It shows that his strength is above strawberry, and maybe far more than strawberry. When the flame of strawberry continues to stop, yunmengyi lifts the invisible shield. He is preparing to teach strawberry a few words, and a figure suddenly appears behind strawberry.

After yunmengyi removes the shield, he attacks him. At dusk, she takes a close look and finds that it's huang'er. She and strawberry have been living in the jade pendant space, and their friendship is also very deep. Now someone bullies strawberry, so of course she has to help strawberry.

She also suddenly spurts out a flame to yunmengyi. Although the flame power of huang'er is not as strong as strawberry, huang'er still stirs up her wings fiercely at the same time, so as to disturb yunmengyi's body shape, but what huang'er expected is that.

Even if yunmengyi is attacked by her, he still blocks the attack. Dushi looks strange. She finds yunmengyi's moves are very special. When huang'er's attack arrives at him, he seems to absorb all huang'er's strength.

Then he gave it all back to huang'er, even more than huang'er's firepower before. Is it hard for him to absorb other people's strength? Just like the star absorbing method in martial arts, Dushi is busy thinking and sighing. Yun Mengyi's attack has come to huang'er.

But one second before he attacked huang'er, he took back the attack, and then said: "you two are the spirit pets of Dushi. I won't hurt you, but... If you are not good enough to attack me rashly, I don't guarantee that I will do anything to you. You know, refining the poison against spirit beast also needs testing, I don't mind thinking of you as part of the test. "

After seeing Yun Mengyi's real skills, strawberry is not as rude as before. However, his hostility to Yun Mengyi can still be seen from his eyes, and strawberry is still in front of dusk, and this time he has a Phoenix.

Yun Mengyi looked at strawberry with great interest and said, "you see, you two can't beat me. You have to protect yourself in front of dusk. Isn't that too much of your ability?"

Strawberry raised his head, squinted at Yun Mengyi and said, "even if you kill us here today, we won't give in! Our mother, we have to protect ourselves

The evening evening hears speech then lightly caresses Huang er's strawberry's head, then soft voice says: "your good intention, mother heart lead, this life can meet with you, is my blessing."

Yun Mengyi, standing on one side, can't help admiring the sight. He doesn't know whether he is envious of strawberry and huang'er, having a mother like Dushi, or whether he is envious of Dushi's having two spirit beasts who are so affectionate and righteous. The relationship between them has surpassed the common master servant relationship.

For Yun Mengyi, he doesn't have these two things, so he is very eager. Maybe he has the characteristics of his desire in Mu Xi, so he is interested in Mu Xi and has to be patient with her. He coughed and said, "you don't have to be afraid of me. I'll leave now. You two little guys don't have to worry. I don't want your life."

Then yunmengyi left the study where she lived freely. With such a disturbance, she even lost her mind to sleep, so she began to read medical books again. During the whole process, the snake and strawberry were either in her hands or in her arms.

After all, it can only be regarded as a strategy to slow down the attack. It can't really remove the poison. But now Dushi doesn't want to remove the poison at all. It can not only prevent yunmengyi, but also enhance the strength of snow mountain snake and strawberry.

This kind of poison is good for Dushi. She will wake up when she thinks about it. When she got up, she found the congregation of Xueyan hall. When she walked out of the room, she saw Chunhua and Xiaolian who were also watching.

Dusk night doubts to spring flower say: "this is what? Such a big battle. "

Spring flower also has doubt of put to put to put a head to say: "I also don't know, it is said that is to crusade Chu family, but I remember blood flame hall and Chu family have no deep hatred, how suddenly overnight will Crusade Chu family?"

As soon as she pats her forehead, how can she forget this stubble? Fortunately, when she gets the news, her first reaction is to inform Baili Zhenjin. They must have moved to a safe place now. After seeing the camp of Xueyan hall, it seems that yunmengyi pays much attention to this matter.

Xiaolian saw that dusk night's face was red and white for a while, so she carefully asked: "Miss, does the attack of Xueyan hall against Chu family have something to do with you?"

Twilight night helplessly nodded, and then asked: "where is your master now?"

Xiaolian thought for a while, and then said: "it seems that the leader of the hall is going to go to the Chu family with the crusading team. Now he should be in front of the team."

Smell speech evening in the heart is a palpitation, she clearly remember cloud dream Yi yesterday said to leave this task to the Dharma protector can, why does he want to go in person today? What did he guess? Twilight suddenly remembered that he said he would use his own way to catch twilight's fiance.

Besides, Qin Lengshuang is a time bomb beside her. In case she leaks some news to Yun Mengyi, it's impossible for Bai Lifen Jin to move anywhere. Thinking of this, she runs to the front of the team, but she can't overreact.

It's easy for yunmengyi to catch the horse's feet, so she calms down, and then slows down her pace, as if walking in a leisurely court. She slowly pretends not to care and walks to the front of the team. Sure enough, she sees yunmengyi waiting for the horse.

She pretended to be curious, blinked and said, "what are you going to do?"

Dusk night this expression can be said to be kill skill, the whole person appears pretty lovely, let a person want to kiss Fangze. So cloud dream Yi is to stir up a smile to look at dusk Xi to say: "for you to crusade Chu family."

At dusk, he smelled the words and looked at Yun Mengyi with a look of surprise. Then he turned around and said, "ah, you're going to attack the Chu family yourself. I wanted to ask you about alchemy and poison today. But since you're not free, I don't care..."

The performance of dusk evening is just at the right time, which not only makes Yun Mengyi feel sad, but also makes him feel lovely. Seeing this, Yun Mengyi immediately gets down from the horse, and then quickly catches up with the angle of dusk evening's departure. He stops dusk evening, picks his eyebrows and says, "do you really want to discuss the alchemy and poison making with me today?"

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