The evening evening smell speech then surprise of looking at a hundred Li burn Jin, see the evening evening after the expression, he more get se of looking at her to say: "Niang son, I fierce not fierce?"? When you get to the temple, you can be my wife. I will never let anyone bully you. "

The evening evening smell speech then pick eyebrow to have interest of looking at hundred Li burn Jin to say: "I see is not you fierce, is small medicine fierce just right?"? But for his help, would you be able to reach this level now? "

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the twilight wrongly and looked down like a pitiful dog. He glanced at his mouth and said, "how can you say that to me... If it wasn't for coming down from the temple to accompany you, I could get rid of the Xueyan hall with one finger now..."

The evening evening smell speech then pick eyebrow to look at him to say: "words can make clear, is you are willing to come down to accompany me, now can't push the pot all on me."

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the evening with a smile and said, "yes, I took the initiative to accompany you. I can't do without you. For you, let me do anything."

Twilight night gently pinched Bai Li Fen Jin's ear, and then said: "well, now don't be poor, have to save my mother, you pay attention to parents' orders, matchmaker's words, she is not satisfied with you, now don't know."

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech then serious point to nod to say: "Niang son rest assured, I certainly can behave well in front of Niang mother!"

Dusk Xi can't laugh or cry to see a hundred Li burn Jin one eye, now haven't passed the door, he so initiative of start to call mother to come. Dusk night and hundred Li burn Jin rushed to the reception hall, and Yulan has called all the people together.

The whole living room was full of people from the twilight camp. As soon as he saw twilight and Baili Huojin, Yulan immediately said, "Xueyan hall has sent almost all the people to search for my sister this time. According to my research on the strength of Xueyan Hall these days, yunmengyi's strength is xuanzun level 9, and there are 20 xuanzun's strength under him, while there are 100 people above shangzun's strength, And their eyeliner is even more numerous, and their strength should not be underestimated. "

Hearing this, the whole living room fell into a silence. After a long time, liuge'er said in disbelief: "this is too exaggerated, isn't it?"?! Is the strength of Xueyan hall so strong? Up to now, my strength has just reached the third level of Zun, let alone xuanzun.... "

With these words, the atmosphere of the whole living room is even more depressed, because there is no xuanzun in this camp except Baili Huojin and Yulan. As the third strongest person in the camp, the current strength is just taizun level 8.

Not to mention other people, but Yulan said with a smile: "but we don't have to worry about it. I counted the people who burned the palace. There are at least 50 people above xuanzun. We still have an absolute chance of winning."

Hearing the words, Liu Ge'er was relieved, pointed to Yu Lan and said, "well, you've learned to play tricks now, but you've just been the leader of the burning silence palace for a few days, and you've put on enough airs."

Other people are also relieved, and standing on one side of the bamboo green also hastily reported: "so far, all the people and horses in the burning Palace are above xuanzun's strength, there is no other strength, and now, there are 70 people and horses at the disposal of the burning palace."

Bai Li Fen Jin said to Zhu Qing after hearing the speech: "the lady's business is the most important thing. It doesn't matter whether it can be controlled or not. All the people can be transferred by her."

Zhu Qing knelt down quickly and said, "it's my subordinate's negligence. If so, you can transfer just 100 people."

When Lin Shuyu heard the conversation between them, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "as far as your lineup is concerned, it's no wonder that burning silence palace is the most powerful existence in the three aspects, but in this way... We don't have to go. We just go for soy sauce."

Qinqingyun smell speech then patted his shoulder said: "children, you don't so pessimistic, at least we can go to support a scene to gather a few."

After straightening out the good horse, dusk evening said to the crowd: "this time, I owe you. Thank you for being so devoted to my business. I'm here to thank you all."

Qin Ying, Qin Qingyun and Liu Ge'er said to the dusk with a smile: "how can you owe us this? Your mother is your grandfather's daughter, your elder brother's sister-in-law's aunt. We should go with you. "

Feng Qingyue, Feng Jianxiong and Lin Shuyu also stand together. Lin Shuyu looks at her and says, "dusk, it's not meaningful for you to say that. We are going to experience with you. We are brothers, so we should be in trouble together."

Chu Tianrun and five elders also said: "we go to revenge for the elder. You don't have pressure. Let me accompany you."

Looking at the lineup in front of her, she can't help but feel a little moved. Some of them are because of their blood and family, some are because of their deep friendship. No matter what kind they are, they make her very grateful. She can see Bai Li Fen Jin and Yu Lan around her.

For them, twilight doesn't need to say much at all, especially Bai Li Fen Jin, who is her man and must experience ups and downs with her. Being favored by him in this life is the happiest and luckiest thing for twilight.

Hundred Li burn Jin affectionate looking at the evening, gently gather in her ear, said: "for you, I'm willing to do anything."

Then he gave an order to the team, and Ma Sen, a hundred odd people from the burning palace, said: "yes!" The whole team started in an instant, and the people on this side of dusk night summoned their own flying beast. Dusk night should be sitting with Bai Li Fen Jin.

They ride a majestic black dragon under them. Together with Bai Li Fen Jin, they instantly set off the dusk and dusk with extraordinary brilliance and power. The whole person exudes the taste of keeping strangers away and imposing. Qin Qingyun summons the white dragon.

A black dragon and a white dragon fly in the sky, forming a spectacle, followed by the people and horses of the burning palace. They all have their own special mounts. They are all black and sharp black eagles, forming a majestic team.

All the places where the troops pass through are dark, like dark clouds covering the sun, which brings people a great sense of oppression. As long as people on land look up, they can see the two dragons in the air, which undoubtedly means that something big will happen.

This is the first time to go to the battle. I asked the principle before.

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