There was a figure in it, but she was also in a mess. She couldn't see who it was. However, liuge'er boldly stepped forward and released the man from the shackles of the prison, revealing her face.

Seeing that face, Qin Ying could not help but burst into tears. This is his daughter who has been separated for more than 20 years. I didn't expect that the first time we met many years later, it would be such a scene that none of the Qin family here expected.

Qin Ying couldn't help calling her name, but it didn't recover. Qin Ying couldn't help choking and said: "daughter, I'm sorry for you... Now your daughter's life and death are uncertain, and you are like this. I didn't fulfill the responsibility of a father and grandfather..."

The pathetic cry affected the hearts of all the people present. The five elders quickly came forward and said, "I learned some medical skills when I was in the Chu family. I think she was seriously injured. I'd better take a look for her first. Now I can only live as a dead horse doctor."

Qinying smell speech quickly give five elder give up a position, Yulan and others also took out some pills from the arms, said: "these pills are usually given to us by my sister, healing effect is very good, you see which use on all use it."

Five elders smell speech quickly took these pills, as long as it is from the evening of the pill, he is at ease, after all, he is the person who has seen the evening of alchemy technology, he gave the evening of the mother made some simple bandage, and then gave her some pills.

With a sigh, he said, "the next fate depends on her. It's not easy for her to live to the present. Fortunately, I find that she has a strong belief in living. It's a good thing. Maybe she's also waiting to see twilight."

Five elder's words can be regarded as the point. The reason why Qin Qionghua has been able to survive until now is to wait for her to recognize Mu Xi. However, their mother and daughter feel the same way, because Mu Xi is also fighting against the poison in her body.

Even though she was in pain on the bed, many pictures appeared in her mind, such as the scene of her meeting her mother, which was her deepest desire in modern times, and the scene of her marrying Bai Li Fen Jin. She knew that the man loved her as much as he could.

If she's gone, Bai Li Fen Jin won't live alone. Isn't she harming the temple for nothing? It's really a sin that she lacks a wise God of war. She thinks a lot about it. Every time she thinks about it, the deeper her belief in living is.

This undoubtedly gave her great strength, and Bai Li Fen Jin was also holding her hands tightly on the head of the bed, and he kept talking with her, even though he knew that dusk night might not hear, but he just wanted to say, as if it was an ancient call.

In the pain, she could vaguely hear Bai Li's burning Jin's voice, which made her heart settle down in an instant. Her calm heart was the strongest enough to support her through the pain. Sure enough, by the end of the night, she no longer showed her painful expression.

Instead of a peaceful face, Bai Li Fen Jin laughs with joy. He raises the arm of Dushi and finds that the green line has disappeared. His heart is finally released.

This time, he confirmed that dusk night is really asleep, he just and clothes, cuddle dusk night fell asleep, his tight nerves can finally put down. However, Qin Qingyun and others in the Xueyan hall are not so easy to fall asleep. Yulan arranges the people and horses of the burning palace to wait at the gate of the Xueyan hall.

Once someone comes in, they will be killed. It's the sin of Xueyan hall. Liuge'er, five elders and Qin Ying are taking good care of Qin Qionghua, while Feng Qingyue, Chu Tianrun and Lin Shuyu are anxiously waiting for the news of dusk.

However, as the time party, Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin fall asleep peacefully in the space. When they fall asleep at dawn the next day, Mu Xi opens her eyes slightly and sees Bai Li Fen Jin looking at her affectionately.

Suddenly her face turned red, biting her lower lip gently, she said to Baili burning Jin, "if you don't sleep well in the morning, what do you think I'll do?"

Bai Li Fen Jin, hearing the speech, looked at the dusk in a soft voice and said, "because the lady is beautiful, I can't see her all my life, but I don't seem to remember what happened last night."

Bai Li Fen Jin deliberately said this to Mu Xi in an ambiguous voice and expression, and showed her half open chest. She almost made Mu Xi think that she ate him last night. She frowned slightly and thought of yesterday. She muttered: "it seems that I was poisoned yesterday, then Qin Lengshuang died in front of me, and I don't remember what happened afterwards..."

Hundred Li burn Jin intentionally curled his mouth, pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "even if you don't remember, remember to be serious and responsible."

Dusk night a listen to this words, in the heart is to clap Deng for a while, difficult not become she last night really to hundred Li burn Jin did what? But why she can't remember anything, Baili burning Jin see Dushi serious thinking appearance, can't help laughing up, said: "well, don't tease you, you were poisoned last night, I took care of you all night, so you say is not responsible for me?"

Evening evening smell speech then impolitely hit hundred Li burn Jin for a while, then pick eyebrow to say: "let you make fun of like this again, say again, you take care of me is not should of affair?"? Why am I responsible for you? I just eat dry and clean, how about that? "

Bai Li Fen Jin pressed the dusk under her body, then bit the tip of her nose and said, "little thing, I won't let you eat dry and go away."

After that, he kisses the cherry lips of dusk evening. He is venting the panic of last night. He is afraid that he will lose dusk evening. Only in this way can he feel the real existence of dusk evening. His action is stronger than before. Dusk evening pushes his chest helplessly.

However, it was soft and had no strength at all. For Bai Li Fen Jin, even tickling was not enough, and dusk Xi didn't take it seriously. Power was Bai Li Fen Jin's problem. Since she couldn't resist, she simply suffered.

When Bai Li Fen Jin is satisfied, she will let her go. After a period of warmth, Bai Li Fen Jin really let her go. However, her lips are as red as cherry, which makes people want to kiss her. Bai Li Fen Jin never has much self-control in the face of dusk.

He thought so and did so, but Dushi quickly blocked his mouth. She always felt that something was not right now. She felt that she was all light.

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