Dusk Xi doesn't care about the poison. Liuge'er takes this woman by the hand. After she falls to the ground, she falls to the ground and slowly turns into a pool of green water with strong toxicity. Dusk Xi grabs Qin Lengshuang and says, "where are you hiding my mother?"

Qin Lengshuang didn't answer the question of Dushi, but looked at her with a smile and said, "don't worry about this. Do you know what poison you just got? It took yunmengyi a lifetime to develop the poison. I spent a lot of time to get it. As long as you get this poison, you will be dead. Qin Muxi, you can't live today! "

Wen Yan Qin Qingyun and Qin Ying both let go of Qin Lengshuang, anxiously looking at dusk and saying, "dusk, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort? "

Liuge'er looks at Qin Lengshuang with disdain, and then says: "cut, you can talk nonsense, Dushi is so powerful, no matter what kind of poison antidote can be refined, you say you can poison Dushi, I don't believe it!"

Qin Lengshuang did not explain, but looked at the dusk and said faintly: "your feelings are most clear to you. Do you feel a chill from your arms all over your body now? If you don't believe it, you can look at her arm. There will be a green line. As long as the line reaches the heart, she will turn into a pool of green water just like that person

Then Qin Lengshuang slowly walks into the twilight and raises her arm to reveal the green line. At this time, the green line has reached the position of the middle joint of the arm. There is still a little distance to reach the position of the heart of twilight.

Qin Lengshuang looks at the result with satisfaction, but to everyone's surprise, she leaves tears. Then she grabs Muxi's hand and draws a bloodstain on her arm with Muxi's nails. Everyone present is surprised to see this scene.

Qin Lengshuang, including Dushi, felt inconceivable. She laughed and shed tears. She gently stroked Dushi's face with her hand and said, "you don't have to guess anymore. When your mother was in prison, she was tortured by yunmengyi. Now she's dead. Don't show such an expression. You should have guessed when you see that the person is not your mother. You know what? If you don't show up, it would be nice. I'm still the daughter of the Qin family. I have a father, a mother and a sister. Now, I have nothing. The reason why I live to the present is that I want to let you die. I want to see that you have no father or mother like me. Now that you are going to die, I have no meaning to live. "

Qin Lengshuang looks up at the green line on her arm with a smile. At this time, she has lost her usual anger and madness. She takes a deep look at Dushi and says to Dushi calmly: "I know that no one will care about me after I die, but when you die, there will be many people who will care about you. I don't ask for more. I will die with you, I wish I could share those with you. "

Then she slowly closed her eyes and muttered: "Qin Muxi, you don't want to leave me in the next life..."

At this time, dusk night's consciousness is not clear. She feels that her eyelids are too heavy to open. Qin Qingyun quickly holds her aside and says with tears: "dusk night, little sister! You hold on! Do hold on! You haven't got married, you haven't met your mother yet! How many people will be sad when you die

At this time, liuge'er also realizes that Dushi may really die this time. She covers her mouth and doesn't dare to cry. Qin Ying also looks at Dushi slowly closing her eyes in amazement, just as they leave that position.

Qin Lengshuang, who had been lying there, suddenly turned into a pool of green water. She didn't even leave her body. Liuge'er couldn't bear to see such a scene any longer. She was afraid that Dushi would die, and she was even more afraid that Dushi would die in such a way that she didn't leave anything.

She cried hoarsely, "don't die, twilight! You promised to take me to the temple. You said you were waiting to see your little niece... "

Liuge'er's cry is particularly harsh in the blood flame hall. Anyone can hear the sense of despair and pain. Everyone in the battle stops and looks at the people in the twilight camp, especially the people in the twilight camp.

As soon as I hear the name of Dushi, I feel very sensitive. Everyone sees that Dushi is lying quietly in Qin Qingyun's arms, without a trace of vitality. And the expressions of the three people around Dushi are a sign of something bad.

This scene stabbed into Yulan's heart. There was no expression on his face, but the tears flowed down uncontrollably. His lips muttered: "deceiving... How could my sister die..." Yulan walked slowly towards dusk with heavy steps, He managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "sister, are you kidding me or not? My sister loves joking most. She was joking with me just now..."

Yulan slowly walked to the dusk night in front of her, she lay in Qin Qingyun arms look very peaceful, as if asleep in general, Yulan gently shook the dusk night's arm, said with a smile: "sister, you didn't say you want to find a daughter-in-law for me, now I promise you... You get up quickly, you don't say you want to personally pass the goal!"

Yulan says more and more excited, until finally he shakes the range of dusk night is more and more big, but dusk night is not half to wake up symptoms, but showed her blue fingertips, and arm prominent green line, see that green line, Yulan can no longer control their emotions.

Clenching his hands into a fist, he turned around and stared at the people on the scene, then said word by word: "people in the blood flame hall! I won't let go of any of them

Then he burned his own blood essence, and Shengsheng raised his strength a few steps. As long as he made a move, it was no small scale. At this time, Yulan was just like a little devil, and his blood red eyes were full of hatred.

And the movement here has finally attracted the attention of Bai Li Fen Jin. He and Yun Mengyi are fighting in mid air, and suddenly use Yu Guang to aim at Yu Lan who is in a violent state. At this time, there is something wrong in his heart, so he looks down.

Then he saw a place where many people gathered. After a careful look, he found that they were all from the twilight camp. At this time, Bai Li Fen Jin suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

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