The little green man shuttled around the mountain flexibly. If it wasn't for the strength of twilight and Baili Huojin, he would not be able to keep up with him. After walking for about half an hour, the little green man finally stopped in front of a rock.

Dusk night curiously looking at the surrounding environment, doubt said: "here? But it doesn't seem to be hidden at all. Isn't it easy to be found? "

The little green man said respectfully to Dushi, "I know that the relationship between you and Shenshu is extraordinary. As long as Shenshu is here, everything can be seen. This is the place where holy water used to be in full bloom, and this place is selected by Shenshu."

The evening evening hears speech and immediately calls Chun in the space. The resting Chun is awakened by such a noise. She mutters: "I'm sleeping well, little master. What do you want me to do?"

Dushi looked at her in surprise and said, "do you still need to sleep for a tree? Besides, you have been practicing for so many years, and you still lack sleep? Come on, I have business with you. "

Chun frowned slightly and said, "no matter what I am, no matter how many years I've been practicing, this sleep must be sleeping! No one can stop me! Besides, what can I do for you this evening? Is there anything more important than sleep? "

The evening evening flatters to hold Chun's shoulder to say: "trouble you old line good, this time, I promise to never disturb you old people to sleep, OK?"? I just want to find a place to hide at the top of the mountain. The little green man says you have a way, so I'll call you

Toon Du pointed to the evening with his mouth and said, "I'll go out with you this time."

Dusk Xi just said to her with a smile: "I knew you were the best." Then she whispered, "but I don't guarantee that there won't be another time..."

Fortunately, Chun didn't hear it, otherwise she might not have gone out tonight. When Chun and twilight came to the rock, Chun looked at it disdainfully and said, "just such a little thing, you wake me up from my sleep?"

Dushi knew that Chun must have serious Qi to get up, so he said, "it's a small thing for you, but it's a big thing for me. Now that you've come, you can help quickly. You can go back to bed after you've sorted it out."

Toon a listen to evening evening this words, feel very reasonable, she pick eyebrow to say: "you say you want to do what?"

Dusk suddenly forehead is a burst of black line, with her has been saying simple, but she did not even know what to do, dusk had to explain: "is to find a hidden place, we good business."

Toon smell speech will look at the rock, and then slowly approach it, stretch out his hand to gently touch the rock, the moment of contact, Toon's palm is full of Yingying green light, just like the newborn leaves, green and fresh.

And the green light also spread along the rock. Looking at the scene at dusk, Chun seemed to be a fairy in the forest. The green light around her hands was as bright as a firefly. When the green light completely spread over the rock, she could see that the green light was still shining.

This rock will appear a only one person through, toon with eyes to indicate the evening, and then said: "you go in."

After entering, she found that it was like a dark cave without any light. Then Bai Li Fen Jin and little green man came in. Seeing this, she asked Chun, "what if someone else comes in later?"

Chun yawned and said, "now that you have come in, it means that you can see the outside and hear the outside voice. However, you can't see or hear what you are saying. The more you want someone to come in, you just reach out and drag him in. Do you know? If I understand, I'll go back to sleep. "

The evening evening hears this simple rude way is a burst of helpless, this kind of method as expected only toon just think of come out, see toon is preparing to meet space, evening evening evening then hurriedly asks: "that we want to go out how to do?"

Toon white at dusk, said: "are you an idiot? No such simple thing? If you want to come out, come out directly. Do you need any other way? "

For the first time in her life, she felt a little depressed. Today, she summed up a truth: don't wake up Chun in her sleep, or she will be killed. When toon returned to the space, the little green man asked curiously: "master... Was that woman the entity of the divine tree just now?"

Dusk Xi nodded seriously and said, "yes, is it different from her image in your heart? Yeah! I think she's fierce today, too. "

Little green man didn't agree with twilight, he just whispered: "I always thought that the entity of Shenshu was a kind and solemn old man, but unexpectedly it was a beautiful girl... Think about it, it's a little different..."

Evening evening smell speech pick eyebrow to look at him to say: "how? Are you going after her? Is the heart of spring sprouting? But I advise you not to disturb her when she is sleeping. "

The little green man quickly shook his head with a very fast frequency and said, "no, no, no, master, what's your joke? How can I have a wrong idea about the tree? If you lend me 10000 courage, I dare not. "

Dusk night see him this anxious appearance, the mood is also a little better, she said: "well, well, don't make fun of you, now we talk business son, have to Liuge son, Yulan and linshuyu they called, we good discuss big things!"

The little green man heard the speech and volunteered: "master, let me go. I'm familiar with the terrain here. It's the most suitable place for me to go."

Dusk night looked at the little green man for a long time, then picked eyebrows and said: "but your goal is also very big, in case you are found, what can you do?"

The little green man thought for a while and said, "the master doesn't have to worry about it. Since I'm integrated with the master's wood properties, I can freely change my shape. Along the way, I can transform into various plants and will never be found by others."

Dusk night this just at ease of opening a way: "that's good, you go quickly, I wait for your good news!"

The little green man of Deling quickly took action. Just at this time, five elder's residence also had some movement, after Zhang Mu received the evening cake.

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