After smelling the familiar smell of Dushi, Bai Li Fen Jin whispered in Dushi's ear and said, "I'm more tired than I've been looking for the mountain. I've heard what the elder martial brother said all night, but he still won't let me go. He let me go this morning. I didn't sleep with my mother last night. I'm so happy."

Dusk Xi wanted to laugh, but she thought of Bai Li Fen Jin's pitiful appearance and said softly, "it's OK. You'll have more days to sleep with me in the future. It's not bad for one or two days. Besides, it's not a big deal."

Smell speech hundred Li burn Jin tiny pursed to say: "how is not a big matter?"? It doesn't count in my wife's place, but it's a big deal in my place, and... Do you know? I killed him last night, but if you don't like it, I stayed there quietly all night. "

Dusk Xi patted Bai Li Fen Jin's back gently, and said with a smile in her eyes, "I know. My husband is the best. You can clean up, and we'll have to go down the mountain."

When Bai Li Fen Jin heard the word "Xianggong", his mouth was full of smiles. He said with coquetry: "lady, you call again, call again, I still want to hear it."

Just like Bai Li Fen Jin knows Mu Xi, Mu Xi also knows Bai Li Fen Jin very well. He is obedient and lovely like a cat, so he has to follow his hair. So Mu Xi looks at him with a smile and says: "Xianggong, Xianggong, Xianggong, we should attend the welcome party. We have to go quickly, or we will be late. When we go to bed at night, we will be late, I'll make you comfortable again, OK? "

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded happily after hearing the speech. Since she met dusk, joy has become a very simple thing. After Bai Li Fen Jin simply tidies up, when she goes with Mu Xi, she also meets Zhang Mu who is very energetic.

He happily waved to Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "younger martial brother, have a good trip down the mountain. When you come back, you can tell me a story. Your story was very good last night!"

When Bai Li Fen Jin saw him, the smile on her face collapsed. When she saw him like this, she stretched out her hand and pinched his face. Then she said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the God of war in our temple, the master of the burning palace, was so good tempered? How nice is storytelling? I really don't know you

Bai Li Fen Jin gently grasped Mu Xi's hand and said, "are you still teasing me? Who do you think I've changed so much for? "

But unfortunately, this scene was seen by the five elders, because even if he was not willing, he had to participate in the occasion where all the Chu family were in. He saw the appearance of Bai Li Fen Jin and Mu Xi holding hands again, and he rushed over and said, "why? It's like being a pedant. "

Twilight night and hundred Li burn Jin see him is a face of helplessness, twilight night had to explain: "master, you don't get me wrong, we really love each other, he didn't tease me."

Five elder smell speech then stare at hundred Li burn Jin to say: "you must be to her under the ecstasy, she unexpectedly still speak for you?"? Maybe when you took her as an apprentice in the morning, you didn't mean well and did your best to plan for today. It's not human

It has to be said that this trip to Chu family is definitely not a pleasant experience for Bai Li Fen Jin. At dusk, seeing that the five elders wanted to meet Bai Li Fen Jin again, he said first, "even if he gave me ecstasy, I'd like to take it. Master, you don't have to worry."

Mu Xi now thinks that elder Wu and Bai Li Fen Jin are just like his father-in-law and son-in-law. They are not pleasant to see everywhere, and Mu Xi, who is responsible for the heavy responsibility, naturally has to do the work of mediator. Hundred Li burn Jin see Dushi so protect him, the mood also can't help but proud.

As long as the evening is toward him, everything is easy to solve, evening and clear throat to five elders said: "let's hurry down the mountain, go late, those elders will say you."

At the mention of other elders, the five elders immediately said, "do you mean I'm afraid of them? Even if I'm late, what can they do? They just say what they like. After all these years, have they said little? "

Dusk night this just flatter of compliment way: "yes, you are the most powerful, what are not afraid of."

Wu Chang's old saying is that, but it also speeds up his pace. He is not afraid to be late alone. However, as new disciples, Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin will definitely get the impression points deducted by the owner of the Chu family if they are late, which is not a good result.

It took them another three hours to go down the mountain. Along the way, the atmosphere was very harmonious, except for the eyes of the five tigers. The place of this welcome meeting is in the hall of Chu's mansion.

Only the contestants selected by the elders are qualified to participate in the welcome meeting. As soon as Dushi enters the hall, he sees the person sitting on the central chair. There is no need to think that this person is the owner of the Chu family, and there are still descendants of the Chu family standing around him.

Chu TianKuo, the third young master who had a close relationship with Lengshuang, was also among them. When they arrived at dusk night, no one had come. However, dusk night still had to stand respectfully in the middle of the hall. The five elders had already sat on the chair specially prepared for the elders.

After he sat down, the master of the family on the chair looked at him and said, "elder five, are they the apprentices you chose this time?"

Five long old man also don't lift of say: "yes."

After that, he didn't mean to speak any more, but the owner of Chu family was not annoyed. He looked at Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin and said with a smile: "it's true that heroes are young, especially you two. Do you know how powerful you are? You are the disciples selected by the five elders. The five elders don't choose people easily. They must choose dragons and phoenixes among people. "

Although the Chu family leader was smiling, his smile was not as good as his eyes, and his attitude of praising others was not distracted. However, Dushi still had to pretend to say: "master Xie praised me. It's my honor to enter the Chu family. After entering the Chu family, those false names in the past are not worth counting. Now I'm a piece of white paper."

The Chu family leader is happy to hear this. An ambitious man like him is afraid that his subordinates have too many ideas. He is easy to suspect. The more ideas he has, the more dangerous he is. He looked at dusk and said, "you are right to think like this. You should be a piece of white paper. I will draw a picture on you."

It has to be said that he is satisfied with both Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin. Because he has been the head of the Chu family for many years, he has a keen sense that both Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin are extremely human.

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