Yun Mengyi snorted and said, "what does the Chu family care about them? Of course, it's related to them. The Chu family is located in the inner part of tianchu city. How can they have nothing to do with each other? "

Twilight night helplessly shakes her head, she knows that she and cloud dream Yi are completely can't talk together, so she simply said directly: "they have a relationship, I don't know, I don't want to know, now I just want you to take out the antidote, cure them."

Cloud dream Yi half slants a head, very interesting looking at dusk Xi to say: "cure them? Did I hear you right? Do you know that my Xueyan hall never cures diseases and saves people, and there is no one living in the transit of Xueyan hall. How can I save people easily? "

At dusk, she just gives him a cold look, and then goes to see the poisoned people in tianchu city. Since yunmengyi doesn't give the antidote, she must be able to refine it by her own research on the poison. She went straight to a fallen citizen in the city.

It seems that his symptoms are not very serious. His eyes are blue and his throat is crying. Fortunately, his life is still there. Dushi carefully investigates his condition. Sure enough, this method of poisoning is very similar to the one she studied before.

Yunmengyi, who is now following her, sees the patient's appearance in the evening and thinks that he is following her. He is very interested in the medicine and poison techniques of the evening. Now he has a chance to see them with his own eyes.

He came to dusk's side, raised his lips slightly and said, "this is my new poison. How about it? Is it different from before? This time I came to tianchu city to test my new poison. "

After all, he can see with his own eyes the appearance of the antidote, whether it is solved or not, he feels happy.

At this moment, she has no time to take care of the situation nearby. She seems to be back to the time when she used to detoxify the zombies in Lvshui village. But last time, it took her a few days to detoxify, but she can guarantee that yunmengyi will never give her so much time to detoxify.

So her pressure is greater than before, and the time she spent must be less than last time. She took out her own tools for extracting toxins, and put all the medical equipment and test tubes aside. These tools surprised Yun Mengyi.

Let alone him. No one in the world has ever seen the antidote tools of twilight. It's a custom-made one made by her. She's the only one. Yunmengyi looks at these tools curiously. He thinks it's simple and easy to use.

But he couldn't find the way, but it seemed much more convenient than his utensils, and he didn't want to disturb dusk, so he just looked at them quietly and curiously, and thought about the specific use of these utensils. As time goes by, more and more people are poisoned in the city.

There are some clues about the detoxification of dusk night. Yunmengyi is still happy to follow him. At this time, a figure flashes around him in a hurry and reports respectfully to him: "hall leader, someone in the Chu family is very difficult to deal with... We... Can't deal with it."

Cloud dream Yi smell speech again became a cold bloodthirsty appearance, he slightly narrowed his eyes, coldly glanced at the figure and said: "isn't the Dharma protector coming? Is he so useless? "

The man shrunk and trembled and said, "yes... The opponent seems very strong..."

Yun Mengyi's prestige in the Xueyan hall can be said to be indisputable. He is like a dark cloud on the top of the heads of all the people in the Xueyan hall. If he is careless, it may cause a storm, or even lightning. Everyone in the Xueyan hall is trembling when they see him, including Qin Lengshuang.

Cloud dream Yi snorted lightly, that person is fierce a shiver, cloud dream Yi sees this then turn round to dusk Xi to say: "darling, you are here detoxification, I go to come."

But dusk doesn't respond, but yunmengyi is not annoyed. After a deep look at dusk, he calls Xueling eagle to the Chu family. After all, he knows that dusk is devoted to detoxification, and he can only comfort himself.

To tell you the truth, Dushi heard it, but he didn't want to respond to it. He didn't even lift his head. After riding on the snow ridge eagle, yunmengyi glanced down and shot a silver needle from his sleeve, which immediately penetrated the informer's head.

When he saw yunmengyi on the snow ridge eagle, he thought he had escaped, but he didn't think that he was killed by yunmengyi when he was most at ease. He really couldn't sleep in peace. He fell to the ground heavily.

This movement startles the Dushi who is detoxifying. At a glance, she knows that this is yunmengyi's masterpiece. Seeing this, her eyebrows can't help locking. Yunmengyi always regards other people as cud dogs that can be killed at any time.

Everything depends on his mood. I don't know how long I can live in such a day, but now she can only wait for the news of Bai Li Fen Jin. With her current strength, how can she escape from yunmengyi's palm? Thinking of this, she patted herself on the head.

Now the best thing for her is to do a good job in front of her. Solving the poison is the key. Otherwise, many innocent people will die in tianchu city. The poison used by Xueyan hall is spread by smell. It was put into tianchu city by the previous people and horses. It won't take long for the whole city to be poisoned unconsciously.

It has to be said that yunmengyi's level of refining poisons is indeed superb. Even if the poisons are spread by smell, he also controls the scope in tianchu city. The most difficult thing to refine poisons is to control the lethality. There is no doubt that yunmengyi has done a very good job.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly jumps into Dushi's mind. Since the poison is spread by smell, why did she and Yun Mengyi stay in tianchu city for so long, and there was no sign of poisoning, and they didn't take any antidote.

The only explanation is that the things in the evening can resist this poison, but Yun Mengyi has never told her. The evening closes her eyes and ponders for a while. If she can figure out the way of thinking, it will be of great help to refine the antidote.

All of a sudden, a gust of something or nothing spread to the tip of the nose of Dushi. She opened her eyes and said with a smile: "I know! That's the taste

From the first time she entered the Xueyan hall, she found that there was a special smell in it. Before Qin Lengshuang, she had smelled a similar smell, but the intensity was different.

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