He gently smoothed the frown of dusk evening, and then firmly held dusk evening in his arms, whispered: "darling, as long as you are obedient, I won't do anything to you, just that is just a small lesson, you must not pay attention to it."

Let go of the dusk night in the head of a heavy, suddenly and by cloud dream Yi embrace in the arms, his body that is both dangerous and tempting deep taste suddenly rushed into the dusk night's nose, dusk night's head suddenly sober half.

Sure enough, it's a magical and dangerous smell, but Dushi still doesn't dare to act rashly now. Fortunately, she didn't run away just now, otherwise she would be dead as Yun Mengyi said.

Just before dusk, the elder said to Yun Mengyi, "young man, I find that you are different from others. What's the taste of you? Does it have something to do with your strength? With the help of it, maybe I can go to the fascinating position above. You can help me, an old man who lives half a life in the coffin, and you can be regarded as a merit. "

Then the elder is ready to launch a fatal attack on Yun Mengyi. In the elder's eyes, Yun Mengyi is the leader of Xueyan hall. It's a heinous existence. Even if he killed it himself, he won't feel guilty.

But the next thing instantly made him silly, he didn't even see how the specific situation happened, he had been bloody lying in the ground, in the moment he started yunmengyi, yunmengyi suddenly appeared a butterfly with red light.

It was a dreamlike beautiful scene. The moment the butterfly appeared, the boundary where elder and Yun Mengyi were was turned into blood. The butterfly with red light waved its huge wings through elder's body.

There was no trace left. Even the elder himself didn't notice anything unusual. But after the blood Butterfly passed through the elder, his whole body was in blood. He lay on the ground without any sign of survival.

The blood Butterfly is still flying above his body, as if holding a special ceremony. The whole picture looks very strange, as if it is in hell, and as if it is just a spring with birds singing and flowers fragrance.

Yun Mengyi looked at the scene in front of him. He slowly stretched out his palm and bit his index finger with his teeth. Suddenly, the blood overflowed. The blood Butterfly seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance and flapped its two beautiful wings.

Slowly and leisurely towards yunmengyi, until yunmengyi meets the blood from his fingertips, the blood Butterfly disappears in a moment, but in a moment, a butterfly appears on the back of yunmengyi's hand.

It's like a tattoo, but the color of the butterfly is extremely red, especially under the white skin of yunmengyi, it looks more blood red, showing a strange beauty, and the next scene is even more strange.

The butterfly moved for a while, and even began to fly quickly on Yun Mengyi's skin, and quickly hid behind Yun Mengyi's clothes. After the return of blood Butterfly, Yun Mengyi crunched his neck, and began to make a sound everywhere.

Until finally, as if the ceremony had been completed, he sighed with satisfaction. His strength has been further improved, and he has become the same strength level as the elder. With this blood Butterfly, yunmengyi has come to this day step by step.

It was a man who had just stepped into the Ninth level of xuanzun who had been absorbed by the blood Butterfly before, so the level of Yun Mengyi's strength was still quite different from that of the elder. But this time, he absorbed the strength of the elder.

Now, he is just wearing the skin of yunmengyi. He smiles with satisfaction and says in a low voice: "the strength of this old guy is not bad. I use it very easily."

After the battle, he looked around, but he didn't see the shadow of twilight. In an instant, a fire broke out in his heart. Fortunately, when he returned to tianchu City, he saw twilight, and now it was in his arms.

Dusk night carefully pushed him away, and asked: "what happened to the man you were fighting with just now?"

Smell speech, cloud dream Yi doesn't care of to lift up a smile to say: "he ah, died... Or say, changed another way to exist."

In this regard, Dushi slowly closed her eyes and expressed her silence to the elder. In fact, when she heard yunmengyi's voice just now, she had a bad premonition. In other words, when the elder and yunmengyi dueled, she had a kind of uneasy mood in her heart.

At this moment, it was confirmed. Seeing that dusk was no longer talking, yunmengyi said, "let's go back."

Twilight night gently shook his head, said: "no, I also want to put the day Chu City of these people in the poison to the solution."

However, yunmengyi obviously didn't give Dushi the chance to refuse. He summoned the snow ridge eagle and took Dushi to the eagle's back. In an instant, the snow ridge Eagle began to return. Yunmengyi said: "let the rest of the people do those things. If you are interested in detoxification, it's the same to go back to research and develop, and there are more poisons for you to study."

Riding on the eagle's back, Dushi looked at Yun Mengyi discontentedly and said, "the people of the Muling clan have not come back yet. I have to wait for them here."

Cloud dream Yi saw dusk Xi long time, this just say: "good, that I accompany you to wait here."

Although she doesn't want to, it's true that in the current situation, she'd better not irritate yunmengyi too much, so she's developing antidotes while waiting for the whereabouts of the Muling clan, and now yunmengyi is around.

The taste of him is stronger, at least it can give Dushi a research direction. However, after a long time, little green man came back with the rest of the Muling people. After this revenge trip of Chu family, the number of Muling people left is much less than before.

But now each of the remaining Muling people has a proud smile on their face, which declares their victory. The little green man standing in the front of the team respectfully comes towards dusk, and then kneels down to her solemnly and says, "master, I Muling people live up to your expectations!"

Smell speech, dusk evening also raises bright smile to say: "it is you to live up to your expectation."

Dushi looks at the proud Muling people. She can't help feeling a lot. Chun entrusts the whole Muling people to her.

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