Master Yun glanced at dusk and said, "don't you have anything to say to me?"

As soon as she hears the words, she wants to turn a white eye. As far as she knows, she has nothing to do with master Yun, because whether it is the corpse poisoning incident in Lushui village or the western region poisoning incident in wanjian villa, it has something to do with her.

If she opened her mouth to say this, she would fall to the same end as Qin Lengshuang, so she shook her head decisively and said, "no, I don't know you. I have nothing to say to you."

The cloud adult smelt speech to pour is a light voice to smile for a while, then fixed of looking at the dusk evening to say: "you this pair of eyes pour is very good-looking, is not match with this face... Your eyes should be installed on a more beautiful face, tyranny, or let me help you dig out?"

Hearing the words of Lord Yun, dusk Xi's goose bumps all over her body in a moment, because she knows that this man is serious. Dusk Xi carefully looks at Lord Yun and says, "so you can see that I'm easy to look? Not quite right... I basically rely on make-up to change my face... I didn't take any medicine... "

The cloud adult smell speech is to say with great interest: "you changed appearance?"? I didn't see it. I just felt that such a beautiful pair of eyes shouldn't be on such an ordinary face. "

At dusk night, there was a black line on his forehead. It's hard to guess the man's character. Lord Yun slowly approached dusk night and stared at her tightly. "Then I'd like to see what you look like if you don't change face... If I'm not satisfied with it... I'll dig out your eyes."

As soon as he got close to twilight night, twilight night stepped back. His whole body exuded a terrible and dangerous feeling. Until there was no way to retreat, twilight night said with a smile: "OK, OK, I'll take off my makeup now. You'll wait and see."

In fact, Dushi promised to delay time, because she observed that he was the only one behind master Yun, and there was not much movement outside, so it showed that he was single this time, as long as he put off the time until dawn.

When someone comes, it's estimated that dusk will find a chance to run away, so she doesn't take time to smear on her face, and it can't make the cloud master impatient. If he is in a bad mood, it won't be good to snap dusk on the spot.

However, Qin Lengshuang thinks it's inconceivable that Dushi is still trembling, because with her understanding of Lord Yun, he can't be so patient with others, especially the attitude that Dushi talks to him is absolutely not good.

If other people use this kind of attitude to master Yun, they will be different. But Qin Lengshuang only dares to open her eyes and make a little noise. In front of master Yun, what she can do is to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible.

In order to avoid getting into a hot spot, Dushi is trying to figure out what to do while removing her make-up. She should not only think about how to save others, but also how to save herself. Fortunately, Lord Yun didn't urge her, just staring at her make-up removal.

Even so, it's enough to make Dushi shudder. It took her half an hour to take off her make-up, revealing her face, which is naturally carved with clear water. The beauty of Dushi is needless to say, there is a kind of soul catching beauty.

After seeing the face of dusk evening, master Yun gave a slight smile, then stared at dusk evening and said, "it's really you. Your appearance didn't disappoint me."

After hearing this, Mu Xi's heart is a clatter. She has never had any contact with this cloud Lord before. If you have to say so, it's that Mu Xi has destroyed his plans many times. Even if it's a feud, they haven't met.

So dusk asked cautiously, "have we met before? With your handsome appearance, if I have seen you, I will never forget it. "

Twilight night do not know how to do, began to flatter, in short, praise people certainly can not be wrong. Sure enough, the radian of the corner of cloud's mouth went up even more. He looked at dusk and said, "you haven't seen me, but I've heard of you. You've ruined my plan. Some people say you're a beautiful woman."

Everything you have done is bound to leave some clues. Although you feel that you have done it perfectly at dusk, there are always some missing fish. Just talk about Lushui village, one of the villagers has seen her, let alone other places.

Master Yun was a little bit close to dusk. He seemed to be very obsessed with this face. He said slowly, "your beauty really lived up to my expectation..."

As he approached, there was no way out for Dushi. He reached out and pinched Dushi's chin, and then said, "you should be the saint of the blood flame hall. The position of the talented alchemy girl is none other than you... You can untie my poison and have such beautiful appearance. The title of the saint really deserves it."

Qin Lengshuang starts to shiver when she hears the words. She is afraid, because her name in Xueyan hall is saint. But she has never been admitted by Lord Yun. It's just that other people in Xueyan hall call her. Now Lord Yun is at dusk.

On behalf of her saint's position is not protected, it has become a useless chess piece. The cloud adult suddenly used the hand to encircle the waist of the evening night, then turn to Qin Lengshuang to say: "go, return to the blood flame hall."

In an instant, they leave the prison at a very fast speed. Mu Xi is very dissatisfied with the hand of Lord Yun around her waist. If Bai Li Fen Jin knows, she will definitely eat the vinegar again. No, this time, it's not the vinegar, but the evidence.

Dusk Xi took a look at the situation outside. It is estimated that there will be a period of time before dawn. Seeing this, master Yun said: "don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Even if you wait until dawn, I will easily bring you back to the blood flame hall."

The thought in dusk night's heart was seen through, but she was still calm on the surface. She pointed to the hand that Lord Yun put on her waist and said, "excuse me, can you put your hand down? If I follow you, I don't have to. Besides, even if I run away, you will still catch me with your strength, won't you? "

Mr. Yun didn't release his hand, but stared at dusk and said, "I heard that a man who is close to you has been with you all the time? What's your relationship with him? "

This question suddenly makes Mu Xi feel dangerous. She has a premonition that if she says the identity of Bai Li Fen Jin, the man in front of her will never let Bai Li Fen Jin go. With Bai Li Fen Jin's current strength, how can there really be a conflict.

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