Which round also get the Chu family, especially after Dushi smelt out the pill that can really repair the soul power, the five elder's heart more firm this idea, Dushi and Bai Li Fen Jin must have a secret to the Chu family, maybe they are the key people and things to decide the fate of the Chu family.

He sincerely hopes that they can break the pattern of the Chu family. After all, the Chu family has done so many bad things over the years that he can't see any more. He doesn't have the ability to destroy the Chu family, so he wants others to destroy the Chu family.

He provides an opportunity to pave a path of revenge for them. When the five elders think of this, they want to find Dushi quickly. He guesses that Dushi must be discussing the plan at the moment, and he also wants to take this opportunity to join them to discuss the camp.

Only the combination of double swords, internal and external echo, with tacit understanding, in order to make their side more likely to win. He was walking around in the mountains and woods. Suddenly, a picture came to his mind. He seemed to be guided and went in that direction.

They are discussing in the cave at dusk night. However, the cave is very dark. Dusk night releases all the luminous creatures she created before, which makes it a little bright. However, it's not very clear. Liuge Er shows a gloomy smile, and then says, "do you think this kind of atmosphere is very suitable for telling ghost stories?"

Evening evening smell speech then rolled a white eye to say: "tell you a big head ghost! You've just said you're going to get down to business, but now you want to tell ghost stories again. " Then she cleared her throat and said, "my initial plan is to start with Qin Lengshuang."

As she was saying this, Liu Ge'er pointed to a direction outside and said, "what do you think that thing is?"

The dusk night dislikes of say: "isn't said don't tell ghost story?" Although dusk night said so, she still couldn't help looking back. With this look, she noticed the figure. In the dark, there was a shadow.

In the dark night, it's really creepy. Bai Li Fen Jin hugs Mu Xi's shoulder and says, "lady, don't be afraid. I'll protect you."

The evening evening hears speech to also cooperate of get into his bosom to say: "that you can want to protect me well, have you in I don't fear."

Liuge'er and Lin Shuyu looked at them with a cold face, and then said, "you two are really going too far now, and show us love."

At this time, the little green man was looking at the man outside, and his thoughts suddenly returned to a long time ago. He had a close relationship with that man. When the Muling family moved, he had seen this man in the broken battlefield.

At that time, all around him were the corpses of the Muling people. He looked at the man and thought that he would not let him go. He would die in this battlefield. However, the man just looked at him and left in a hurry, which gave him enough time to gather the rest of the people.

To make them safely reach the island, the little green man went to the edge of the mountain and wanted to see the figure in the dark. At this time, dusk evening also saw him, that person is five elder, dusk evening to hundred Li burn Jin whispered said: "no, he is not found that we are not?"

Bai Li Fen Jin thought seriously: "in this case, we have to think about countermeasures. If they ask tomorrow, we have to admit our relationship, but we have to sacrifice our innocence."

At this time, the little green man looked at him seriously and said, "master, I think he is a trustworthy person. Maybe he will be helpful to our plan."

Little green man's words surprised Mu Xi, because she understood little green man's resentful attitude towards the Chu family. However, he didn't have such a strong hatred for the five elders. Just in time, Mu Xi also thought that the five elders were always a man of integrity.

It should help them. Coincidentally, at this time, the five elders stood at the edge of the mountain and said, "how can this happen? I remember there was a cave here at that time... "

He is thinking, dusk night then pulled him in, five elder immediately is a stagger, fell into the cave. He is a little body shape, then saw in front of the dusk night and hundred Li burn Jin, he looked at one by one, he found that this is the elite talent of the Chu selection.

Why are they all in this room? For a moment, his brain could not turn around, but at this time, Dushi was preemptive and said to him, "elder five, you have run into our secret Council. Now you have only two ways to go, one is to cooperate with us, the other is to die here. You choose one."

Dushi's arrogant words didn't irritate the five elders. Anyway, he was very happy and said, "I came to you just to discuss the cooperation with you. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Then he saw the little green man beside him at dusk night. The five elders' mood immediately changed from joy to emotion, and then there was a burst of tears. He looked at the little green man and said, "I remember you. I was here when I saw you. I'm very happy that you are still alive today..."

Dushi was confused by the words of the five elders. She looked at the five elders and said, "what are you talking about? After all, it's not easy for you to cooperate with us. "

Elder five tried to stabilize his mood, because the people of Dushi shocked him so much. After a long time, he said: "when the Chu family decided to kill the Muling clan, I firmly opposed it, but the owner of the Chu family insisted that I couldn't stop them, so I didn't take part in this action, But my conscience couldn't pass at all... So I tried every means to help the Muling people. That day, I was given the task of patrolling the mountain to see if there were any living Muling people left on the mountain. I took this opportunity to let go of all the Muling people I met, hoping that they could avoid a difficulty, and he was one of the Muling people I let go. "

The "he" in the five elders' mouth refers to the little green man. Dushi looks at the five elders respectfully and says, "do you know? The one you let go is the head of the Muling clan. Because of him, he organized the remaining Muling clan to migrate to the island. In this way, the blood of the Muling clan is preserved. Because of you, the Muling clan can continue. "

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