At this time, Mu Xi, who wants to send Qin Lengshuang to the position of Saint, suddenly reacts. It seems that she is going to use the beauty trick to yunmengyi. At this time, she mourns for Baili burning Jin for a second. She is not betraying, but learning and using.

So Dushi frowned slightly, pursed his mouth, stamped his foot and said angrily to yunmengyi: "yes, I'm just not happy. Who let you leave me for two months suddenly and didn't say a word? Besides, you shut me up and didn't let me out. How can you make me happy? Hum! I don't care about you. "

When he said this, there was a chill in Dushi's heart. Even to Bai Li Fen Jin, she had never said anything so coquettish and angry. Yun Mengyi's heart at the moment was full of emotions. This was the first time that he was complained that he was so happy.

The smile on his face is more and more, and the radian of his mouth is more and more big. Yunmengyi's feet are soft towards dusk, and he is ready to comfort Dusk's shoulder with his hand. However, dusk is very proud to change the direction, which makes yunmengyi unable to laugh or cry.

But now in his heart, it's as sweet as honey. He put down his hand and said to Dushi with a smile, "then what do you say I should do to make you forgive me? Why would you care for me? "

At this time, dusk night just looked back at him and said, "after that, as long as you listen to me, I will forgive you, or I will ignore you."

Yun Mengyi has always been an extremely vicious person, but in the face of Dushi's "Jiao Di Di" appearance, he really has no choice but to promise: "OK, I promise you, as long as it's not a big deal in the future, I will listen to you."

Dusk Xi raised a smile and said, "it's almost the same."

For Mu Xi, it's just acting on occasion. If it's really her temperament, she'll have to listen to everything. But now she doesn't know that she's used to Bai Li Fen Jin, and few people can bear her temper.

Even Qin Qingyun, as his cousin, sometimes can't bear his bad temper. However, Yun Mengyi is happy. He thinks that he has accepted him. It seems that people should get along with each other more and get along with each other over time.

However, yunmengyi completely ignores that he has been closed for the past two months and has not been able to get along with Dushi at all. At dusk, there are some people who don't talk to Yun Mengyi, and Yun Mengyi is happy to see that Yun Mengyi is in such a good mood.

Twilight night then tentatively asked: "why do you want me to be the saint of your blood flame hall?"

Cloud dream Yi lips Cape slightly hook up a radian to say: "become a saint to represent to become the woman of the blood flame hall Lord, namely my woman."

When Yun Mengyi said this, his eyes were always burning at dusk, and dusk also met his eyes and said, "is that the master's wife? Since I have promised to be your master's wife, why should I be a saint? Oh, I see! Is it because there are many people to do the position of Saint? You are just choosing a woman for yourself

Hearing the words, Yun Mengyi quickly explained: "there is only one position for the saint. You... No, what did you say just now? You said you promised to be my master's wife? "

There is a strong expectation in the eyes of yunmengyi, but she still doesn't understand the amorous feelings and said: "if you don't explain the saint to me, I won't answer the question of the Lord's wife!"

Dusk night Ao Jiao small expression let cloud dream Yi some flustered, he quickly explained: "no, no, there is only one saint's position, really only one."

At dusk, he put his hands around his chest, waved his head and said, "I don't believe it. If you are in a good mood one day, or if you fall in love with a little girl from another family, you may be on a whim and set up a new saint

Cloud dream Yi smell speech is helplessly looking at dusk Xi to say: "that good, that you say how to do?"

At this moment, Muxi dares to be so presumptuous is to take advantage of yunmengyi's good mood. A man like him can only follow Mao's direction. Muxi clears his throat, thinks for a while, and says, "well, the position of the saint should be separated from that of the master's wife. In the future, someone can be a saint, but it's not the same as becoming your woman, There is only one lady. If you are a saint, you can choose whatever you want. "

To his surprise, Yun Mengyi immediately agreed, so she took advantage of the victory and said, "do you know that Qin Lengshuang and I have some origins? Didn't you meet her because I saved her in Chu's prison? So you can make her a saint. I know you have no interest in her, so I can rest assured. "

Cloud dream Yi smell speech obedient say: "good good good, you say what I promise, this is OK?"? Can we get ready for our wedding ceremony now? "

The task of sending Qin Lengshuang to the throne of saint is too simple, which makes Dushi feel embarrassed. However, she didn't expect Yun Mengyi to be so worried, so she asked with a smile: "are you ready now? Can it be too fast? I'm not ready yet. "

But cloud dream Yi at this time appears to be very firm to say: "since you have promised to be my hall leader's wife, what else do you need to prepare?"? Needless to say, I'll start preparing now, and you'll be waiting to attend our wedding. "

Then he laughs and goes out of the room. It must be to prepare for the wedding. Yunmengyi does it in person, which means that he attaches great importance to the wedding, and Dushi's escape plan has to be put on the agenda immediately. It has to be said that yunmengyi is very careful.

In the wedding ceremony, he did not forget to set Qin Lengshuang as the saint. After all, this is the requirement of Muxi. At this time, Muxi has begun to plan time to escape. She must find a perfect time.

Yun Mengyi and others in Xueyan hall can't find out that they keep in touch with Zuo Dharma protector all the time. They all decide to act in the middle of the night, and what she worries about most is Yun Mengyi, because Yun Mengyi is sleeping in the same room with her, but she doesn't sleep in the same bed.

Just in case, she also plans to give yunmengyi some sweat medicine, but this medicine must have a full effect. On the one hand, she repeatedly emphasizes to the small medicine and green people in the space that they can not be noticed by yunmengyi, but also numb him. Now, small cases like sweat medicine are operated by small medicine.

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