After all, in this kind of competition, we all don't want to make people die. Lin Shuyu is also inspired by liuge'er's fighting spirit. He also plays his full strength. Compared with other people in the competition, they are just gods.

Just as they were playing happily, a rapid bell came, followed by the anxious voice of the second elder: "OK, OK! Now there are only ten people standing on the field. We can decide the outcome of the game. Let's stop quickly. "

Liu Ge'er said with dissatisfaction: "how can you do this? If you judge like this, others are not convinced. What if they can stand up again? Isn't that depriving them of the opportunity to stand up? "

Liuge'er's words are sincere, because as far as her character is concerned, if she is knocked down, she will certainly stand up and never fall down easily. If she is deprived of the qualification to participate in the competition for no reason when she falls down.

She will not give up, but the people lying on the ground don't think so. They all refuse to shake their heads, and then say, "no, no, we won't participate. It's important to protect life, it's important to protect life."

To tell you the truth, some of these people lying down there without being beaten, because they all saw the appearance of Jin Xiaoying throwing people from the air, especially for the people on the field, the impact is undoubtedly huge.

In particular, jinxiaoying selects the people standing on the field. Seeing this situation, some of them who are afraid of death immediately lie down to avoid being watched by jinxiaoying. Seeing that they all look like they don't want to fight for it, Liu Ge'er says in doubt: "don't you all want to be chosen to stand here? How can you give up so easily?"

Lin Shuyu stood beside her and comforted her: "you think everyone is as aggressive as you are. Be content. You are the winner now. No matter what they do."

Liu Ge'er also sighed and said, "that's what I said. Anyway, it's none of my business."

She now has a feeling of anger. The elder on the stage saw her face lost. He looked at Liu Ge'er with a beard and said, "there are really many good young people in this class. The most important thing for the practitioners is to have the heart of a child like that girl, who is brave and does not admit defeat."

Indeed, liuge'er treats people who are extremely sincere in their cultivation in this way. Her future strength may never be as high as that of them, but her enthusiasm for cultivation will remain the same. In other words, she may go further and persist for a longer time than them.

When the competition was over, the elder stood in the stands and announced, "all the competitions of the Chu family have been over. First of all, thank you for your support for the Chu family. We will keep this friendship in mind. Secondly, we will invite the winner of each competition to enter."

With that, he reached out to one side of the grandstand. Before Dushi and Baili Huojin were told to make an end, so they were waiting there early. Together with them were the top ten winners of various competitions.

After hearing the elder's call, everyone came out one by one and received the envious eyes from others. Dushi never looked forward to such an occasion, so she just looked indifferent and excited relative to others.

Dusk evening is very prominent, but this time two of them are not here. One is Qin Lengshuang. She must be thinking about how to deal with dusk evening in the Chu family. Maybe she is thinking about something with the third young master of the Chu family, so she will not appear in the ranks.

Another is Yulan. He is standing respectfully beside the elder, which is enough to prove his special identity. Next, the elder continued: "the selected people will receive the highest courtesy from the Chu family. Every year, the Chu family will provide them with resources for cultivation, and there will be separate housing and money. As long as they are willing to work for the Chu family, there will be more welfare waiting for you!"

Elder, this is not only for them, but also for the audience. At this moment, many people in the ranks of Dushi have shown their fighting spirit, as if a beautiful blueprint has appeared in front of them.

Not to mention how envious the people under the stage were. It was because the Chu family gave them good treatment that groups of practitioners came to the Chu family. Such news spread from one to another. This is the best way of publicity and marketing of the Chu family.

Seeing the envious and yearning expression of the audience, the elder continued to say with a smile: "this competition has come to a successful end. I hope you can actively participate in it next time. The Chu family welcomes the arrival of capable people with lofty ideals!"

After that, he bowed to the stage, and then took a group of elders off the stage. At dusk, he looked at the elder with great interest. It seems that the Chu family can do a lot of things in order to get talents. Even the elder has no airs.

No wonder the Chu family has developed so fast over the years, not only because they are ambitious, but also because they really have the determination to develop. However, up to now, Mu Xi feels that these elders are not evil people. If they have conflicts in the future, they can let them go.

When the audience dispersed little by little, several elders came slowly. When they saw the carefully selected people, their hearts were filled with satisfaction. The elder looked at them with a kind smile and said, "Congratulations, everyone. You must not be ordinary people to stand out among so many people. But I also have to ring a bell for you. This is just the beginning. Next, if you do not perform well in the Chu family, you will still be selected. We in the Chu family do offer a lot of benefits, so the requirements are even higher. I hope you can do it yourself. "

As soon as he finished, the five elders stood impatiently by the side of Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin, and then said, "you said so much, don't scare them. I said first, I'll take these two people, and I'll send them to my door."

Smell speech six elder says in a hurry: "why do you want to rob with me every time?"? I'm also optimistic about these two people. Why should they be in your name? I want it, too! "

The five elders looked at the six elders and said, "I'll fight with you? Why don't you say you robbed me? It's a lot of old people. They're still like this. They can't be saved. "

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