Lin Shuyu immediately nodded his head and said yes. Liuge'er directed the golden eagle with his mind and let it revolve among the contestants. Because the Golden Eagle hadn't come out for a long time, it was very excited to come out this time and kept on making a harsh cry.

Jin Xiaoying stands in the middle of the field. Mirs flutter their wings. In an instant, the field is full of sand and stones. Many competitors are fascinated by sand and stones. Only liuge'er and Lin Shuyu are calm.

Lin Shuyu said: "where do you come from? You look arrogant."

Liuge'er grinned and said, "well, it's a gift from Dushi. I'll tell you in a whisper that it's not an ordinary Golden Eagle. It can talk."

Lin Shuyu immediately showed his envious eyes. Although it was not particularly difficult for him to accept a spirit pet, the golden eagle was a gift from dusk. To tell you the truth, he was so big that he had never received a gift from others.

At the moment, Jin Xiaoying is still very jubilant on the field. He chases this person on the left and that person on the right. He looks very happy. At this time, the two elders of the judges on the stage look at the situation in front of them and frown tightly and say, "isn't that right? Why do you still use the spirit pet? "

Looking at the jubilant jinxiaoying on the field, the elder shook his head and said with a smile: "no wonder the contestants. If we hadn't made good rules and forgotten this, we wouldn't have such a situation. Forget it, let them go. Lingchong is also a part of our own strength."

What's more, such a noisy game gave him more vitality and firepower. He searched the field and asked suspiciously, "what about the arrogant young man in red in the last game? Why don't you see him? "

The second elder pointed to a corner of the field and said, "he's over there. I don't know how to do it. The last one was so arrogant, and this one has become so good."

The elder noticed Lin Shuyu on the field and saw the liuge'er beside him by the way. Then he stroked his beard and said with a laugh, "these two people are coming together. They are interesting together. Let's see if they can make it to the end."

When the contestants saw the huge body of Jin Xiaoying, they summoned their own spirit pet one after another. For a moment, the people flying in the sky and running on the ground occupied a lot of venues. The audience also opened their eyes, and there were bursts of screams under the stands.

"Oh, my God, I'm not watching the animal fight, am I? How come there are so many spirit beasts, and there are so many kinds of them. Today, I've really opened my eyes. "

"Isn't that right? I haven't seen many spirit beasts, especially the Golden Eagle. It's too big. "

Indeed, even though there are many spirit beasts on the field, the Golden Eagle can still be seen at a glance. For nothing else, it is because of its huge size and easy to remember, so it is particularly prominent on the field and has almost become the target of public criticism.

Golden eagles were fluttering their wings on the ground, and they were happy. For a moment, the spirit beasts running on the ground rushed towards them. Golden eagles ran to the crowded places, so this kind of scene appeared on the field.

In front is a group of people running, behind is a big golden eagle in pursuit, behind it is a large group of all kinds of spirit animals, the whole game will become extremely chaotic, if one accidentally falls down, it is estimated that he will be crushed into meat mud.

At dusk, the corners of his mouth twitch when he looks at the scene. Sure enough, there are situations where there are popular songs. How many times can I see such scenes in my life? With such a master, Jin Xiaoying is also a condition maker.

It looked at the front of the many contestants, have a look at a large number of spirit beast behind him, suddenly an idea appeared in his mind, think of here, it can't restrain the excitement. It deliberately slowed down its own speed, constantly teasing the group of spirit beasts behind.

Then they speeded up in an instant. In this way, the spirits of these beasts were provoked by Jin Xiaoying. They stared at Jin Xiaoying fiercely and gasped in their nostrils. It seemed that they wanted to brew the strongest attack.

Finally, the group of spirit beasts took a step. This time, they were bound to catch up with the golden eagle in front. The Golden Eagle kept turning back. When it was about to catch up with it, it saw that the time was ripe, and then it soared into the air, stretched its big wings and flew to the front of the group of competitors.

Flapping their big wings to drive the group of contestants back, a moment of strong air let them stop, and there is a faint backward trend, but now behind them there are a group of red eyed spirit beasts.

But at the moment, their distance is too close, and there are golden eagles to help. Soon, the spirit beasts and the contestants will be overturned. Golden eagles see this scene, and they will emit a burst of excited cry.

Then it soared into the air and hovered on the field, as if it were its home court, but it was true that the group of people and the group of spirit beasts were all whirled around by it. Seeing this, Lin Shuyu clapped his hands and said with a big smile, "it's so powerful! It's a gift from twilight. It's personality

Liu Ge'er quickly picked up her eyebrows and said, "that's a good way for me to adjust. Naturally, it's important, and I can't leave it the day after tomorrow."

Lin Shuyu also said with a smile: "yes, that's right. I also want to find a spirit beast to teach me."

Liuge'er patted him on the shoulder and said, "this is OK. There must be some meat to eat. Maybe one day when she's in a good mood, she'll get one for you. I'll tell you, her elder brother has a spirit pet, which is white dragon, and she also got it. So hold on to the thigh of twilight. It's good for you!"

They chat so leisurely and leisurely on the field that they are soon discovered by others. They are running on the field tired to death. They are also blown by the golden eagles with their wings and trampled by the spirit beasts with their hooves. Their clothes are worn out of shape.

His eyes were black, and some of them were mixed with half dried blood. They looked very embarrassed, but the two people in front of them were still sitting here, laughing and laughing, without any dirty clothes or even wrinkles.

It has to be said that Lin Shuyu and liuge'er immediately aroused public anger, and the anger of the contestants soon burned to their heads.

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