Although he is a man, sometimes he can feel more secure when he is around at dusk. Their arrival doesn't attract other people's attention. However, elder five and Zhang Mu quickly see them. The expression on elder five's face is very strange.

Especially when he saw twilight, his expression turned to worry, admiration and pride, just like the way of singing, which made Twilight feel a little strange, but Zhang Mu quickly came to twilight.

Then he frowned and said to Dushi, "little younger martial sister, you know, the third young master chutiankuo is dead!"

To tell you the truth, the news of Chu TianKuo's death didn't surprise her much, because she had poisoned her. But it also confirmed that Chu TianKuo must have wanted to take advantage of Qin Lengshuang and contacted her skin, so she poisoned her to death.

But now there are so many people, Dushi can't show what she knows, so she covers her mouth with her hand, pretends to be shocked and says: "what? Is the third young master dead? How did you die? When did you die? Oh, my God, how could that be? "

The grandiose performance of Dushi is a bit strange to Rao Shichu Tianrun. Only Zhang Mu thinks it's normal. He explains to Dushi in a low voice: "the third young master was poisoned... It was Leng Shuangyue, the talented alchemy girl who was always against you. She was found by the guards of Chu family when she was throwing the corpse."

Dushi wants to laugh when she hears this. Qin Lengshuang is as stupid as ever. She goes to throw the corpse. Even if she doesn't do it, others must think that she wants to destroy the corpse. She has put a pot on her head.

But dusk night still curiously asked: "why does she want to kill the third young master?"? The third young master is very kind to her

Zhang Mu thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "although the dead is big, to tell you the truth, I don't like the third young master. He died well. I guess he must have planned to plot against the cold girl. That's why he was poisoned by the girl. I think the girl is very poor. She did a good deed, But the owner won't let her go. "

Seeing the sad expression on Zhang Mu's face, dusk felt that an honest man was easy to cheat, but she also cooperated and said: "I think you guessed right, elder martial brother. The third young master must have plotted against that girl, so he died."

This is something that Muxi can be sure of, and she doesn't say that Qin Lengshuang is the murderer. She simply has a deep sense of merit and fame. Muxi follows Zhang Mu's steps and walks into the crowd, but they can't squeeze into the inner circle, they can only stand in the outer circle.

At dusk, they can vaguely see Chu TianKuo's body in it, and Qin Lengshuang also stays next to the body. Chu Tianrun looks at the scene and can't help but sneer. The owner of the Chu family tries his best to help his son to be the owner of the family.

But now that his son is dead, his hope is lost. Most importantly, it's too late for him to pay attention to chutianrun. Chu Tianrun murmured in a low voice: "you can't live because of your sin."

Standing beside him, Dushi naturally heard this sentence clearly. She took a funny look at chutianrun, and then whispered: "it's a step closer to the plan. You're waiting for the serf to sing."

At this time, Qin Lengshuang, who stayed in the inner circle, saw Bai Li Fen Jin standing on the outside, because even though he changed his face, he was still very tall and could be easily found. As long as he was here, it means that dusk must be here. Thinking of this, Qin Lengshuang quickly got up from the ground.

Pushing aside the crowd, she saw the dusk evening standing on one side. She pointed to the dusk evening with a ferocious face and said, "Qin dusk evening! I knew it was you! You bitch! It was planted on my head! Explain it to me quickly

It has to be said that the one who knows you best is your enemy. After Chu TianKuo's death, Qin Lengshuang immediately reflects that it's the ghost of dusk. But when she sees that Chu TianKuo's death, Qin Lengshuang's heart is in a mess. She knows that once Chu TianKuo's death.

The cooperation between Xueyan hall and Chu family is impossible. She didn't feel afraid when she killed her father, but now she's afraid of killing Chu TianKuo. She's mainly afraid of the punishment of Xueyan hall. It's not a place where people can stay.

Thinking of this, she thought of destroying the corpse. If Chu TianKuo died beside her, her suspicion would never get rid of. She thought of finding an open place to throw the corpse, and then melt Chu TianKuo's corpse with bone melting water.

She didn't dare to melt Chu TianKuo's body in the room, because the smell would definitely attract other people's attention, but she could not die. When she threw the body, she met the guard who was cheating in the woods, and she was found in an instant.

She painstakingly studied alchemy, but her strength didn't grow. She was so weak that she couldn't even beat a small guard. He found out that the guard quickly used the Chu family's communication alarm device.

It was a loud and bright fireworks. Qin Lengshuang wanted to kill the guard with poison, but as soon as the fireworks were released, her whole body was in a mess. She just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, but how could her speed compare with the speed of the elder of Chu family.

She did not run far, was overtaken by the elders, all the way to the hall of the Chu family, was forced by them to kneel beside Chu TianKuo's body, kneel to now, all her resentment and hatred are aimed at dusk.

Now, seeing Twilight appear, she really wants to bite off the flesh of twilight. The five elders saw that Qin Lengshuang was going to fight against dusk, so they rushed to her quickly and slapped her in the face and said, "how can you slander my apprentice? Do you think I'm a bully? My apprentice followed the eldest young master to look after the business of the Chu family. How could it poison the third young master? "

The crazy Qin lengshuangsheng was slapped in the face, and a wisp of blood immediately ran down her mouth. She gave a cold hum and said: "you're with her, of course you're helping her. Are you helping her all the way? Maybe, like her, you are all traitors of Chu family

Qin Lengshuang's words are to the point, but no one at the scene believes her. Everyone thinks that it's the angry words she said in order to frame up Dushi. The dusk evening picks eyebrow to look at her to say: "cold girl, why don't you let me go?"? I'm so far away from the Chu family. Can I separate myself and poison him? "

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