that Liu Ge'er will die without their help, but every time Liu Ge'er leaves them.

The powerful facts proved that she was able to survive, and she lived very well. Even Dushi had to admire this. When liuge'er has the strength to deal with the rest of the players, she also starts to be arrogant.

Just like a cat catching mice, he looked at them excitedly and said, "come on, you can also come together and let me bully you!"

Both the contestants on the stage and the audience under the stage are black faced when they hear this. Dusk Xi stroked his forehead and said helplessly: "fortunately, my elder brother is not here. If he is here, I will have to tell her again. If it is not for the powerful fact, I think this sister-in-law is a man."

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